
Chapter 192: "The New School Year"

As Harry stepped onto the Hogsmeade station, his two-way mirror that connected to Sirius buzzed. Seeking privacy, he slipped away from the crowd of chattering students and found a quiet corner to answer the call.

Sirius's face appeared in the mirror, his expression a mix of relief and pride. "Harry! Are you alright? I heard about what happened on the Hogwarts Express."

Harry nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'm fine, Padfoot. Just another day in the life of Harry Potter."

Sirius chuckled, but his eyes were serious. "You've awed a lot of people tonight, pup. Producing a Patronus that drove away ten Dementors? That's no small feat."

After lavishing more praise on his godson, Sirius's tone turned grave. "There's something you need to know, Harry. While most people are singing your praises, the Minister of Magic isn't one of them. Fudge wanted you tried for interfering with the Dementors' search."

Harry's eyebrows shot up. "Tried? For protecting students?"

Sirius nodded grimly. "But don't worry. Amelia and I weren't about to let that happen. We contacted the parents of various influential Hogwarts students and told them what had transpired. They were horrified to learn their children had been subjected to an unmonitored search by a dozen Dementors. If you hadn't acted..." He trailed off, shaking his head.

"Long story short, the parents' outrage forced Fudge to back down. In fact," Sirius continued, a mischievous glint in his eye, "they've given you carte blanche to act without worry when it comes to the Dementors. They're grateful for what you did and have promised to handle any fallout if you need to drive away Dementors in the future. You're in the clear, pup."

Harry felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Thanks, Sirius. I appreciate you and Amelia having my back."

"Always, Harry. Now, you'd better get going before you miss the feast. We'll talk soon."

As the mirror went dark, Harry realized the platform had nearly emptied. He hurried towards the carriages, hoping his friends had saved him a seat as he'd asked.

The Great Hall buzzed with excitement as Harry slipped into his seat at the Ravenclaw table. The Sorting Ceremony was already underway, and Harry watched with interest as the new first-years were sorted. Only one name caught his attention this year: Astoria Greengrass, who was promptly sorted into Slytherin. She beamed as she joined her sister at the Slytherin table.

After the sorting, Dumbledore rose to address the school. His blue eyes, usually twinkling, were somber as he explained the presence of the Dementors. A hush fell over the Hall as the students absorbed this unsettling news.

The mood lightened somewhat as Dumbledore introduced the new professors. "Please welcome Professor Remus Lupin, who will be taking over Defense Against the Dark Arts," he announced, gesturing to a shabby-looking man who gave a small wave. "And our very own Rubeus Hagrid, who will be teaching Care of Magical Creatures!"

The Hall erupted in applause, particularly enthusiastic for Hagrid, who was blushing furiously beneath his wild beard.

As the feast concluded, Harry and Reggy made their way to Ravenclaw Tower, while Roger and the other prefects guided the first-years.


The next day marked the beginning of their grueling OWL year schedule. In every class, professors emphasized the importance of the upcoming exams, piling on homework and stressing the need for diligent study.

"Your OWLs will determine the course of your future careers," Professor McGonagall said sternly in Transfiguration. "I expect each of you to put in the necessary effort to achieve the best results possible."

Similar speeches were echoed in Charms, Potions, and every other subject. By the end of the first week, the fifth-years were drowning in assignments and required reading.

Despite the increased workload, Harry's apprenticeship with Professor Flitwick remained a priority. Their sessions, held after regular classes, were a welcome respite from the workload of the OWL year assignments.

However, not all of Harry's classes were as enjoyable. While Remus Lupin's Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons were informative and well-taught, Harry found himself increasingly irritated by the professor's attempts to connect with him outside of class.

After one particularly trying lesson, where Lupin had once again tried to engage Harry in personal conversation, Harry finally snapped.

"With all due respect, Professor," Harry said coolly, "I'm not interested in building a relationship with you. It's a bit late for that and not necessary, don't you think?"

Lupin's face fell. "Harry, I... I want you to know I had no part in your parents' and Dumbledore's decision to send you to the Dursleys. I would never have agreed to that."

Harry's eyes flashed. "Perhaps not, Professor. But you didn't do anything to stop it either, did you? Sirius fought tooth and nail for me. Where were you?"

Lupin flinched as if struck. "I... I didn't want to cause trouble. I thought Dumbledore must have had good reasons..."

"And that's the problem, isn't it?" Harry retorted, his voice cold. "You didn't want to offend anyone. You went along with it, never questioning, never fighting for what was right. Sirius risked everything for me. You risked nothing."

The silence that followed was deafening. 

"I'm sorry, Harry," Lupin whispered. "I should have done more."

Harry nodded. "Yes, you should have. But what's done is done, Professor. Why do you think I will forgive you for your actions when I have not done so for my birth parents until now? Give up, Professor. Make the best of what you have. Be a good godfather for Charles and don't bother to come into my life. I don't need you."

Without waiting for a response, Harry turned and left the classroom, leaving a dejected Lupin behind.

After that confrontation, Lupin kept his distance, much like Lily Potter had done for years. He watched Harry from afar but never approached him again. Harry found this arrangement much more tolerable, allowing him to focus on his studies and other priorities without the distraction of unwanted emotional entanglements.

As the weeks passed, Harry immersed himself in his coursework, apprenticeship, and personal magical studies. His mornings were still dedicated to his knight training exercises, each session bringing him incrementally closer to becoming a Great Knight.

The threat of the escaped Death Eaters hung over the school like a dark cloud, exacerbated by the constant presence of the Dementors. Many students struggled with nightmares and a pervasive sense of gloom.

The once-lively grounds of Hogwarts grew eerily quiet in the afternoons. Students, wary of encountering Dementors and seeking refuge from their chilling influence, retreated to the relative safety of the castle after classes.

Despite the heightened security measures, there were no signs of the fugitives. Harry kept the Marauder's Map open at all times, having modified it to alert him if certain names appeared within the castle grounds. His primary goal was to deal with the Lestranges, particularly Bellatrix, before they could cause any harm.

Pettigrew, while still a threat, was deemed a lower priority. Harry reasoned that the rat Animagus's cowardice and ability to transform made him more likely to flee than fight, and nearly impossible to catch without specialized means. Only Sirius, with his heightened senses, stood a real chance of apprehending the traitor.

As Harry navigated through his challenging fifth year, balancing his increased workload, he remained acutely aware of the limited time he had before Voldemort's inevitable return. Harry was determined not to waste a single moment.

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