
Chapter 27: A One Track Mind Is A Terrible Thing

Room 21, Roadside Motel, Baltiney, New York...

 Midday had caught the slumbering inhabitants by surprise as Ken Ryker found himself awakening in bed lying on his back with his freed cock sticking straight up in the air. He had been aroused for quite some time due to his previous dreams of bedding many women and occasionally the young lad Dean who had piqued his interest quite a bit since he'd found out the truth about his curious physical condition. The naked older man noted that Dean had been curled up beside him, his shapely pale ass resting against the older man's leg as the lad lay on his side like that of an infant beneath the crisp white sheets that lined the motel bed. Ken could barely make out the light snoring from the pale lad as he looked over his half bare body noting the not-so-well-hidden scars and bruises from previous events in the young lad's unhappy life.

 Ken had been on the verge of seeing his prominent erection when his cellphone vibrating had gotten his attention. With a sigh of annoyance, he rolled out of bed, his thick cock flopping along his bare thighs and ventured toward where he had hastily discarded his black suit slacks. He rolled his eyes at the amount of effort he had to put into getting it as it continued to vibrate, as he took a moment to flip the phone up before shuffling into his boxer shorts and slacks before stepping outside the motel room so as not to further disturb the slumbering Dean.


Parking Lot, Roadside Motel, Baltiney, New York...

 Ken was been further annoyed when the voice of Valencia had been on the other end calling from a number he had not recognized in the hopes that he wouldn't hang up on her again. The last thing he needed was more stress regarding her and her unborn child. He had already had enough of her meddling in his day-to-day when she called his father and he suspended him from the company on her behalf. He had gotten far enough away from the door to let her incur his verbal wrath for having the audacity to still be calling him. 

"You've got some fucking nerve," he growled with the phone to his ear. 

{"Papi where are you?"} asked Valencia sounding more than a bit anxious about the condition he had been in since last she'd seen him at her place. 

"None of your damn business," remarked Ken not at all budging on his rage toward her and her actions against his better interest. 

{"Don't be like that...you know you miss this hot pussy...don't lie Papi you can't stay mad at me forever, you might as well come home...let me take care of you like I always do."} replied Valencia not giving up on attempting to get him to come back to her. 

"Not gonna happen, Val, I've already made a new arrangement that takes care of me properly," replied Ken rather smugly over the phone. 

{"It doesn't matter which needy bitch spreads her legs for you Ken we both know she can never fuck you the way I do, now come home and let me ride your big dick until you cum."} insisted Valencia lying on the thickness of her accent knowing how much Ken responded to it. 

Ken grunted on the end of the phone feeling his arousal intensify at the tone of Valencia's voice. He had not wanted to admit it but he missed pounding her tight wet sex and listening to her moan for him. 

"FUCK!" shouted Ken frustrated and no doubt quite aroused before he hung up the phone amid Valencia's laughter at how easily she could get him worked up. He made his way back into the room, which had only been due to him neglecting to close the door all the way, and slammed the door shut before tossing his phone onto the nearby table. 

He hated how easily Valencia had been able to get to him but knew it was only due to their long-standing association which he had been determined to put an end to. He did after all have a new arrangement of sorts and her words only made him all the more glad he had made it. 


Interior, Room 21, Roadside Motel, Baltiney, New York...

 Ken took a few moments to hastily discarded his slacks and boxers as his thick angry cock sprang forth ahead of him as he moved toward the bed where an equally naked and pleasantly sleeping Dean Hudson had been resting. He noted the contrast of the messy sheets with the naked blond lad's thin pale frame. Ken approached the bed and climbed onto it positioning himself and his eager cock between the slender pale thighs of the still slumbering naked lad. Dean's pink cock had shifted and rapidly aroused at the instant of Ken's rough touch against his bare inner thighs and he whimpered in sleep when the older man parted them. 

Dean whimpered in his sleep as his cock pulsed while he felt the all too familiar intrusion of a thick cock invading his hidden depths. His blue eyes sprang open and he moaned as Ken thrust inside him gripping his small body in his strong hands as he split him in two. It had still taken some getting used to as he winced from the pain of the entry but raised his pale ass off the bed in a bid to allow Ken to slide deeper inside him. 

Dean had been still slick from their previous collective efforts and had a better time adjusting to Ken's size than beforehand. He whimpered as the older man pinned him to the bed and captured his small mouth in a heated kiss not at all minding the occasional aspect of morning breath. Dean's body shook as Ken invaded him still sliding more of his thick cock inside him as the blond teen took note of the time of day and his surroundings. 

