

** Harper **

The four of them made their way toward the Luau village. The walk was as beautiful as everything else around the resort, taking them through the lush garden along breezeways and cobble paths lined with hibiscus and plumeria trees, branches heavy with blooms. After ducking under rampant palms and fronds waving in the sea breeze, they emerged in front of a huge archway that served as the gate to the festival grounds, adorned with torches that waited to be lit by the bonfire.

A seating chart was posted at the gate. It turned out that Wallace was right — the tables were indeed mixed, and ironically, when Harper located her seat, she found herself surrounded completely by unfamiliar names … except Wallace's, who was assigned directly to her left.

She managed a not-awkward-at-all smile, looking wistfully in the direction Lindsey and Naomi were leaving.


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