
Chapter 280: "Final Days Part -1"

The last week of term brought unusually pleasant weather to Hogwarts. Golden sunlight bathed the grounds, as if nature itself was trying to make these final days memorable. The aftermath of the third task and Voldemort's return still lingered in the air, but the warmth of early summer helped ease the tension.

For Harry and Fleur, each moment seemed more precious than the last. They had fallen into a comfortable routine, balancing their time between public appearances and private moments. Mornings were spent with their respective friends, maintaining the facade of normal school life. Afternoons often found them by the lake, sometimes studying, sometimes just talking, while evenings were reserved for quiet walks through the castle's less-traveled corridors.

Today, they had claimed their favorite spot under an ancient oak tree near the lake. A subtle cooling charm kept the heat at bay while providing privacy from curious onlookers. Fleur lay with her head in Harry's lap, her silver hair spread out like moonlight on water.

"Tell me again about your summer plans?" she asked, her blue eyes studying his face intently.

Harry's fingers absently played with her silver strands as he replied, "Lessons with Grandfather mostly. Though I expect it won't be particularly enjoyable given the focus on dark magic."

Concern flickered across Fleur's features. "Be careful with that, mon cœur. I have no experience since Papa forbade me from touching it. He said learning those arts puts a terrible strain on one's mental stability."

"I know," Harry assured her, his voice thoughtful yet firm. "But with things as they are, I need to understand what I might face in my fights against dark wizards. I can't afford to be caught off guard by something I don't know how to counter." He smiled slightly, trying to ease her concern. "Don't worry, though. I don't plan on using it—I doubt I have much of an affinity for that sort of magic anyway."

"Just be careful," Fleur insisted, reaching up to touch his cheek, her fingers cool against his skin. "I don't want you to change." She paused before asking, her voice dropping lower, "Any other plans? Like dealing with our newly resurrected dark lord?"coni

Harry's expression turned calculating. "He'll be in hiding for now, rebuilding his forces. No need to waste energy hunting him. I'll leave that to Dumbledore's Order."

"Order?" Fleur's brow furrowed in confusion.

"The Order of Phoenix," Harry explained. "Dumbledore's group from the last war. He'll likely restart it soon to monitor Voldemort's activities."

"So they will handle him?" Fleur sat up, hope brightening her features. "Deal with him before he rebuilds his forces? That way there won't be a war, and you won't need to get involved."

Harry's laugh was tinged with bitterness. "I wish. From what I know of their methods, they'll just watch and wait. That was their pattern in the last war - Death Eaters would attack, the Order would fight defensively, capture them, send them to Azkaban... and then Voldemort would free them. An endless cycle of pointless battles."

"Was it really like that?" Fleur's expression showed her disbelief. "In times of war, they didn't fight to kill?"

"Dumbledore's mind works in peculiar ways," Harry shrugged, though his eyes held a hardness that belied his casual tone. "He's obsessed with preserving the old families, even the evil ones. Always about second chances, third chances, endless chances. It never seems to occur to him that some people don't deserve or want redemption."

"But didn't many ancient families die out in the last war anyway?"

"Exactly. That's why many people consider him an old fool." Harry's voice carried a hint of frustrated amusement. "His methods cost more lives than they saved. Voldemort's forces were built in this very school, and had Dumbledore done something to stop it early or faced him directly, the war might never have gained momentum."

Fleur's fingers intertwined with his. "So you will have to fight the war yourself."

"The order has their uses," Harry mused. "They'll act in the open, draw attention, while I work in the shadows. It suits me well enough." He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Don't worry though - unless I'm certain of success, I won't act. I'll be gathering information for now, using the Order as my unwitting informants."

"It's good that you have everything planned," Fleur's voice softened. "What about us? Do you have plans for that too?"

Harry smiled, pulling her closer. "Those are my favorite plans. Borders won't be an issue - with my new abilities, I can travel between our homes in no time. You'll probably get sick of seeing me so often."

Fleur's eyes sparkled with interest. "Really? What new abilities-"

Before Harry could answer, their moment was interrupted by approaching footsteps. Roger Davies and Cedric Diggory appeared, both wearing identical grins and carrying broomsticks.

"Sorry to interrupt the lovebirds," Roger called out cheerfully, "but we're kidnapping Harry for a bit. Last Quidditch scrimmage before everyone leaves!"

Harry groaned dramatically. "Don't you two have your own dates to bother?"

"Cho's already at the pitch," Cedric replied, grinning. "You're the only one we're waiting for."

"Go," Fleur laughed, giving Harry a playful push. "Show this golden boy what to expect in next year's Quidditch cup."

Cedric's eyes widened. "Wait, what? Harry, are you seriously competing next year?"

"Well," Harry stood, brushing grass from his robes, "there is a Quidditch Cup missing from my list of achievements. Can't graduate without that, can I?"

"As captain of Ravenclaw," Roger declared grandly, "I wholeheartedly approve this plan!"

What started as a simple invitation for a friendly scrimmage quickly evolved into something far more significant. Word spread through the castle like wildfire, and soon students from all three schools were streaming toward the Quidditch pitch. With Beauxbatons and Durmstrang leaving tomorrow, everyone seized the chance for one last memorable experience together.

The impromptu match transformed into an international exhibition game - Hogwarts versus a combined team from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The visiting team was heavily favored, with Viktor Krum as their Seeker, a fact that had several Hogwarts students already placing bets on the final outcome.

The Hogwarts team assembled quickly: Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, and Roger Davies as Chasers, their years of playing together evident in their seamless coordination as they discussed strategy. The Weasley twins took their positions as Beaters, their identical grins promising the kind of chaos only they could deliver. Cedric Diggory, despite his obvious reservations about facing Krum, stepped up as Seeker. Harry, to everyone's surprise and considerable skepticism, took the position of Keeper.

"Keeper? Really?" Roger asked, his eyebrows disappearing into his hairline. "Have never seen you play as a keeper. Are you sure about this? I can convince Cedric to let you be Seeker - everyone wants to see you and Krum go head to head."

Harry shook his head, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "No need. Cedric needs this experience more. Maybe he can pick up something that will help if he wants to play professionally."

Cedric joined their huddle, his face showing both gratitude and concern. "Thanks for this, Harry. But can you handle being goalkeeper? We want to win this match badly, and if that means you need to be Seeker, I can switch."

"How hard can being a goalkeeper be?" Harry replied with a casual confidence that made both his teammates exchange uncertain glances. "I just need to stop the Quaffle from going through the hoops, right? I can manage that."

Despite their doubts, something in Harry's tone convinced them. The team then turned their attention to strategy.

As the stands filled with excited spectators, Harry and his team mounted his broom. This would be more than just a friendly match - it would be a proper sendoff for their international guests.

Above them, the summer sky stretched endlessly blue, perfect conditions for what promised to be an unforgettable game of Quidditch.

Next chapter