

The next day, Leon left his apartment, heading out to grab some food before taking his Combat Score test. This test was crucial, as it determined one's value in the eyes of guilds. Anyone who wished to join a guild had to take it, and the higher one's combat score, the better the chances of being accepted by a top-tier guild.

"Above 4,000—that's the score needed to join an S-rank guild," Leon thought, dismissing the requirements of lower-ranked guilds. Only an S-rank guild had what he needed, and he had a specific reason for wanting to join one.

As he made his way to the testing facility, another thought crossed his mind. "I wonder what Mom and Dad's guilds are up to?" he mumbled to himself. Curious, he searched for information on his mother's guild, the Hall of Sins, and his father's guild, the Hall of Virtues.

"They sure have taken their sweet time deciding on the names" Leon mumbled as he first checked his Mom's guild.

 'hmm, her guild is already S rank and she is in fucking 3rd battlefield!' Leon eyes widened as he saw this, 'Mom, surely on her spree to kill all these fuckers' Leon thought as he checked his father's next.

"Hmm, he is also in the 3rd battlefield, I really wonder how my pacifist and researcher dad end up there" Leon nodded as he scrolled through the comments, learning more about his parents' activities. It seemed that both of their clones were operating as a couple, going hand in hand through battles and gaining fame for their powerful transformations.

His mother's transformation, known as the Absolute Sin Ruler: Demon King Transformation, turned her into a fearsome demon, while his father's Angel King Transformation gave him the form of a majestic angel. These were their ultimate skills, showcasing the pinnacle of their power—one ruling over sins, the other over virtues.

"Hmm, they've even got Occult Methods and Mystical Methods," Leon mumbled to himself, seeing that his parents had access to these advanced techniques. These were exactly the kinds of methods that Aiden needed, which was part of the reason he was joining other guilds.

But then, a thought crossed his mind: should he ask his parents for those methods? The idea was tempting, but he quickly dismissed it.

"No, I will not ask them for it," Leon resolved, pushing the thought aside. He was determined to achieve things on his own terms, without relying on his parents' resources or influence.

"Hmm, let's get going," Leon thought as he finished his meal, preparing himself for the challenges ahead. He was ready to face the Combat Score test and prove his worth, determined to reach his goals through his own efforts.

The method of testing one combat score is let one fight a metal robot, they are not just any simple robots but very powerful one.

First is they all are able to perform short, mid and long-range attacks and all robot power would increase 25% every minute.

They are even able to come up with rough guessing of combat score on how much time one will be able to survive against the robot.

It is said that those who are able to fight for ten minutes will have Combat Score of around 1000 points, those who were able to fight for 20 minutes will have Combat Score of around 2000 points, those who are able to fight for 30 minutes will have Combat Score of around 3000 and so on.

Fighting every minute can give one Combat Score of around 100 points but getting it is said than done as every minute power of robot would increase 25%.

In fights like this one can fight fine one minutes but the next minute he can get utterly beaten as strength of robot will increase by 25%, this is the reason why 95% percent of those who measure their combat score for the first time didn't last for more than 5 minutes and 99.9% first-timer didn't survive more than 10 minutes.

Leon entered the combat testing room at the orders of receptionist as his number came.

The Fight Will Start In Minutes Time, All Challenger Have To Do Is Survive As Fighter No. 565 Strength Will Increase 25% Every Minute.

A metallic voice rang out with projection of digital clock appeared in the center of the room.

Leon nodded as he looked at the robot ahead, calling it a Robot would be wrong as its more like an cyborg, as it is an Treant body with many robotics parts mixed within.

As the clock ticked down to zero, Leon tightened his grip on his sword, his eyes narrowing with focus. The room's tension grew palpable, and the moment the timer hit zero, a barrage of attacks surged toward him from all directions.

"Breath of Void: Void Skin," Leon whispered, invoking the technique that would be his shield against the onslaught. His body moved fluidly, almost as if guided by an unseen force, his movements precise and deliberate.

Each attack that came his way was met with a counter, his sword slicing through the air with calculated grace. Despite the increasing intensity of the assaults—each wave growing 25% stronger every minute—Leon remained unfazed. His face was a mask of calm, his breathing steady and controlled.

Leon continued to pump his breathing technique at the right moments, enhancing his body's agility and reaction speed. His movements were almost mechanical in their efficiency, dodging and parrying with an ease that belied the complexity of the situation. The relentless attacks were met with an equally relentless defense, and with each successful counter, Leon's confidence grew.

He was fully immersed in the rhythm of battle, his mind focused solely on the task at hand. Every strike, every dodge, every breath was calculated and deliberate, a testament to his mastery over his techniques. The room echoed with the clash of steel, but Leon's focus never wavered.

As the attacks continued to intensify, Leon's breathing remained unbroken, his face stoic as he effortlessly countered each new threat. He was in his element, and nothing could break his concentration.

Leon continued to fend off the relentless barrage of attacks for an entire 30 minutes, an impressive feat that would have exhausted most. The reason he was able to sustain such a prolonged effort without running out of stamina was thanks to his mastery of the Rule of Abundance. This rule amplified all his assets, from his blood and energy to his vitality and stamina, effectively allowing him to endure the grueling test.

With each passing second, the attacks grew fiercer, but Leon's stamina seemed endless, his strength unwavering. The Rule of Abundance coursed through him, replenishing his reserves almost as quickly as they were depleted. His breathing remained steady, his movements fluid and precise, as he continued to counter and dodge with near-perfect timing.

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