
Chapter 295 Advertisement_1

"SF has received the world's largest transport plane."

"With a month to go before listing, the market valuation is estimated to exceed 250 billion!"

"Wang Wei: The first shipment of An-1250 will randomly include 100 gold-plated commemorative cards."

On January 8th, SF received the third An-1250, which had already been custom-painted with the SF livery, at B-level Base.

Actually, the third An-1250 was ready to leave the factory on December 18th, but SF needed to register the aircraft as a civil cargo plane, rather than with military qualifications like the first two, so the paperwork was more troublesome, and it took several more days to get the B2450 registration number.

In those days, Xinyuan quickly painted the B2450 with the new livery which had taken SF nearly half a year of internal bidding to decide upon, with red, black, and blue colors and an eagle head painted on the nose, making it look particularly imposing.

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