
-Chapter 149-

-Chapter 149-

-POV Daenerys Targaryen-

"For now, the information we have on the Khalasar of the Dothraki Sea is that there are five large Khalasars, each potentially exceeding 20,000 screamers. If we manage to gain the support of these Khals, we could easily pierce the defenses of the Kyzhai Pass," said Ser Jorah, observing the map we had spread out while imagining our strategy to reconquer my kingdom.

I shook my head and then said, "The Dothraki are proud warriors, they will not kneel for us, they must recognize our strength like the other Khals."

"I completely agree with you, your majesty," said a voice behind us.

I turned around suddenly, not knowing how the person had entered without my permission, but I suddenly realized that I recognized the voice.

I raised my hand, preventing Ser Jorah from doing anything rash, and then asked:

"You are the man who spoke to me through the flames?"

The man knelt and said:

"My name is Benerro, and I am the High Red Priest of Volantis."

"You are a fire worshiper," said Ser Jorah, frowning, but he fell silent once I glared at him for disrespecting this man who obviously had magical powers that would be very useful in reconquering my throne.

"I am indeed in the service of the Lord of Light," said the man, now identified as the High Priest of Volantis, to Ser Jorah before turning in my direction.

He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "I have come to offer my services to Azor Ahai."

Surprised, I pointed a finger at myself and asked, "Are you talking about me?"

He nodded and said, "I am convinced that you are the reincarnation of the Prince that was promised, and I will help you defeat the servants of the Great Other."

I did not quite understand what he meant by that, but I certainly wasn't going to refuse his precious help, so I changed the subject and asked, "What are your strengths?"

His expression darkened, and he said, "I am sorry to have to tell you, but I couldn't gather the 200 Fire Priests who can use our lord's magic. Only a few priests agreed to follow me to serve you."

"The High Priestess Kinvara, however, due to the deceitful words of the Priestess Melisandre, has chosen to place her faith in your nephew. She is certain that he is the true Azor Ahai."


"Mainly because he is a man, but also because he is a pyromancer and controls more dragons than you."

I frowned and said, "Why do you want to serve me instead of my nephew?"

"I have watched you for a long time, I am certain that my choice is correct. You have a good heart, a pure heart. Only a person with such purity can represent our lord here on earth and defeat the servants of the Great Other."

"My nephew is the king of Westeros. I have heard many good things about his governance," I said.

"Your nephew is arrogant and tyrannical. Although your nephew is the king of Westeros, he became so by force, and many people are unhappy with his reign."

"He can perform magic."

"His magic is not invincible. In fact, it is nothing before the power of our lord. As long as he wills it, you will be able to defeat him; you just need to have faith," said Benerro.

I glanced at Ser Jorah from the corner of my eye and immediately understood that he did not trust this priest at all, judging by the deep frown on his face.

"Even if we manage to defeat him, we wouldn't have enough soldiers. How do you plan to solve this problem?" asked Ser Jorah.

"And you, how do you plan to solve this problem?" said Benerro with a mocking smile.

The frown on Ser Jorah's face deepened, but he eventually said, "We are not enemies of King Aegon. He is the king of Westeros, and Daenerys Targaryen is the Queen of the Bay of Dragons."

Benerro looked around and said, "For now, she is only queen of this camp. You probably think that with an army and a dragon, she will be safe from her nephew's political plots, but he will not give up."


"I did not understand either until I asked my lord and he answered me. The reason is simple: he wants a child capable of bearing his dragon blood, purely and simply."

"His dragon blood?!" I asked, confused, not understanding what he meant by that.

"I do not know what my lord meant by that, but what I do know is that it is an obsession he will not abandon. My hypotheses are that he needs a woman with a pure enough Targaryen lineage so that one of his children can hatch an egg he has found, or to inherit his fire magic."

At the idea of being used as a broodmare once again, a deep feeling of anger seized me, which I managed to suppress, then I said, "I accept your service, High Priest."

He bowed and said, "It is the greatest honor to serve Azor Ahai in this life."

Very well, now that you have joined us, do you have any ideas to help us gather the Khals under my authority to retake Slaver's Bay?

"I think it is inappropriate to unite the Khalasars first," said Benerro.

"I don't understand."

"You now have a powerful cavalry of 10,000 soldiers," he said, advancing our pieces to the Kyzhai Pass.

