Not that good, protagonist has sad backstory where his whole island basically went through the same thing as Law, but when the protagonist finally gets his chance for revenge on the king who made him bury thousands of his loved ones with his own hands, all he did was leave a few light bruises on his face…..bruh, some pirate he is💀 The protagonist is too foolish for me to enjoy this work even though it’s written well, I’m sure there will be plenty of people who will like this non “edgy” protagonist, but unfortunately I’m not one of them. Peace.✌️
Pretty good book so far, great story, good spelling/grammer, fun characters, cool idea, and an very interesting devil fruit. All in all, like all the authors stories it's pretty good, no complaints from me
Great story so far; interesting back story that fits into the world well. Sad that North Blue wasn't explored as much, but it is interesting to see the ideas for islands.