
Chapter 7: The Rockstar Dealmaker

Kennison Unlimited Towers, Financial District, Baltiney, New York...

 The ride in the elevator following his trip from the parking garage had been a rather tedious one as Ken had been having quite the time fixing his tie and making himself more presentable before he inevitably had to run into his father who had been no doubt waiting for his line of questions. He had vaguely recalled him saying something about someone wanting to speak to him in person about a few amendments to a contract negotiation and that the person wishing to see him had not taken no for an answer.

At the time Ken had been thinking with his lower head and anticipating the lunch break so he could make Val scream before having to return to paperwork and desk pushing in a bid to make his father happy. He had become even more of a helicopter parent since the accident and refused to allow Ken any room to breathe and of course, found himself in trouble, sadly Coleman couldn't be everywhere at all times so Ken managed to find time to get into trouble no matter how many times his father established that it had not been good for business. 

The moment the silver doors opened he'd been forced to endure the company of one of his father's assistants, Carl Webber, a certified nerd and numbers pusher who had been high on Coleman's payroll and of course an unofficial babysitter for Ken whenever the old man saw fit. Carl had been an average-sized man with a thin build and thick cokebottle glasses with dark brown frames. He had been always present with his pocket full of pens and pencils at a moment's notice which always caused Ken to roll his eyes. Some of his best excuses had been about needing a pen or pencil in a bid to find himself escaping conversations and rooms with too many people. 

Carl's less than interesting short cropped red hair and freckles had left something to be desired as he approached Ken the moment he stepped out of the elevator no doubt as Coleman had instructed him. 

"M-Mister Kennison....we have an emergency....the contract negotiations for his latest acquisition are hinging on you meeting with the negotiator for the premiere company." stammered Carl much to Ken's annoyance. 

"Calm down Carl, what's the damage and who do I have to speak to, to get the ball rolling here?" asked Ken almost immediately taking on his professional persona now that he'd been at the office. 

It had been a relatively smooth transition given his deep baritone voice and confidence courtesy of his recent hit of "powdered sugar" as he called it. His eyes had been giddy but nothing that couldn't be masked with the excitement of having a deal with a good deal of money to be made. 

Carl seemed to be out of his element as he looked over the file in his hand. 

"It appears The Shrouder Brothers have enlisted the assistance of Evelyn Towers," he replied as if shaken. 

"Evelyn Towers?" asked Ken before a rather sly smile filed across his handsome face. "And here I thought this was going to be a problem."

Carl seemed confused by his response. 

"Sir?" he asked with an arched brow. 

Eveyln had something of a reputation for being a shark when it came to legal arrangements and company protection. She had been one of the best women in her field and her price tag wasn't at all cheap, people only hired her if they wanted the best of the best, and going up against Ryker Kennison one needed the best given his business reputation and shark-like qualities when he smelled blood in the water so to speak. 

Sadly for The Shrouder Brothers of Shrouder Co, Ken had been more than prepared to deal with Evelyn Towers as she'd always been second best when it came to their field of expertise but not due to her lack of negotiation skills, it was simply that Ken despite being a rather dastardly scoundrel was better at it than her or anyone else especially when it came to her. 

"Where is she?" asked Ken with a renewed sense of purpose. 

"I-In your office sir," said Carl confused about his boss' sudden delight in knowing that Evelyn was there. 

A wide grin spread across Ken's handsome face like that of a shark as he took a moment to slick back his hair and straighten his tie. His office had been on the top floor and it had been the only office that had been such due to renovations following his return to work which had included soundproofing. Coleman had not been privy to the expenses but he had allowed the extension believing it would enable Ken to get more work done, of course, he had not known that his son had used his office for more than work with quite a few passing through "interns" during the late hours. 

"She in there alone?" asked Ken with an arched brow. 

"As far as I know, she wanted to speak with you directly and assumed you would be back in time from lunch to meet with her," replied Carl still confused about Ken's demeanor when it came to a woman with a reputation in business like Evelyn Towers had, she made even the surest of business savvy men tremble when she'd been summoned to a board meeting. 

Ken nodded gathering himself as he moved passed Carl and headed to a separate elevator and toward his office. 


Ken's Office, Top Of The Tower, Financial District, Baltiney, New York...

