
Chapter 129: The living and the dead.

Rigel came back to life, and as Lysara'elmaris said, his body was being dragged by spirits. He somehow was freed from the veins, and it made things easier for him to leave. The spirits that dragged his body realized his head was attached to his body again, and when they noticed that, it was already too late because he already knew what to do.

Rigel's hands were covered in black smoke and he used them to rip the spirits' heads before they could warn the other spirits. He immediately went back to that disturbing and eerie place since it was his only way out. The moment he came back, the spirits noticed his return and were shocked that he could come back to life.

Another thing that made it better for him was the fact that the spirit world was rich in Mana. He released sparks and disappeared the moment the sparks had spread out in that whole hall. He massacred every spirit in that place in less than 5 seconds and then ripped off the veins that wrapped the gate.

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