
Golden Key

** Eli **

They went for another round. And another. And another. At some point in between, they drifted into brief naps as they cuddled way too comfortably together, but those breaks never lasted long. Harper slept much lighter than usual, probably because she remembered subconsciously that they had better plans than dozing off for the rest of the night. She would wake at the slightest stir, and she'd nudge the man wrapped around her like a heated blanket. Then they'd keep going until one of them collapsed again.

When the soft glow of morning sunlight started to shine through the seam of the curtains, Eli had half a mind to stay in bed like this all day and skip work. He'd totally pretend to be sick and refuse to get up … if not for the little workaholic in his arms who would never agree to such a plan.

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