

Genesis extended an arm and caught the volleyball or she would have been knocked out cold.

Tossing the volleyball back to Kat, Genesis said, "Watch where you're spiking the ball."

Kat blushed furiously, "I slipped, honest…sorry about that."

It seems that not even high and mighty Kat could remain unaffected by Genesis' good looks. 

"Genesis, one moment please," shouted an instructor.

"Stay right here and try not to get into any trouble while I speak with Instructor Lindo," advised Genesis.

With a warning look in his eyes before he strutted off to speak with Instructor Lindo. 

Morgan jumped on Charm's back and rode her like a horse for a bit before the two girls went crashing to the ground laughing like hyenas.

"Girl.. you need to work on your stamina and upper body strength. There's no way your going to be ready for the next upcoming round of tests if you can't even manage my body weight," pointed out Morgan.

Next chapter