
Unleash the monster inside

Outraged, the leader of the shifter demons stepped forward.

Uncontrollable spirit energy seeped out from him in huge waves as he flexed his dominance.

Those unable to handle the excess otherworldly energy cringed from the pain.

Lotham addressed Genesis, "On any other night I would be impressed that I've come across another that withstand the pressure of my spirit power but not today."

Was it her imagination or did the leader appear even more fierce and enigmatic.

He was at least four inches taller than Genesis, had excess hair everywhere.

Those bushy eyebrows of his were furrowed with the scrunching of his forehead. 

His long black locks were thick and matted.

Ripped, Lotham's T-shirt appeared as if would burst at any given moment.

From the constraints of being stretched tightly over the muscles of his chest and arms.

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