
Chapter 2

After traveling for a few hours, Yuka and Gera finally arrived at Antarctica. Yuka was unaffected by the temperatures and when he made contact with land, his body instinctively began to use his lungs.

'Gera, is there anyway for you to change your size or shape?' Yuka asked and Gera responded by leaping out of the water, exposing her full size. One she reached her maximum height, her body was enveloped in a white light.

Yuka instinctively leaped from the ground to catch Gera, who was now a small child who looked similar to Yuka.

"Papa, we are so high up!" Gera said with a bright smile and Yuka didn't notice that he jumped over 400 feet into the air. Yuka didn't panic as something told him he could survive the fall with ease. Yuka and Gera landed on the ground in a decent sized crater and Gera giggled.

"Papa, that was fun! Again!" Yuka obliged and threw Gera hundreds of feet into the air before he caught her again, "I think that's enough for one day." Yuka laughed.

Gera pouted and decided to be curious about the snow on the ground. She took a large scoop of snow and stuffed it in her mouth before she spit it out, "Yuck..."

Yuka on the other hand looked at the waves crashing on the shore with understanding, "So that's what this feeling is..." he mumbled.

He began to mimic the motion of the waves but soon, the waves began to mimic him. Whenever he would push forward, the waves would push back. Whenever he would pull toward him, the waves would follow. Yuka was controlling water!

Yuka made a sphere of water and began to manipulate it. He made into grow tentacles, turned it into a disc, failed at turning it into a dragon, and then he froze it.

"Incredible..." Yuka was at a loss for words at the discovery of this marvelous ability. Yuka walked towards the sea and the waves split apart for him. Yuka then began to walk on water before he stomped on the sea surface and froze a large area.

Yuka stomped on the frozen ground and created a multitude of large ice spikes. Gera watched the entire thing and began to mimic her father. Yuka was going to explore his powers further, but his ears picked up a heavy movement 2 miles away.

When Yuka sniffed the air in that direction, it smelled like fur, blood, and rage. Yuka frowned as he made his way back to the shore, "Gera, go back in the water for me please? I don't know how strong your human form is."

Gera didn't question Yuka as she could hear the seriousness in her tone, "Okay, papa. But I'll jump out and eat the baddie if you need me to!" Gera said as she gave Yuka a thumbs up.

Yuka laughed, "I hope I won't need it." Moments later, the object of Yuka's concern came into a view. It was a gigantic 15 foot tall polar bear with a huge 'X' scar on its chest.

"ROOOAAARRRR!!!" The polar bear yelled in challenge. Yuka's ears twitched as he frowned, for some reason he actually felt challenged. Yuka felt as if this bear was defying its king, and he wasn't going for that.

"ROOOAARRRRR!!!!" Yuka roared back and it was so powerful it created a gust of wind. The polar bear was stunned before it shook its head and began charging Yuka.

"Fine then, have it your way. Tonight, we will be eating boiled bear." Yuka enveloped the bear in a sphere of water before he began to boil it. The bear roared in agony but Yuka didn't let up. After a few minutes, the bear was cooked.

Yuka released the bear and actually went to go try its meat. Gera soon came out of the water for the same reason. They both took a piece and when they chewed and swallowed, Yuka froze the bear and turned it into ice crystals.



Yuka and Gera could feel their stomachs crying out for food, so Yuka walked toward the shore and raised his arms to the sky. A massive sphere came out of the water and it was jam packed with fish.

"WOOWWWW!!" Gera yelled as her eyes turned into hearts. Yuka gave her a toothy smile and a thumbs up, "Dinner is served milady."

The fishes flopped on the ice and the father-daughter duo began to dig in. Yuka felt zero qualms eating raw fish and his razor-sharp teeth tore through their scales like nothing. After eating a few fish, Yuka noticed his appetite didn't fit the size of his body.

"I've eaten at least 15 pounds of fish, and I'm still starving," Yuka mumbled to himself as he continued to devour the large pile of fish. After hundreds of pounds of fish and a couple hours, Yuka and Gera finally ate their fill.

"Maybe I should catch a whale next time..." Yuka mumbled as he and Gera returned to the turbulent seas.

'What now papa?' Gera askes and Yuka was going to give her answer until they heard a loud roar. This wasn't a regular roar but a cry for help.

'Hold that thought.' Yuka said as he and Gera swam towards the roar. Yuka boosted his swimming speed by propelling himself through the water, similar to how ships use hyperspace.

In a few minutes the duo arrived to the craziest scene ever. A gigantic octopus currently had its tentacles wrapped around a large reptilian creature that looked similar to Godzilla only this one was much smaller.

The Godzilla-like creature made eye contact with Yuka and he heard a voice, 'Please help me!'

The voice sounded like an adolescent boy of around 12 years old. Yuka obliged and decided to help, 'Gera, take care of the big guy for me will ya?'

'On it, papa!' Gera rushed forward and used her enormous size to slam into the octopus, causing it to release the Godzilla-like creature. The creature swam away from the octopus and Yuka smiled.

'If you're going to use water, please don't freeze it, I want to eat calamari,' Yuka asked and Gera listened.

The octopus tried wrapping its tentacles around Gera but was killed with a single water bullet going right between its eyes.

'Gera has saved the day yet again!' Gera shouted while Yuka turned his attention to the Godzilla-like creature.

'Hey, can you hear me?' Yuka asked and the creature nodded, 'Yes I can. Thank you for saving me!'

'Don't worry about it kid. You gotta name or something?' Yuka asked and the creature looked puzzled, 'I don't know what that is. Is that some sort of illness?'

Yuka laughed, 'No, it's how you address someone or something. For instance, my name is Yuka and that monster shark over there is my daughter, Gera.'

The creature's eyes widened, 'YOU TWO ARE RELATED?! Why aren't you a giant shark then?'

Yuka shrugged, 'I actually have no idea. I don't think I would find much joy in being a complete shark anyway. But back to the subject at hand, if you don't have a name how about I give you one then?'

The creature sat in silence for a moment before agreeing, 'Sure, I don't mind.'

Yuka smiled brightly, 'Good! From here on, your name will be Goji!'

Unbeknownst to Yuka, this fateful encounter was the beginning of something marvelous.

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