
Chapter 198: "Professor Potter"

The day after the Quidditch match, the incident was quickly exposed to the outside world by a Daily Prophet front-page article. It created an uproar in the wizarding world, especially among the parents of Hogwarts students. They were horrified upon hearing what their children had to go through. The public outcry was unanimous: everyone wanted the Dementors out of Hogwarts.

However, Minister Fudge was not budging on his decision. Even if he knew he might have been wrong in placing the Dementors at Hogwarts, he did not want to withdraw them because doing so would mean accepting he had made a mistake in the first place. It would mean he had made a wrong decision that put children in danger, and this would essentially wipe out his chances of re-election and end his political career. This, Harry mused, was the reason most politicians never accept their mistakes and apologize.

With the Minister refusing to withdraw the Dementors entirely, Dumbledore, the DMLE, and other Ministry officials finally got a concession from him to keep the Dementors out of Hogwarts boundaries. The Dementors could still patrol outside Hogwarts wards but under no circumstances could they come inside. Although this was not enough for the parents and others, they had to be satisfied with this compromise for now.

At Hogwarts, everyone was still digesting the events of the Quidditch match. Chocolates became a lifesaver, and students could be seen munching on them as they made their way around classes to alleviate the lingering effects of the Dementors' presence.

One night, as Harry sat around with his friends in an empty class room, Cedric said, "I can't stand those Dementors anymore. Even if they are far away, I still feel the effects. It's like they're sucking all the joy out of everything."

Roger nodded in agreement, his usual cheerful demeanor subdued. "I feel like I can't even remember what being happy feels like."

Reggy, who had been uncharacteristically quiet since the incident, looked up from his textbook. "Harry, how difficult is it to learn the Patronus Charm? I don't want to be as defenseless as I was that night against those creatures."

Everyone turned towards Harry, their eyes filled with a mixture of hope and curiosity, really wanting to know his answer.

Harry considered the question carefully before responding. "It is advanced magic, but I can teach you how to cast a Patronus in a couple of months. However, learning the complex Patronus Charm is the easy part. Casting one successfully when the Dementors are in front of you and all your bad memories are amplified increases the difficulty of the spell many times. All I can do is teach you the charm; the rest is up to you. You will have to overcome that fear on your own."

Arabella, her voice uncharacteristically soft, pleaded, "Something is better than nothing. Please teach us the spell, Harry."

Angelina chimed in, her Gryffindor determination shining through. "Yes, Harry, please teach us. Even if we never successfully use it to defend against the Dementors, it's still a cool spell. Also, I hear you can send long-distance messages with it."

Harry nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Okay then. I'll prepare a lesson plan. You'll have to help me find an empty classroom where I can teach everyone."

Cedric's face lit up. "Thanks, Harry. Is it okay if we invite other interested students?"

Harry considered this for a moment. "It's okay if anyone wants to come. But please warn them beforehand that I can't teach everyone hand-in-hand. I can only dedicate an hour each night for this. They might have to practice on their own after getting the basics right with me."

Cedric nodded understanding. "That's fine. Everyone knows about your busy schedule, and with your reputation, no one will want to pester or anger you."

The idea spread quickly through the Hogwarts grapevine, and soon Harry found himself with a sizable group of students eager to learn. The classroom Harry's friends had found was not big enough to house everyone, so they were split into groups, with each group coming on different days. Harry's friends and close ones like Susan and Neville, along with their close friends, had special privileges and could attend every day.

Harry noted that Charles and his two friends did not attend. He later learned they had special classes with Lupin for the same spell, which didn't surprise him given Lupin's expertise with the charm.

With everything ready, the classes began. On the first night, Harry stood before the assembled group, a mix of excitement and nervousness palpable in the air.

"Alright, everyone," Harry began, his voice clear and confident. "You are here to learn the Patronus Charm, so without any chit-chat, let's get to it. Anyone want to talk about the theory part since I'm lazy enough to do so?"

A sixth-year Ravenclaw raised her hand, and after Harry gave her permission, she spoke, her voice slightly trembling with nervousness. "The Patronus Charm is an extremely difficult spell that channels the caster's positive emotions into a powerful protection. When cast properly, it evokes a partially-tangible positive energy force known as a Patronus. It is the primary protection against Dementors and Lethifolds, against which there are no other defenses. The incantation is 'Expecto Patronum'."

