

"No— No," Bernard stammered while carrying Cynthia, his hands trembling as he faced the one thing he feared most: Reign. 

He had clung to the belief that they still had a chance at survival, but as he stood face to face with the more terrifying demon before him, any semblance of hope evaporated, leaving him with a sense of utter despair.

He ended up gently placing Cynthia on the ground, his movements careful and tender as he ensured she was comfortable. 

"Look at you, running with your little girlfriend while all your friends fought until the bitter end," Reign chuckled mockingly.

He here arrived after noticing that Arc was taking too long to finish his mission. 

Recognizing Arc as his most important puppet, he decided to check on him. 

It was then that he saw Arc struggling to cope with the coordinated attacks of the hunters due to its monotonous fighting style.

Next chapter