 The moment Ken Ryker stepped into the heavy wood doors of his office it had been like a switch had been turned on and he'd been quite the professional. He saw Evelyn standing near his bookcase browsing through his collection of fine literature as if she'd been bored out of her mind. She had been a tall and slender woman with a fair complexion and long thin legs that complimented her height as well as her outfit. She had long flowing blond locks that draped about her shoulders in large bouncing curls that gave her movie actress quality looks as she closed the hard leather book and slipped it rather casually back into place on the shelf with similar books of its kind. 

Ken had not been of the mind to focus on much given his dark eyes had drifted to her very shapely backside as he licked his lips in a bid to get ready for whatever it was that she had in store for him in terms of a greeting. This had been a familiar dance between them, although it had not happened that often due to their diverging paths and respective obligations. 

He had known all too well her deep sultry voice and the scent of her frequently smoked fancy silken green packaged cigarettes as well as the jasmine scent of her perfume that tended to always linger long after she had left a room. If it had not been for the coke already in his system, he might have blamed Evelyn's looks for the way his heart seemed to be racing and the sweating of his palms as he watched her move ever so gracefully from the brown bookshelf toward him the sound of her dark high heels clicking against the black marble flooring as she approached him, the sway of her slender hips not lost on him. 

Ken thought her the fitting image of a noir movie "Femme Fatal" as she approached him. Her large breasts and perfectly proportioned ruby red lips before him as he looked down at her trying his best to ignore the slow tenting of his suit slacks courtesy of his rather large cock in reaction to her beauty and boldness. 

Before he could get a word out, however, she had closed the gap between them in record time and slapped him across the face with speed unheard of. Ken barely had time to blink as the stinging sensation filed across his handsome face and he looked back at her furious gaze with lust-filled dark eyes. 

"That is for making me wait," she growled indignantly. 

Ken's eyes had been filled with even more lust as she moved passed him and made her way toward his desk. He turned and locked his office doors before following her toward the desk where she'd laid out the files for their negotiations. He watched as she bent over his desk as he moved to close the distance behind her, his thick cock still tenting his suit slacks as he moved his hand to the front of her belly from behind as she melted into his embrace as he kissed along her pale neck and sucked on the flesh taking in the scent of her thick jasmine perfume as she bit back a moan while biting her lower lip. 

"Looks like somebody's wet for me already," he whispered in her ear as his free hand moved down to her thighs and up her skirt and past her chosen set of black silk panties. 

Evelyn moaned as she felt his questing fingers move past her heated folds becoming coated in her wetness as he licked the side of her neck while pressing his prominent erection harder against her shapely ass as she leaned with her palms down against the surface of his wide dark oakwood desk. 

"Mmmm...nasty bastard." hissed Evelyn as she closed her eyes giving into the sensation building inside her courtesy of Ken's questing fingers pumping inside of her soaking them both in the process as he continued to kiss and lick at the flesh of her neck. "Don't leave any marks...I have to get back to the office remember."

Ken smirked against her skin as his nostrils flared in reaction to the scent of her arousal and he continued to work his fingers inside her making her knees weak and more moans escape her lovely dark ruby red lips. 

"So wet, your boy toy must not be giving you the right amount of deep dick." taunted Ken in something of a raspy deep baritone that had been like velvet in Evelyn's ear. 

"S-Shut up." groaned Evelyn as she bit back another moan. "Not everyone can be a bastard like you....fuck....Ken."

He delighted in her moaning his name as she was one of the few people who had accepted that he'd changed following his car accident, of course, it was due to who he had been beforehand that made it all the more difficult to reconcile the two for everyone else. 

Evelyn Towers and Ryker Kennison's late wife Sera Kennison had been the best of friends during those early years. She'd even been Godmother to their two deceased sons Kevin age 10 and Carter age 8. The deaths had not been easy on any of them and Evelyn had not taken it any better than Ken had. She'd been the first to meet "Ken Ryker" during one of his late-night drinking binges, he had not known who she'd been at all and she'd been trying her best to look after him for Sera's sake. 

She didn't expect him to want to have sex with her nor for her to want to allow it, the pain of losing Sera and the kids and his near-death had devastated her, and she saw it as the only way to keep him from completely going off the rails in the wake of everything, but Ken had been only interested in sex and only sex which had not been enough for her despite her understanding that no other woman would ever replace Sera in his heart. Evelyn settled for sex until she didn't and made it a point to find someone who could love her but every so often she found herself caving the same cocaine-fueled bastard's thick cock that had belonged to her late best friend's husband. 

