
Chapter 169: "Staff Meeting"

The scene opens in Dumbledore's office, where all the professors have gathered for an emergency meeting. The atmosphere is tense, with worried faces all around.

Dumbledore stands at the head of the room, his usual twinkle dimmed by concern. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. As you know, we have a grave situation on our hands. The Chamber of Secrets has been opened and a student has been attacked. It is fortunate he is just petrified and not worse."

He turns to Professor Sprout. "Pomona, what's the status of our mandrakes?"

Professor Sprout shakes her head, her usually cheerful face creased with worry. "I'm afraid they're not mature yet, Albus. It will be several months before we can harvest them for the restorative draught."

Dumbledore nods gravely. "I see. Unfortunately, we don't have the budget to purchase mature mandrakes from outside sources at the moment. I will have to appeal to the Board of Governors for emergency funds. In the meantime, we must focus on preventing any further attacks."

He then turns to Professor Flitwick. "Filius, I believe you have some information to share with us?"

Flitwick clears his throat nervously. "Yes, Headmaster. But first, I must clarify that this analysis isn't mine. It comes from my apprentice, Harry Potter."

Murmurs ripple through the room at the mention of Harry's name.

Flitwick continues, "Mr. Potter has suggested that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets might be... a basilisk."

Gasps echo around the room. Professor Sprout clutches her chest, while Professor Sinistra's eyes widen in shock.

Flitwick then explains Harry's reasoning, detailing the connection between Slytherin and snakes, and the peculiar nature of the attacks with no direct contact.

Snape, his face impassive, speaks up. "It... makes a certain amount of sense. The petrification, the lack of direct contact. Potter may be onto something."

He turns to Dumbledore. "Headmaster, what steps should we take if this theory proves correct?"

Lily Potter interjects, her voice filled with concern. "We must close the school immediately! We should invite special hunters to track down and kill this basilisk before it harms any more students!"

As a Muggle-born herself, Lily had a keen understanding of the fear and vulnerability that Muggle-born students were experiencing in this situation. She knew they were at greater risk than their pure-blood peers, and the thought of them living in constant fear weighed heavily on her. Moreover, with both her sons, Harry and Charles, currently at Hogwarts, her maternal instincts were in overdrive. The desire to protect not just her children, but all the students, fueled her urgent plea.

Dumbledore raises a hand to calm the rising tension. "While I appreciate the gravity of the situation, we must not act hastily. We have no concrete proof that a basilisk is indeed the culprit. It could be something else entirely."

He strokes his beard thoughtfully. "Closing the school based on suspicion alone would be unwise. Besides, I am not very convinced of this reasoning. An ancient basilisk would be enormous and should be easily seen. None of the portraits have reported seeing such a large serpent slithering about the castle, leaving me with doubts about this theory."

Professor McGonagall frowns. "Then what should we do, Albus? This is the best probable reasoning we have come across and I am a little convinced. Is there no way to confirm whether a basilisk is truly lurking within Hogwarts?"

Dumbledore shakes his head. "Unfortunately, no. For now, our best course of action is to implement stricter guidelines. Students should be discouraged from wandering the corridors during their free time. And I'm afraid we must cancel Quidditch for the time being."

McGonagall's lips thin in disapproval, but she nods. "The students won't like it, but their safety must come first."

Lockhart, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, suddenly perks up. "Not to worry, everyone! I've handled basilisks before in my travels. Should I spot the beast, I'll dispatch it forthwith!"

He beams around the room, seemingly oblivious to the skeptical looks he receives. "And I have an idea to placate the students about the Quidditch cancellation. Why not start a dueling club?"

Dumbledore raises an eyebrow. "Go on, Gilderoy."

"It would excite the students, take their minds off Quidditch, and prepare them to defend themselves. After all, if it's not a basilisk, it could be a student using some cursed artifact. Best to be prepared!"

Dumbledore nods slowly. "That's... not a bad idea, actually. Very well, we'll implement a dueling club. I assume you're volunteering to run it?"

Lockhart puffs out his chest. "But of course! Who better?"

"Excellent. And Flitwick, would you like to assist Gilderoy?"