He had not known how long he slept but he knew Ken had been ready to go the moment he parted his legs. The older man groaned in Dean's ear as his body began to pump between the lad's slender pale thighs. Dean wrapped his legs around Ken's body and pulled him a bit deeper making them both groan at the intensity of the sensation and depth increasing. 

"Fuck..." hissed Ken his eyes closing as he relished being enveloped in the handsome young lad's tightness once more after Valencia's teasing. She had done a good job of working him up but he had every intention of working it off inside Dean's tight little body than hers. 

"Uhhhh," moaned Dean as he gripped Ken's body his fingernails digging into the flesh of the older man's bare back. "Fuck..."

"So fucking tight...." hissed Ken pumping into Dean's slickness as his pace increased with a new round of eagerness. "YESSSSS!"

Dean continued to moan despite noting how relatively pleased Ken had been to be back inside him. Ken had been all business when it came to getting himself off as the pure primal aspect of their coupling began to take over him and he found himself pummeling Dean's sex as if he'd been Valencia in the midday hours. 

Her words burned in his ear leaving the unmistakable hiss of her accent as he unleashed all of his frustrations on Dean's tight sex loving the sensation of clenching and the younger blond lad's soft moans as their pace increased in frequency.

"UHHHH" moaned Dean losing himself as Ken's intense pumping pummeled his formerly virgin sex and jolted his thin body along the messy bedding. He had been out of his depth as far as being able to take Ken's intensity with only so little experience and nearly screamed as the older man nearly forgot himself while indulging his primal urges. 

"Shit....I'm sorry," said Ken slowly coming to his senses. "I got a bit carried away baby I forgot you're still new to this."

He gently kiss Dean's lips and neck as the lad gasped beneath him still reeling from the sharp pain and seemingly unending pleasure as he felt his body clench along the massive cock that continued to pump inside him. 

Dean had never imagined that his time in Baltiney, New York would lead him to this moment, his small body being taken to heights unheard of by the older rich man with more than his fair share of personal demons. Ken kissed Dean's lips once more and he returned the kiss amid gasps while still reeling from his rapid-fire release as his pink cock pulsed and coated their bellies and thighs once again just as Ken grunted feeling his cock coated as well while Dean continued to clench around him. 

"Fuck....me..." moaned Dean loving how the older man seemed to have command over his needy lust-driven body. 

He felt the inexplicable heat as his heart continued to race in the wake of Ken's rapid pumping. It had amazed Dean that his lover had been so skilled and the depths of his stamina had been something to marvel at given his age. The moaning blond lad had not even known if he could keep up for much longer as his weaker body had been attempting to give out. 

Ken groaned as he felt his cock pulse and the onset of his own release as he pinned Dean harder against the bed and pumped into his slick sex even faster desperate to let loose the floodgates which had been all the blond lad could feel once Ken's release ripped through him. 

"FFFFFUUUUCCCCKKK!" shouted Ken as he found himself collapsing onto a panting and sweat-slick Dean. 

The older man's body glistened as well as he gasped for breath feeling his thick cock pulse inside the tightness of the blond lad despite them still being winded. 

"Good pussy." Ken managed as he kissed Dean's bare chest and then his still slightly reddened lips before holding himself up long enough to relish the final instances of his cock pulsing inside Dean before messily pulling out. "I told you I'd fuck you morning, noon, and night."

Dean found himself smirking despite being tired as he continued to catch his breath. After they lay there amid the messy bedding and stared up at the motel room ceiling, the rumbling of Dean's stomach had cut through the silence. He had been once more embarrassed about it but Ken simply chuckled and rolled onto his side to kiss the lad's red heat-blasted face. 

"I suppose I could go out and get you something to eat," said Ken seemingly back to his charming self now that his carnal needs had been met. "Anything special you want?"

"Something good," replied Dean still quite weak and exhausted from their previous exploits and hunger. 

"I know just the thing, but it'll take me a minute though," replied Ken with all seriousness. "You up to traveling?"

Dean shook his head. He had not even the strength to raise his head at the moment let alone get dressed and sit in a car. 

"You need anything from Spyder while I'm out?" asked Ken with an arched brown recalling how severe Dean's withdrawals had been once before. 

Dean nodded as he gratefully reached up and touched Ken's cheek.

The older man leaned down and kissed his lips before climbing out of bed and rushing to get dressed.

He managed to do so in record time even recalling where his car keys and motel keys had been before heading out the door leaving young Dean to pass back out in a blissful short slumber. 

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