
Chapter 63: A Man About Town

Traffic Jam, Baltiney, New York...

 Sitting in traffic had been as dull as watching paint dry for Ken as he leaned back against the seat of his brown four-door sedan. He had been feeling more than a little rundown since his near-on marathon romps with Valencia back at her apartment but smirked due to having successfully gotten her off his case so to speak. She had been far too invested in him than he had liked but it came with the territory given who she'd been. Ken sighed as he began drumming against the steering wheel before taking the time to pop in an old cassette tape that had been the staple of long drives since the old days when he'd first purchased the car in the late eighties. 

There had been a good deal of classic ballads on the tape all tailored by him at the time to express his feelings in the heat of the moment, feelings that had been directed at his then-girlfriend Sera McConnell. She thought him a relic at the time given his old-school tactics but she appreciated it nonetheless. 

Ken had been haunted by the strange sense of longing he felt whenever he'd been alone and his fragmented memories found their way back to him. Valencia had been a good distraction from this, her willingness to put up with just about anything so long as his cock had pummeled her tightness was a boon in it of itself. Her subsequent betrayal with the pregnancy had been less thrilling but he knew he'd never truly quit her. He couldn't even go a week without slipping between her thighs. 

His newfound fondness for Dean Hudson had been something he had never seen coming, let alone with it being him born intersex. There was an almost freeing aspect to being with Dean that he had never gotten with any woman he'd taken to bed, not even Spyder's girls could compare. 

Ken smirked when The Pointer Sisters' Fire played as the tape rolled on. He had noted that Sera seemed to favor the song a good deal and it often reminded her of their first date. Valencia had been partial to it as well when she'd been in his car and it played on a loop. She also told him that it described their time together despite him not at all seeing how it was possible. 

The cars on the highway slowly began to move and Ken once more found himself focused on the road and his attempts to get back to Dean who'd probably been fast asleep at his house. 


The Kennison Estate, Latimer Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 Ken finally arrived and parked out front before venturing into the house. He had expected Dean to be waiting up for him and quite upset that he didn't come home but that had not been the case. The blond lad had been fast asleep in his new bed and the place felt a bit peaceful with new life inside. Ken shook his head after noting Dean's slumbering form and proceeded to get comfortable in his own right.

He headed toward his bedroom and stripped out of his clothes before venturing toward the shower. He'd been greatly in need of once considering his previous exploits with Valencia and a few others before he managed to get to her apartment. The older man winced from the minor scrapes and bruises that seemed to linger from his good time as he stood beneath the cascading water from the looming showerhead. 

Ken's impressive height had been on display as he leaned against the wet tile with his hands beneath the shower head letting the warm water soak his bare body from head to toe. He enjoyed the sensation of warmth against his sore skin but he recalled all too well the altercation that transpired in the first place. 

He'd been at the club, the music had been as dead as usual and some idiot had taken it upon himself to harass one of the women dancing with her friends. Ken naturally stepped in and the lovely young woman happened to take an interest in him. He'd only been there for a few drinks and the atmosphere but the idiot had other ideas. 

Given the situation, Ken had little choice in what happened as the idiot hit him in front of the women. The both of them ended up taking it outside as the ladies followed and Ken proceeded to take his unwavering aggression as well as the level of annoyance he had with Valencia and the trouble she caused him out on the face of the idiot who had not entirely walked away from their scuffle. 

A couple of the women had been instrumental in getting Ken away from the scene as he was pulled back into the club by the woman he had defended in the first place. She'd been plenty grateful while pulling him into the nearest bathroom. 

Ken had a vague recollection of her riding bareback and screaming in his ears before he took his leave of her and hit the bar. He tossed a few more back still embittered about the fight and thinking of how much Valencia's brazen betrayal had set him back even with his father suspending him from the company. He got into his car and drove to her house intending to give her a piece of his mind but one thing led to another as it often tended to when it came to them being alone and he'd been unable to help himself. 

At the present, Ken had not cared one way or the other about what happened at the club but his mind had begun to wonder about how Dean faired while he'd been gone. He had barely moved in and was left to fend for himself. The provisions he made for the lad seemed to have been enough as he simply settled into his room and at least had a bite to eat before calling it a night. 

After concluding his shower, Ken stepped out and ventured back toward Dean's bedroom. He knew the house like the back of his hand and didn't need to turn on any unwanted lights as the hours passed. He dried off and eventually climbed into bed with the still-slumbering lad who had been all too eager to be wrapped in Ken's waiting arms. 

The older man drifted off with Dean's head once more resting against his bare chest despite his absence beforehand. Ken figured he'd been used to it due to their time at the roadside motel. 

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