Flitwick shakes his head and says, "I am sorry, Professor, but I would have to decline. Teaching dueling to a group of students is not my forte. I prefer teaching one-on-one, which is not suitable here. Also, I don't have the time, being occupied with teaching my apprentice."

What he left unsaid was that he did not want to become an assistant to Lockhart. It would not look good for him teaching dueling with Lockhart to a group of students.

Dumbledore nods, "Unfortunate. The students would have preferred the teaching from a former dueling champion. Severus, perhaps you could assist?"

Snape's face contorts as if he's just bitten into a lemon, but a pointed look from Dumbledore silences any protest.

Dumbledore addresses the room once more. "Then it's settled. We'll increase security measures, cancel Quidditch, and start a dueling club. Let's hope these steps will be enough to keep our students safe until we can solve this mystery once and for all."

As the meeting adjourns, the professors file out, their faces a mix of worry and determination.

The next morning, the Great Hall buzzes with anticipation as students gather for breakfast. Professor Dumbledore stands at the head table, his face grave as he addresses the school.

"Students, in light of recent events, we must implement stricter security measures. Effective immediately, there will be a more stringent curfew. All students must return to their common rooms by 7 PM."

A wave of groans and protests sweeps through the hall. 

"Additionally," Dumbledore continues, raising his voice slightly, "I regret to inform you that all Quidditch matches and practices are cancelled until further notice."

This announcement is met with outright outrage. Oliver Wood looks as if he might faint, while the Weasley twins shout, "You can't do that!"

Before the situation can escalate, Professor Lockhart stands up, his dazzling smile in place. "Now, now, students! While I understand your disappointment, I have some exciting news that might cheer you up!"

The students are not appeased though. They are still protesting, but some of them are curious about what Lockhart wants to announce.

Lockhart continues, "In a few days' time, I will be starting a dueling club! You'll have the opportunity to learn from my vast experience in magical combat. It's sure to be both educational and thrilling!"

The announcement has an immediate effect. Excited chatter breaks out across the hall. Many of Lockhart's admirers squeal in delight, while others look intrigued by the prospect of learning practical defense skills.

"Oh, isn't it wonderful?" Lavender Brown gushes to Parvati Patil. "Professor Lockhart teaching us to duel!"

Not everyone shares their enthusiasm. At the Ravenclaw table, Reggy rolls his eyes. "Great, more chances for Lockhart to show off and not teach us anything. I bet the whole thing would be a waste of time."

Roger adds, "Yes. It would have been better if Professor Flitwick had started the club."

Harry, listening to the conversations around him, feels a mix of emotions. He is disappointed that his plan to close the school hasn't worked. The clues he'd provided through Flitwick, it seems, weren't enough to convince Dumbledore of the immediate danger.

Harry frowns. While he is glad to see some changes happening, like the early announcement of the dueling club, it isn't enough. The school full of children is still at risk from the basilisk.

As he mulls over the situation, Harry realizes he needs to reassess his plans. With the school still open and security tightened, he can't risk confronting the basilisk. The danger of something unexpected happening and it escaping into the crowded castle during a fight is too great. This is because Harry feels the battle with the snake would be close and not one-sided where he could control all the outcomes. In this battle, there is a high chance something unexpected could happen.

"This isn't like the books," Harry thinks to himself. "In the real world, a cornered basilisk and a desperate piece of Riddle's soul could cause unimaginable damage to the school full of students."

He glances around the Great Hall, watching his fellow students excitedly discuss the upcoming dueling club. Their enthusiasm only heightens his sense of responsibility.

"I need a new plan," Harry decides. "Something that will protect everyone without risking a full-scale disaster."

As breakfast ends and students begin to file out for their classes, Harry hangs back, lost in thought.

"Harry, you coming?" Cedric calls from the doorway.

"Yeah, just a second," Harry replies, gathering his things. As he joins his friends, he can't shake the feeling that time is running out. He needs to act soon, before the heir of Slytherin strikes again.

Sorry for the lack of chapters these past few days. Was down with a fever and couldn’t get any writing done.

Good news, though—I'm back at it and feeling much better! I will make up for the missed releases in these two days. Thanks for your patience and support!

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