
The Vale Campaign(4)

My eyes narrowed as the different flanks clashed.

We had built trenches and fortifications on the sides of our armies, especially the left side, whereas the Arryn army had placed their cavalry.

"Tell Lord Mallister to stall the cavalry battle for as long as possible." I told a messenger, whom ran off.

Our cavalry was outmatched, in both sheer skill, armor quality and commanders.

The Riverlands had no Lords whom specialised in horses, the Brackens were the only ones who even had cavalry, and mostly we just sold our horses.

Even their horses outmatched ours, so I had long since given up on defeating them in a cavalry battle.

However, turning my eyes back to the Mountain Clansmen, I was shocked to see them actively pushing the Vale men back.

They were jumping over their shields, crashing into their spears, swinging their axes like madmen.

And they were quickly pushing the Arryns back, with an extreme pace, they had already pushed them over 10 metres back.

Especially the centre of the Arryns was being pushed back…..

My eyes widened, as I realised the problem.

The centre was willingly retreating, while the sides held firm.

Fuck, of course these Arryns knew how to counter the Mountain Clansmen.

It was a futile effort for me to even consider pulling the clansmen back, their "success" and the battle had already made them a lost cause.

They wouldn't listen.

But I couldn't simply abandon them either, they had over 7500 men, if they died, our centre, made up of 7500 Freys, 10 000 Brackens and 7500 Mountain Clansmen, would loose a large part of our army, at the first day.

And even worse, the mountain clansmen would retreat into our lines, and I couldn't be sure that they wouldn't turn their weapons onto our men, if we didn't let them pass.

"Fuck, you!" I shouted, turning to a messenger.

"Order Ser Frey to charge on the Vale sides, they're attempting to envelop our forces." I shouted and he nodded running off.


I then turned to another messenger.

"Contract Ser Tytos, and tell him to prepare a small party, if Emmon Frey disobeys, he is to capture the man." I said, and the messenger nodded, getting on a horse.

Emmon Frey had repeatedly shown his hate for the mountain clansmen, and he had shown a much larger willingness to cause problems, and disregard orders.

So I would take no risks.

However, even though the Mountain Clansmen were falling head over heels for the Vale Trap, they were still causing significant casualties.

Their morale had been thrown to the roof with the retreat of their formation, and though it was obvious to any Lord or General that it was a trap, the same could not be said for the average footman.

So our entire army had our morale lifted, and the Vale had theirs plummeted.

To see your centre being obliterated my savages, that was not a morale boost at all.

However, at the same time, I felt one of the nobles standing beside me say.

"Lord Bracken, the enemy cavalry has begun moving." He said, and I didn't respond, quickly shifting my attention towards the Knights of the Vale.

They were moving, for the prime position to attack our left flank.

However, at the same time, I noticed that they were awfully close to the 200 Elite Men I had hidden in the forest.

I couldn't give commands over this distance, so I'd only have to hope that.

"Prepare our own cavalry." I said, but it was just at a formality, I saw our own cavalry beginning to form up on the opposite side.

And a few minutes later, I surprisingly saw some Frey Heavy Troops cut through the sides of the Arryn Centre.

However, what shocked me was their pure skill and armor, and there were over 50-70 of them.

But after the Frey representative spoke up, I understood.

Lord Walter Frey, he had 29 direct children, 10 female and a 19 male, and he had another 48 grandchildren, 35 of whom were male. And he had even further great-grandchildren and 2 great great grandchildren.

So those 50 or so men, were his sons and their squires, or followers.

The average man was more skilled than my elites, but it made sense, they were nobility.

And therefore fed better and given armor, and they attended tournaments.

And these elite men and fighters were cutting through the thin U shaped Arryns, even forcing them back faster than the mountain clansmen.

There were perhaps about 5000 men fighting from the Vale in the centre, and 10 000 of my own forces. Mainly due to their U formation they had formed.

However, the Frey General, although his house was seen as imbeciles, he was not one.

His Frey Forces rushed into battle, cutting off the tips of the U-Formation, trapping 1500 Vale Soliders from their main formation, and they were quickly being destroyed.

In less than 15 minutes, the Arryns had lost over 1500 men in their centre, but that was not the main attraction.

My eyes turned, as a scout pointed it out to me.

And above the rallying Vale Cavalry, their elite knights. In the mountain above, a landslide was rushing down on them.

It wasn't big, it was indeed quite small.

But I couldn't help but smile.

And as the landslide hit the Vale Cavalry, the Horses split up, running like crazy, not listening to their riders.

The landslide itself barely took down 500 of their horses, but it opened up the perfect opportunity.

And Damon, my horse Commander. Took advantage of it.

Our 5000 Heavy Cavalry rushed forward, targeting the frantic 4500 Vale Cavalrymen, whom were split up and disorganised.

Luckily the landslide was small, and didn't cause enough debries, so our organised charge smashed into their unorganised cavalry, without any real obstacles.

And as soon as it happened, I knew we won a decisive battle, one which would haunt the Vale Soliders for a long time.

However, it took over 2 hours for the cavalry battle to end, and our forces to retreat.

In the end, we had suffered 500 casualties, but inflicted 3000 casualties, and routing their cavalry.

For now.

But our own cavalry had lost their lances, and they were tired. And at the same time, except the centre. The flanks had made no real improvements, being mostly equal to their opponents.

So I retreated them after a quick charge into the Vale Left Flank.

And 4 hours later, the Vale forced retreated, returning to camp, as they were harassed by our cavalry for some time.

And at the end of the day, our casualties had been counted.

Out of the 62 000 men on the battlefield, we had lost 1300 men.

And we predicted that we dealth 6100 casualties on the Vale.

Most of them came from the 1500 encircling in the centre, and the 3500 from the Cavalry, coming out to 5000, and we had dealt 1100 casualties normally.



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