
Chapter three


An hundred and fifty million dollars? It made me dizzy to know that someone had paid such an amount for me.

When I had known I would be auctioned, I had hoped an old lonely mafia head would buy me. All I would do was wait for him to die or to get tired of me and then make my escape. To my dismay, I had been bought by a Dante Russo. He was the head of the famous Russo mafia family.

Compared to him, my family were like little ants. Why would he spend such a huge amount to buy me when he could have any girl he wanted.

It irked me greatly to know that my uncle would partake of that money. I clenched my fists tightly as I sat in the dark van that was transporting me to his home.

He was my master now and it would be in my best interest to play the role of a docile slave.

Being docile wasn't one of my finest qualities. But, to stay alive I would do anything.

The van stopped and I was taken out of the van. The sack cloth was still on my head and I had no idea where I was.

I felt myself being transferred to another pair of hands, they were gentler and feminine.

I was taken inside a house, we climbed a staircase and I felt myself being gently lowered onto a bed and then the blindfold was taken off.

I blinked my eyes against the sudden onslaught of light.

"Sorry about that, I should have dimmed the lights." a young girl told me.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"My name is Maria and I have been assigned to help you with anything you want."

"I am afraid escaping here is out of the question, right?" I asked her.

"I am afraid so." she replied.

"Well I am Camilla." I introduced myself.

"It's a pleasure to be of service to you Miss Camilla."

"No, no, no. You can just call me Camilla, I don't need the titles." I told her.

"That would be highly improper and unprofessional, miss Camilla." she replied, an appalled look on her face.

I sighed in resignation, I was too tired to even deal with her.

A knock sounded on the door and a second later, it opened and a man walked in.

"Good evening Mr Russo." Maria quickly bowed in greeting.

"Good evening." he replied and then he looked at me.

I hadn't had time to look at my new owner properly at the auction. Now I could look at him. He was handsome, incredibly so.

Maria nudged me slightly, I looked at her.

"Greet him." she mouthed at me.

Before I could greet him, he looked at her and told her to leave the room. She nodded and left immediately.

It was just the two of us in the room now. I knelt on the floor in front of him and bowed my head slightly.

"Good evening Master. I am incredibly grateful that you bought me" I told him, trying my best not to sound bitter and resentful.

He was silent for some time and then he burst into laughter.

I looked at him, wondering what was so amusing that he was laughing. 

"Stand up okay." he told me in between his laughter. I stood up extremely confused.

"Your name is Camilla right?" he asked me.

"Yes, my name is Camilla." I replied.

"You can sit down, you must be tired"

I sat down on the bed looking very confused.

"I don't need all those acts of subservience and docility. You can just be yourself." he told me.

I would be lying if I said, I wasn't confused. Even though this was obviously my first time being sold to an owner, I had heard stories about girls being sold and I knew their masters always wanted obedience and subservience. Why was Dante acting different?

"You seem confused, why not ask me the questions swirling around in your head?" he told me.

"What is my role here?" I asked him because I was very confused. 

"What do you think your role should be?" he asked me.

"To have sex with me" I answered.

He walked closer to me and bent down to stare at me, he tilted my head up to look at him.

"Is that what you want Camilla?" he asked as his fingers trailed up my exposed arms.

I gulped, despite the false bravado I was showing, I was rather scared.

He stopped touching me and stepped back. "Don't worry, I am not in the habit of forcing my partners to have sex with me against their wish, when I do sleep with you, you will be begging for it." he whispered.

I gulped despite myself.

"I don't think I will ever want that" I replied.

"You are cute." he told me.

I frowned at him and said nothing, I hated it when I was called cute or adorable, it meant I had nothing to offer apart from my looks and feminity.

"The rules here are simple, you are confined to this room, everything you need is here and if you need something that isn't here, just ask Maria." he told me.

I looked around the room even though it was a large room, I didn't want to be confined to it. I was already feeling claustrophobic.

"Do you have a problem with my rules?" he asked me.

I itched to tell him exactly I found wrong with his rules but I bit my tongue instead. He might appear friendly but he was still a ruthless mafia lord, I had no desire to get him angry. 

"No I don't have a problem with it." I said finally.

"Good girl." he replied and patted my head like I was a puppy.

"Have a great night." he told me and left the room. Immediately he left, Maria entered the room. I let her run me a bath. After my bath, I changed into comfy clothes and then I ate a little food and dismissed Maria.

After she left, I walked to the door and tried to open it, it was just like I thought, she had locked it. I was trapped in here.

I went to bed trying to shake away my claustrophobia.

My mind flashed through all that had happened in the past days. My family being betrayed by Sebastiano, my father being killed, my mother committing suicide, Luciano's absence, me being sold and being under the mercy of a mafia lord.

All these was too much for me, I was just Nineteen, I should be living my life to the fullest, not trying to stay alive.

I curled up in bed and for the first time since my family's downfall, I cried. 

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