Harry nodded approvingly. "Correct. To add to that, there are two types of Patronuses: the incorporeal variant, which takes the form of a shapeless wave of mist." Harry demonstrated, a silver mist flowing from his wand, before continuing, "and the corporeal variant, which has a definite shape, taking on the form of the animal that the caster has the greatest affinity for."

With another flick of his wand, Harry's thunderbird Patronus burst forth, its silvery wings spread wide as it soared around the room. The spectacle increased the excitement of the audience and their interest in the spell, with gasps and murmurs of awe filling the classroom.

"The incorporeal Patronus is weaker than its corporeal counterpart, but the corporeal Patronus is more advanced and difficult," Harry explained as his Patronus faded away. "To defend against one or two Dementors, the incorporeal one is enough, and that will be the aim of this class. I want everyone to learn to cast at least the incorporeal Patronus in three months. Maybe some of you can cast the corporeal Patronus in the same time. After that, I'll be busy with OWL preparations and won't have time."

Harry then proceeded to demonstrate the wand movement, guiding the students through the motion slowly and carefully. "Let's start with the wand movement. It's a counterclockwise spiral, like this..."

And so, Harry became Professor Potter for one hour every night, teaching everyone the Patronus Charm. He moved among them, offering encouragement and advice, reminding them of the importance of emotional focus.

"Remember," he said to a frustrated Roger, who was struggling to produce even a wisp of silver, "it's not just about the memory itself, but the feeling it evokes. Let that happiness fill you up."

Slowly but surely, progress was being made. The sixth and seventh years were the first to show a silver mist after a few days of coaching, their greater magical reserves and experience giving them an edge. Harry's friends followed closely behind, their determination and extra practice time paying off. The younger ones were having a tougher time due to having less magical power, but they were not giving up.

Harry knew that the spell was not as easy as the books made it out to be in the DA classes. It was truly a complicated and advanced spell, requiring time, patience, and emotional strength otherwise many more wizards in the world would know how to cast one and spell would not have the reputation of it has.

As the days flew by, Harry found himself growing into his role as a teacher. He felt genuine joy in seeing others succeed in their attempts.

One evening, as Harry was guiding a group of students through the wand movement, he noticed Professor Flitwick slip quietly into the back of the classroom. The diminutive Charms professor observed the lesson with keen interest, his eyes twinkling as he watched Harry patiently explain the intricacies of the spell.

After the session, Flitwick approached Harry, beaming with pride. "Excellent work, Harry! Your teaching methods are most impressive. I daresay you have a natural talent for teaching."

Harry felt a warmth of satisfaction at his mentor's praise. "Thank you, Professor."

Word of Harry's successful Patronus classes spread beyond the student body. A few days later, Harry was surprised to find a group of Aurors, who had been assigned to patrol Hogwarts at night, waiting for him after one of his sessions.

"Mr. Potter," one of them, a tall witch with short grey hair, addressed him. "We've heard about your classes and your ability to cast a corporeal Patronus effortlessly. Some of us... well, we were wondering if you might have some tips for improving our own Patronuses?"

Harry was taken aback a little. "Of course," he replied, realizing the importance of having as many capable casters as possible. "I'd be happy to help."

He knew that these Aurors would be crucial in defending against the Dementors, especially when they eventually joined Voldemort after his resurrection, as Harry knew they would. Every person who could cast a Patronus was another line of defense against the darkness.

Over the next few days, Harry found himself not only teaching students but also offering advice to trained Aurors. He worked with them on focusing on their happy memories and refining their casting technique. The Aurors, despite their initial hesitation at being taught by a student, soon came to respect Harry's expertise. They made progress quickly and were quickly becoming proficient in casting a corporeal Patronus.

As Harry watched his students, both young and old, practice their Patronuses, he felt a sense of purpose and satisfaction. The sight of silvery wisps gradually taking form filled him with pride. Yet, even as he savored this moment, Harry knew that despite his enjoyment of teaching, it wasn't his ultimate path.

With so much to learn and achieve in this world, dedicating himself to teaching full-time would consume too much of his valuable time and energy. While he could envision perhaps taking on apprentices in the future, the role of a professor at Hogwarts or elsewhere wasn't part of his grand plan. His destiny, he knew, lay elsewhere, in the intricate dance of magic and power.

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