"Sign the contract and I'll make you scream right here and now." Ken continued to taunt Evelyn as he pushed and pulled his sodden fingers amid her warm folds making her all the more palpable to his words in the wake of her newly ignited need for him. "You know how this works "Evie", you give me what I want and I'll return the favor, I know your wet pussy better than anyone...you need my dick and I'm willing to give it to you...for a price...sign the contract."

Evelyn moaned as she arched her body against Ken's trying her hardest to ignore his advantage in this negotiation. He had always been a subversive bastard since awakening after his accident, but she had assumed she'd been strong enough to resist it given how long it had been since they'd been together let alone how long ago they had sex. 

Ken had been impressed with her level of resolve but he'd been more than prepared to up the ante so to speak. He removed his hand from her slick depths and raised her skirt to pull down her panties. She moaned leaning against the table her body on fire from the lust he'd ignited from his fingers and lips along her neck alone. 

As she attempted to clear the fog of lust now that his fingers had been out of the way, she had barely a moment to gasp before she felt the bare head of Ken's thick cock at her folds slick from her arousal and nearly barreling at her entrance from behind. 

"Fuck..." she hissed closing her eyes tight and gripping his desk not wishing to give in but desperate to feel him fill her like he had so many nights before they had separated. "Bastard... what would you're father think of you using business hours and resources to get pussy?"

"What Pop doesn't know won't hurt him," replied Ken with a wicked smirk as he once more rubbed the head of his thick cock along Evelyn's slick folds making her moan and her body shudder in response. 

"Risking sexual harassment in the workplace just for a contract?" inquired Evelyn still trying to hold on to her last shred of dignity in the wake of the negotiations. 

"It's only sexual harassment when you aren't as wet as I am hard," replied Ken still kissing along Evelyn's neck making her moan once more. "Besides you and I both know this isn't the first time we've had this dance while doing business, and something tells me you like doing it this way, with me at least, gives you an excuse to come see me."

Ken continued to tease her throbbing sex and rolled a nearby pen toward her right hand. 

"Sign and I'll fuck you long and hard the moment the ink hits the page." teased Ken with a wicked smirk. 

Evelyn whimpered for a few moments before gripping the pen reluctantly. 

"You'd better be making a fair deal Ken, I can't have you and your big dick ruining my work," she said before aiming for the contract. 

"Always babe," replied Ken thrusting into her as she finally willed herself to sign on the dotted line. "WOOOO!, still some of the best pussy I've ever had."

Evelyn smirked as she gripped the desk below them, the troublesome contract signed and the deal able to proceed as planned. 


Work Floor, Kennison Unlimited Towers, Financial District, Baltiney, New York...

 Coleman Kennison had been still on the lookout for his wayward only son Ryker Kennison worried that he might have gotten into another means of trouble since taking off for his lunch break. The assistant Carl had made his way over to the heavily aged man as he stood in a rather intellectual gray suit with black dress shoes and his now gray hair formerly the color of his son's had been combed rather neatly. Unlike Ken, Coleman had been prone to making himself presentable when in public and he'd been quite the constant professional when at the office or otherwise. 

His blue eyes scanned the horizon from the rather large office windows as he pondered what kind of trouble his son had gotten into and the issue of the latest contract delays. He had known Evelyn was negotiating and stalling the deal going through and he had known all too well that his son Ryker knew how to handle it and any other business deal that came their way. It had been one of the only things that seemed to have carried over in terms of his business-savvy ways from before his accident. 

"Is my son handling the negotiations?" asked Coleman not taking his eyes off the horizon as Carl approached him. He'd been standing with his arms folded across his chest and his eyes still focused on the skyline. 

"Yes Sir, I informed him just as he arrived as you told me," replied Carl honestly. "He seemed pretty confident and went straight to see it thought."

Coleman nodded in approval as he continued to stare out at the horizon pondering the latest phone call he'd received from a young woman by the name of "Valencia Ramos". 

"I'm calling it an early day, there's some business I need to handle if Ryker has everything with this deal well in hand," he said turning his attention to Carl at last. "I'll be heading home from there."

Carl nodded and ventured to his desk leaving the elder Kennison to glance once more at his phone and the missed calls from what seemed to be a frantic Valencia Ramos. 

Next chapter