"You want us to go through the Kyzhai Pass by force with only 10,000 soldiers? That's madness; we would be massacred by…" began Ser Jorah before widening his eyes and saying:

"No, you had already thought of everything as soon as the alliance between Volantis and Westeros was signed."

"I don't understand," I said, looking at Ser Jorah, who seemed to have figured it all out.

Ser Jorah sighed and said, "The company that guards the Kyzhai Pass is the Windblown company of the Ragged Prince. He has gathered additional troops to increase his numbers and completely control the Pass, but with a strong enough temptation, we could rally him."

"What kind of temptation?" I asked.

"Pentos," said Benerro.

"If we made an alliance with him and promised to give him Pentos once we conquered Westeros, then he would be more inclined to form an alliance with us," I said.

"Why would he ally with us when he could sell us to the Great Masters of Meereen or even to my nephew?" I asked, looking at them, confused.

"Your nephew does not want you dead; otherwise, he would have directly delivered you to the slavers. So, the Ragged Prince will not take the risk of selling you to the slavers and incurring your nephew's wrath. However, your nephew cannot give him Pentos to deliver you because, since the downfall of Illyrio Mopatis, the new Prince of Pentos has full control over the city and is a loyal supporter of the King," said Benerro.

"I don't understand why he keeps me alive."

"I already told you, he wants…"

I interrupted the High Priest and said:

"No, I know why he wants me. What I don't understand is why he didn't just have me tied up in the hold of a ship bound for Westeros. He had many opportunities to do so, but he refrained. Why?"

"I don't have the answer to that question, but it is not your highness's primary concern."

"Very well, back to business. We make an alliance with the Ragged Prince, then with 2,000 Unsullied, his company of 6,000, and the more than 11,000 screamers, we go directly to Meereen and attack the city by surprise," I said.

"Yes, but we will need people inside the city to help us sow chaos," said Ser Jorah.

"Everything is already arranged. I have sent messages to our loyalists in the city of Meereen; they will be ready when your highness's dragon sounds the call of freedom. I have contacted the Ragged Prince, and he is also ready. We just need to act," he said.

I raised my eyebrows, impressed, and a relieved smile spread across my face:

"Thank you for everything, High Priest Benerro."

The bald man smiled and said:

"I am only doing my duty to you and to our lord."


-6th day of the 10th moon of the year 299 AC-

-POV Bellegere Otherys-


'Finally, I am going to meet this king straight out of the tales of the Age of Heroes,' I thought, slightly excited.

I took a second to inhale, then exhale, and the noble, dignified, and distant mask my mother had taught me to wear since I was very young appeared on my face.

Rose followed me without a word, applying the same mask as me, something that was taught to all apprentice courtesans, servants, and future Black Pearl.

In the stairs, I met the Lord of White Harbor, very excited, and said:

"Lady Otherys, the king has arrived."

"Thank you, Count Manderly," I said, slightly lowering my posture.

He hastened to respond by saying, "I am just a servant of our king and I simply answer his desires. Allow me to escort you to him."

'He thinks I will become the future queen by first becoming the king's mistress,' I thought with a small smile because I knew very well that dethroning the current queen was not as easy as he seemed to believe.

I took the offered arm, and we headed towards the courtyard where the dragon had just landed.

Once out of the main house and in the courtyard, I couldn't help but feel my heart beat a little faster.

I had seen many things in my life, men and women rise to glory and wealth, but also fall into disgrace and decay.

But nothing I had ever seen in my life could compare to the hot breath I felt as I approached within ten meters of King Aegon VI's dragon.

Although I was in shock, I did not lose my manners and, once within five meters of the king who was caressing his dragon while whispering a few words, I let go of the Lord of White Harbor's arm and said, "I greet His Majesty, the King of the Seven Kingdoms," while making a perfect curtsy.

"Bellegere Otherys, come forward," he said without even glancing in my direction.

I obeyed without showing my inner nervousness, and then he suddenly took my hand and placed it on the side of his dragon's head.

An electric shock ran through my entire body at the contact with the dragon's scales, along with an almost imperceptible sensation of warmth.

The king, already aware of what I had just felt, asked me in an excited tone with a big smile:

"Did you feel it?"

I nodded, and a deep smile appeared on his face before he said:

"I want to marry you."

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