
Chapter 495 Glorious Leader God's Seal Knight

Yes, this was none other than the Fear and Sorrow God's Seal Cathedra Rex of the Knights Temple. Suspended in midair in front of this divine seat, was it not the contemporary Sacred Legate, the Forgiveness and Destruction God's Seal knight of the Knights Temple?

It was not just him; including the Magic Temple Master, ten Sacred Legates streamed forth in succession.

"Everyone, retreat!" echoed the Hall Master's voice across the entire battlefield.

Seeing him, Xi Che finally sighed in relief and immediately cried out loudly, "Everyone, retreat."

The Federation's Legion began to retreat like a tide. The priests of the Priests Temple, exerting their utmost efforts, cast Divine Luminous magic, trying to block the deep blue luminescence erosion unleashed by the Spectral Saint Mage, but still, a vast number of human professionists were being turned into wraiths.

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