
The Women in His Life

** Eli **

Eli put down his phone and found his assistant Justin darting meaningful glances at him from across the airport lounge.

"It's rare to see a text message put that big of a smile on your face," Justin observed. "Let me guess — a girl?"

Eli rolled his eyes. "You are supposed to be going over my agenda for tomorrow, not speculate what's going on in my personal life."

"Unless this is the same girl that made you cancel your dinner with Vanessa Jones on Friday." Justin folded the documents in his lap and switched to an even more meaningful smile. "I've been thinking, you know, that it's a bit rare for you to cancel a meeting your father had personally set up and then cut my call on the same evening. You still haven't given me a date to reschedule it yet … And then you've been looking distracted since you came out of the door this morning. So shouldn't it be reasonable doubt for me to think that something in your personal life is affecting your business life, which makes it my responsibility to speculate about it?"

Eli pinned him with a glare. "You're really better made for a paparazzo. How did I not figure that out before letting you take this job?"

Justin grinned, evidently taking the comment as a compliment. Eli rubbed his temple in defeat.

The two of them had known each other since college. Not really close friends, per se, but at least familiar enough that Eli had recognized the interviewee for his assistant's position immediately. He had warned the latter out of pure goodwill that the heir of Sterling Trust wasn't going to be a pleasant boss to work for, but apparently the truth wasn't as convincing as the paycheck being offered. So on the first day of his new job, Eli had found his college acquaintance waiting for him at his office door, beaming flatteringly.

And then he had slowly learned that he was the one who had miscalculated. Justin was good at his job. He always stayed on top of schedules, always remembered every detail in meeting minutes, and always — always — made the best use of every opportunity to poke his nose into whatever rumor he could catch about the women in Eli's life.

He was so good at the last task that it was almost painful. Sometimes, Eli wondered if this was his father's plan all along, and that Justin had passed the interview with flying colors precisely because of his skill as a capable spy.

Thinking of which, Eli reminded himself that there was no way he'd let Justin find out about Harper. He put away his phone. "I'll talk to my father about Vanessa," he said, diverting the subject. "I never wanted to meet her to begin with. No need to bother with rescheduling."

Justin gave him an unfazed look. "The big boss seems quite invested this time. I somewhat doubt you'd be able to convince him otherwise. Besides … If not her, it'll just be someone else next time. It's not like you can avoid these dates forever."

Eli found the good mood that Harper put him in stretched a little thin. "What century are we living in now? Last time I checked, there wasn't a law indicating I can't spend the rest of my life single."

Honestly, if there were such a law and it forbade him from becoming the legal heir of Sterling Trust, that actually wouldn't be a bad thing.

Justin cocked his head to the side. "Interesting … Have I mentioned that our shared friends in college had enlightened me with a few tales of you before I started the job? They didn't quite label you a playboy, but … I'd never have you figured as the vow-off-women type either."

Eli huffed at the probing tone. "I won't be offended if you just say it, Justin. Yes, I prefer casual relationships and don't want to settle down. Not yet and probably not ever, which is unfortunate news for my father, but that's the way it is. He'll only be more disappointed if I do show up to these dates and affront the ladies he has carefully chosen for me."

"Vanessa Jones is different." Justin's tone changed at that, turning more business-like. "There are few heiresses like her in this industry. She's one of the only bachelorettes within the northeast region that has a family background matching your own. Mr. Sterling—"

"I know what my father thinks of this perfect match," Eli cut him off. "And he will realize that not everything goes the way he wishes. Now, enough about that." He waved a hand at the documents spread out on the table between them. "We'll be traveling almost nonstop for the rest of the month anyway. If Vanessa asks, just tell her I need the weekends to recuperate."

Justin snorted and proceeded to arrange the folders. "Well, that could work for a little while. But not all of these clients are out of state. Based on your schedule," — he scanned the top sheet over a clipped portfolio — "you'll be back in town for the second half of next week. Our fourth meeting is with a local company."

That caught Eli's attention.

He wasn't mentally invested enough in his job to keep track of all the destinations they needed to visit in the upcoming month, but he knew at least that this venture was intended for screening future partners in the entertainment industry. There weren't too many growing companies like that locally …

"In Davenshire?" he asked.

"Yep, right downtown." Justin passed him the portfolio. "You barely need to cross the street from your office."

Eli looked down at the paper in his hand, and his eyes landed on the bolded font that read: Miracles Gaming.

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