
Chapter 111: "Aftermath and Nightly Hunts"

After a slow and cautious walk through the school, using the stairs to reach the Room of Hidden Things, Harry finally reached the vanishing cabinet.

Given his current condition, using the cabinet was the safest and quickest way to travel. He considered going to Hogsmeade and calling Mira from there, but using the cabinet meant he wouldn't have to walk all the way to the village, which would take too much time and effort given his injured state.

Harry then used the vanishing cabinet to swiftly transport himself to the Black Castle. Upon his arrival there, Harry immediately summoned Mira,. He instructed her to quickly fetch Emma for medical assistance.

Harry chose to call Emma instead of simply using the Skele-Gro potion available in the castle to treat his fracture. Although mending bones was generally straightforward, he wanted to make sure he didn't have any other, less apparent injuries. The powerful blow he had received from the acromantula leader was intense, and Harry wanted a comprehensive examination to ensure no underlying issues were overlooked.

Harry also specifically asked Mira to make sure not to disturb Grandpa Black. It was late at night, and Harry didn't want to cause any unnecessary stress for the old man, especially over something he could manage with Emma's help.

Within just a few minutes, Emma arrived at the castle. Her expression was filled with concern as she quickly stepped into her role as a healer. Without wasting time on asking useless questions, she began to assess Harry's condition with a series of diagnostic spells.

Upon discovering that the main concern was simply a fracture, Emma's anxiety lessened somewhat, although she continued to carefully check Harry's overall physical and magical exhaustion. These were minor compared to the fracture, but still required her professional attention to ensure there were no other complications.

Relieved to find that these were the extent of Harry's problems, Emma felt a weight lift from her shoulders, glad that Harry had not sustained any serious harm.

She then sent Mira to fetch the necessary potions from her home supplies. This included a Skele-Gro potion to mend Harry's bones and a few other potions to address his magical exhaustion. Physical tiredness, she noted, would resolve with a good meal and rest.

While waiting for Mira to return with the potions, Emma pressed Harry for details about his injury.

She was puzzled why Harry, for a fracture, hadn't simply visited the Hogwarts hospital wing, where the matron, Madam Ponphrey, was exceptionally skilled in healing injuries. She was also curious about how Harry had managed to leave Hogwarts during school hours. Even with apparition it was difficult since it required going out of the locked Hogwarts gates and reaching Hogsmeade.

Harry, trusting Emma fully, didn't hold back any details. He excitedly explained how the vanishing cabinet provided a direct and extraordinary method of travel between Hogwarts and his home, which he could use daily if he wished. He even invited Emma to use it if she ever wanted to visit Hogwarts for a nostalgic trip, though she declined, stating she had no need for such a visit.

Harry then showed Emma some of the acromantula remains he had brought with him and explained all about his battle with the acromantulas. He explained that during his training, he had stumbled upon an acromantula colony dangerously close to Hogwarts and had decided to eliminate the threat himself that night. He recounted the battle, omitting the riskier parts of his tactics and focusing on the necessity of his actions given the immediate threat to the school. He confessed that he undertook the risk partly because of the benefits it brought to his knight training journey.

Emma, while impressed by Harry's courage and capability, couldn't help but scold him for the risks he had taken. She reminded him sternly of the dangers of facing such formidable creatures alone.

However, Emma was intrigued by his progress with the Knight Breathing Technique, which Harry claimed was the main reason he had chosen to handle the situation without backup. Her examination showed that Harry had significantly increased his physical strength—nearly two and a half times stronger than when he started his training. This progress was astonishing, and Emma found no evidence of any negative side effects, which was a relief. 

When Mira returned with the healing potions, she popped away again to begin preparing a nutritious meal for her master, Harry, knowing that proper nourishment was crucial for his recovery.

Then, Emma administered the Skele-Gro potion and reassured Harry that his leg would fully heal by the morning, provided he kept the makeshift splint intact.

After ensuring Harry was stable and seeing no other health issues, Emma left the castle, cautioning Harry once more to be more careful in the future. Emma also extracted a promise from Harry to let her conduct a thorough investigation into the Knight Breathing Technique during his next school break. It was a great topic for her next research.

After enjoying a hearty meal prepared by Mira, Harry felt significantly better and fully restored.

With his strength regained, Harry returned to Hogwarts and found himself back in the Room of Hidden Things. There, he focused on securing the vanishing cabinet, placing strong magical wards around it to prevent anyone from accidentally finding it and using it to discover the secret passage to the Black Castle.

Harry did consider moving the cabinet to a more secure location in the future, such as the Chamber of Secrets, because it was more isolated and harder to access. However, for the time being, he felt that the Room of Hidden Things was obscure enough to serve as a temporary safeguard. He remembered from the books that the Weasley twins wouldn't stumble upon the cabinet for another five years, which reassured him that the location was relatively safe.

Despite this, Harry remained aware that the cabinet's connection to the Black Castle was a potential vulnerability that needed careful monitoring to ensure the safety of his sanctuary.

Once he was done securing the vanishing cabinet, Harry made his way back to the Ravenclaw tower. Upon entering his dormitory, he found his roommates already deep in sleep. Exhaustion soon took over Harry too, and he quickly fell into a deep, peaceful sleep, feeling secure and at ease for the first time since the day began.

The following morning, Harry woke up to find his leg completely healed, thanks to the potions and care he had received. A wave of relief swept through him as he realized that with the acromantula threat now behind him, he could look forward to the rest of the school year. He looked forward to a peaceful and productive school year at Hogwarts without any looming dangers.

That very evening, feeling responsible for ensuring that no threats remained near Hogwarts, Harry put on the same disguise again and went back to the Forbidden Forest to check the area. He unexpectedly ran into the same group of centaurs he had encountered the previous day. This time, they were facing off against a group of stray acromantulas.

Harry didn't waste any time. He jumped into action, quickly using his sword to eliminate the acromantulas. He was keen on gaining more experience and also eager to gather valuable acromantula parts. This time he also collected the webs. Harry had learned from Mira that these webs were in high demand in the market for crafting strong silk robes, which were not only durable but also valuable.

After the brief fight, the centaurs quickly left the scene. They showed little interest in forming any kind of relationship with Harry, maintaining their distance as they departed. Harry didn't mind their coldness; his main concern was that they didn't threaten him or interfere with his actions.

Motivated by the night's events, Harry decided to make nightly patrols of the forest a regular part of his routine. Each night for an hour, he would wander the forest edges, vigilant for any acromantulas that ventured too close to the school grounds.

He was careful, however, to steer clear of the main colony. Harry knew that directly challenging Aragog and his followers could lead to significant complications, particularly if Hagrid or Dumbledore became involved.

Harry planned to eventually confront Aragog and his clan, but he knew the timing had to be right. It would be safer to wait until Dumbledore was preoccupied with more pressing issues, likely after Voldemort's return. This strategic patience was aimed at avoiding unnecessary complications and ensuring that when he did act, it would be under circumstances that allowed for a decisive and uninterrupted resolution.

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