
Chapter 300 Time to Conduct Some Research_1


The Aerospace Development Committee received the news more than an hour later, and Lin Ju's first reaction was, "How could it be such a coincidence?"

Due to the time difference, it was already past six in the morning on the 23rd in China.

Three days earlier, New Yuan No. 3 had delivered three radiating cabins to the Forward Space Station's three axial compartment locations, and the Pioneer was scheduled to launch with the truss on the 24th for installation work.

With more than 20 hours to go before the launch, the Pioneer had already been mated with the New Yuan-2A modified rocket and could launch once it was fueled.

The Pioneer carrying out the rescue mission would be far more adept than the H1, especially with its 35-meter long and 8.4-meter wide supersize cargo bay.

The Dream Chaser's dimensions are 9 meters in length and 7 meters in width; the Pioneer's cargo bay could fit three Dream Chasers inside...

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