Let's set aside the various thoughts and considerations for now.
Amidst the misty rain, a lone boat floated by.
Upon the boat, a figure stood as if she were an archer, detached from the world, in white garments surpassing the snow, ethereal like a celestial being!
Though the boat was light, it did not fear the surging waves of the river, gliding through as a butterfly flits among flowers, approaching the grand treasure ship from below.
Subsequently, the woman stepped upon the water as if walking on ripples, rising straight towards the clouds, and lightly landed on the treasure ship.
Atop the treasure ship, several people were awaiting respectfully, with Su Beixuan at their head.
Leading the others, Su Beixuan stepped forward to greet the aloof and indifferent Shi Feixuan with a bowed salute, "We've seen Fairy Shi."
The people behind him followed suit, bowing in unison, "We've seen Fairy Shi!"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: