
-Chapter 41-

-POV Garth Flowers-

In the twilight's blaze, the winding silhouette of the city of Vaes Dothrak stood, enigmatic and imposing, its structures, both majestic and primitive, rose like sentinels of stone and wood, giving it a wild charm.

Vaes Dothrak, a true oasis in the hostile land of the Dothraki Sea, was a veritable crossroads of culture and a place of peace imposed by the lawless warriors known as the Dothraki.

I made sure to keep my cover among the merchants and travelers entering its gates. I was not alone in carrying out the mission King Aegon had entrusted to us, and with a sharp eye, I searched for several days before finally seeing my target arrive in the city of these savages.

Viserys Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne and Prince of Dragonstone, I continued to wander while keeping an eye on this landless prince who didn't even know that his House had reclaimed the Iron Throne.

Once the Prince's tent was spotted, I quickly followed and then removed the pin I wore in my hair, holding it under his throat.

"Your Highness, in 5 seconds I will release you. I come as a friend, make no mistake, I am loyal to House Targaryen."

He nodded furiously, and then I released him.

"The Usurper Robert Baratheon is dead," I said quickly, seeing he was about to scream to raise the alarm.

-POV Viserys Targaryen-

"So what you're telling me is that not only did my brother not steal the Warden of the North's daughter, but they had a son whom the usurper's best friend hid by taking him as his bastard, whom the king legitimized and trusted enough to give command of the gold cloaks, thus giving him all the cards to reclaim his throne upon his death."

The man claiming to serve my so-called nephew nodded, so I continued:

"Queen Cersei Lannister cuckolded him throughout his reign, and the only legitimate heir between them died before drawing his first breath, and the Lannisters who tried to exterminate us have become the guard dogs of my nephew."


"And on top of all this, he is capable of using our ancestors' magic," I said this time, frowning.

"Yes, I've seen it with my own eyes. It's partly because of this that he has such a grip on his throne," said my nephew's servant before handing me a letter.

"What is this?" I asked, even though I had a rough idea of what it was.

"A letter from your nephew, King Aegon VI," said the servant.

I took it carefully, as conflicting emotions battled within me: anger, sadness, disgust, relief, joy. I no longer knew what I felt.

To My Uncle Viserys Targaryen, Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms and Lord of Dragonstone,

My Uncle, I write this letter on the 17th day of the 10th moon to warn you you are about to die.

Since I was little, I have had dreams of Dragons appearing randomly, and I saw your death at the hands of your sister's husband, Khal Drogo, after you pointed your sword at her in Vaes Dothrak, a city where carrying a weapon, let alone a steel one, is forbidden.

That's how I knew I was not the bastard son of my uncle but the son of his sister and your brother.

I have reclaimed what is rightfully mine, and even though I know this must enrage you, I ask you to join me and Daenerys. I have found a way to awaken the magic of our lineage and, by doing so, to bring dragons back to life.

3 eggs for the last 3 living dragons were as if fate itself was giving us a sign. I know you are not happy right now, but I am surrounded by traitors. I hope you can overcome this for the future of our house.

Your nephew, King Aegon VI

My mind couldn't stop imagining various scenarios, and in each one, I was winning. My nephew needed a family and was even willing to give me a dragon in exchange. With it, I could either become king or the crown prince.

I would be respected and powerful again; I wouldn't have to beg in the streets for the generosity of the wealthy to shelter my sister and me from desperate men trying to claim the bounties the Usurper placed on our heads from a young age.

Although I am quick to anger and somewhat impulsive, I was not a fool. I knew that if I ever lost Drogo's support, I could never reclaim my throne, and that's what happened. I lost Drogo's support; in fact, it's more accurate to say I never had it. This savage used me to get Daenerys, and then he reneged on any debt he owed me.

I sweated as I looked at the chest where I had hidden my sword, and then I said, "My sister will never leave; she has become the queen of the savages and is pregnant with Drogo's child."

If Drogo killed me in the dragon dreams of this unknown nephew, it meant Daenerys agreed. I would never let her come back with us. Let her remain the queen of the savages forever; she awoke the dragon and shouldn't have.

"My mission is to find the heirs to the Iron Throne as well as the dragon eggs," said my nephew's servant.

I frowned before saying, "We can steal the eggs, but Daenerys will not come and will not agree to part with her dragon eggs. You are now faced with a choice: either you help me steal the eggs and safely bring back the heir to the Iron Throne along with 3 dragon eggs, or you return empty-handed, if at all."

The servant shook his head and finally resigned, "Alright, we'll take the eggs, but we'll only take two. We'll leave the last one for Princess Daenerys. King Aegon has already decided that each of you will get one."

I nodded, and then we started planning how to steal Daenerys's eggs and escape as quickly as possible.

-3 hours later-

-3rd POV-

Late at night, while everyone in Vaes Dothrak slept, a huge fire engulfed the dwellings, tents, and stalls near Khal Drogo's khalasar area.

Everyone quickly left the area while the bravest attempted to fight the fire and extinguish the flames threatening to engulf Khal Drogo's khalasar tents.

While everyone was distracted by this small diversion, no one noticed about twenty people infiltrating the camp from all directions.

-POV Daenerys-

Watching the area where the fight raged, I felt something calling me, but any extraordinary feeling stopped once I heard noise coming from my tent. I ran, followed by Ser Jorah, who came to protect me at the start of the fire.

Entering my tent, I was greeted by the sight of Viserys rummaging loudly through my tent and smiling broadly once he found what he wanted. He grabbed two eggs and put them in a canvas bag before turning around and staring at me, agape, saying nothing for a few seconds.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm leaving," said Viserys, his face darkened by anger.

"You're leaving," I said with an almost scornful smile, "To go where?"

This time, unlike other times, he didn't get angry. He simply smiled and approached me gently. I felt Ser Jorah tense, but Viserys only caressed my face before whispering, "Home, where else could I go?"

He was about to leave, but Ser Jorah said authoritatively while half-drawing his weapon:

"Return the Khaleesi's dragon eggs."

Viserys wasn't scared nor did he comply; he simply looked at Ser Jorah as if he were an idiot, and my eyes widened when I saw a man behind him taking advantage of the shadows to approach and point a needle near my loyal guard's neck.

"The dragon eggs are the property of the Iron Throne, and King Aegon has charged me to find the 3 eggs Elisa Farman sold to Braavos over a century ago."

"Who are you?"

"Your Highness," he said, bowing as best he could while still holding his weapon against my guard's neck.

Seeing the respect with which he spoke to me, I regained confidence and said, "I order you to release him."

"I have orders. You can keep your egg, but the egg of King Aegon and Prince Heir Viserys belong to the crown."

King Aegon?! Prince Heir Viserys?! Could it be that my brother Rhaegar's son is not dead?

I was about to ask questions, but the man disarmed Ser Jorah and said urgently:

"Tie them up; we must leave before everyone realizes the diversion was made by us. A ship awaits us; a caravan is already waiting, and the Tiger faction will help us reach Oldtown."

Viserys didn't hesitate to tie us up. Only after giving me one last triumphant smile did he flee into the night lit by the blaze he and his henchman had ignited.

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