
Chapter 17: “The Longbottoms”

The tranquility of Hogwarts was a stark contrast to the turmoil unfolding at Longbottom Manor. The once serene home of the Longbottom family was now a scene of devastation, marked by the dark aftermath of a violent confrontation. The air was heavy, tainted with the remnants of dark spells as Aurors meticulously combed through the ruins, documenting the chaos left behind.

The Longbottoms, heeding Harry's earlier warning, had extended their period of isolation under the Fidelius Charm in hopes of eluding danger. Yet, despite their precautions, disaster struck. 

Somehow, four of Voldemort's strongest Death Eaters had gotten the secret to their house and attacked. The Longbottoms, renowned for their courage, had faced a formidable assault from four of Voldemort's most ruthless Death Eaters: Bellatrix Lestrange, her husband Rodolphus, his brother Rabastan, and the unexpected Barty Crouch Jr. Despite the renowned bravery of Frank and Alice Longbottom, the ferocity and numbers of their assailants proved overwhelming.

Thankfully, Frank Longbottom's mother Augusta Longbottom's prompt response in summoning the Aurors ensured that the rescue came in time. 

Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, leading the Auror team, arrived in the nick of time, rescuing the Longbottoms from the continued torment of the Cruciatus Curse. The Death Eaters, intent on extracting information about Neville and the whereabouts of Voldemort, were swiftly apprehended.

When the team of Dumbledore and Potters reached the location, the Aurors were cleaning up and some healers were looking after the Longbottoms. They could infer from the scene that the Aurors' prompt arrival had averted a catastrophe. The Death Eaters, driven by a ruthless desire to extract information on Neville's whereabouts and Voldemort's fate, were captured before they could inflict fatal damage. Neville, fortunately, remained unscathed, shielded in a hidden room by his parents during the attack.

Madam Pomfrey quickly went to look at the Longbottoms while the rest of the group went to Moody to learn more about the situation.

Moody told the group "Thankfully we reached in time. There were no casualties. The insane Bellatrix was ready to torture the Longbottoms non-stop with the Cruciatus Curse till she got the information she wanted. For now, their condition is stable but from my experience with the Cruciatus, they were exposed for enough time that they will likely live with the side effects for the rest of their life. Still, it's better than the alternative."

James was puzzled, "How did their Fidelius fail too? How did the secret of their location get out? I thought the charm was foolproof but now it had failed both times."

Moody replied "This time, the leak came from Barty Crouch's own household. His son got the identity of the Secret Keeper through him and used it to track the person down. From what we have learned, the brave fellow kept tight-lipped for a long time but in the end, the Death Eaters were able to get the location from his mouth. Augusta Longbottom is livid. It was bad enough having his son being found as a Death Eater, now he will have her after him. He will be lucky to stay in the ministry after this hits the news."

Sirius said "Augusta Longbottom is not someone you want angry with you. Crouch might end up with a job far away from any real power like the Director of Cleanliness if he's lucky. It's unbelievable that Crouch didn't notice his own son turning to the dark side. That alone could cost him his position."

James, his mind still reeling from the ordeal and his own personal failures, asked Moody about the possible succession for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. "So, who's going to lead the Department of Magical Law Enforcement now? Moody, will it be you? I can't think of anyone else who'd fit."

Moody, with a grim chuckle, shared his skepticism. "The Dark side won't let it happen. It will be a nightmare for them if I become the Head. They will try to get someone who can be bought on the post. With Voldemort gone, many of them have started coming out that they were under the influence of the Imperious Curse to avoid punishment. Lies that won't hold in a proper Wizaengamot trial. With a corrupt Head, they just might be able to buy their way out of the punishment they deserve for their crimes."

Sirius, his expression hardening, suggested action. "Can we do something to stop this? Since we know Voldemort will be back one day, we should make sure that the Death Eaters are punished. We can't have Death Eaters freely walking around, gaining strength again."

Everyone agreed to this but Dumbledore interjected with a sigh. "It's a difficult situation. Unfortunately, we don't have the numbers at the Wizengamot to enforce strict action. Many of the Neutrals were forced by the Death Eaters with threats, that they did not want to be punished for their role in the war. They will support a lenient punishment. And since now we have lost the Potter vote, our strength is weaker."

James felt a surge of frustration at this. His inability to claim the Potter Lordship wasn't just a personal failure; it had broader implications. The thought of Death Eaters walking free, biding their time for Voldemort's return, was infuriating. Charles would have to face the Death Eaters who are going to buy their way out.

In the midst of their intense discussion, the group noticed Augusta Longbottom making her way towards them. Despite the recent attack on her family, she stood tall, her posture betraying none of the ordeal's weight. It was clear she had fared better in the attack and was now able to move about on her own.

"I wish to extend my gratitude for the warning about the impending threat," she began, her voice carrying a mix of thankfulness and a touch of sadness. "I shudder to think what might have befallen us without the heads-up. James, could you please tell young Hadrian how much the Longbottom family appreciates what he's done? We owe him a great debt."

Lily, ever the empathetic soul, replied with warmth, "Of course, we'll make sure Harry knows, Madam Longbottom. How are Frank and Alice holding up?"

Augusta's face clouded over for a moment, a shadow passing as she recalled the use of the Cruciatus Curse on her son and daughter-in-law. "They've been spared physical harm, save for the Cruciatus's lingering effects," she answered, her tone reflecting the pain of the memory before shifting to one of determination. "But they're strong, both of them. They'll recover from this ordeal, stronger than before. And thankfully, Neville came through it mostly unscathed, just a bit shaken."

The group then dispersed and turned towards assisting the Aurors with tending to the aftermath and cleanup. Dumbledore, sensing his presence needed elsewhere, took his leave, and gradually, the group got to work, each member lost in thought over the day's events.

As they cooperated with the Aurors, their minds weren't just on the present but were also focused on what lay ahead. They were united in their resolve to ensure that as many of Voldemort's followers as possible were brought to justice for their crimes. This shared commitment helped them navigate the complex emotions of the day, reinforcing their determination to fight back against the darkness that had touched their lives.

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