
Chapter 177: Charon The Ferryman

[Third Person's PoV] 

The car ride toward Santa Monica stretched until sunset, bathing the sky in a gradient of deepening oranges and purples. Lucian, Annabeth, and Thalia took the opportunity to answer every question Nico and Bianca had about life as demigods—and even more about Lucian himself. By the time the car pulled up to the beach, Nico and Bianca had come to genuinely admire their half-brother.

The group exited the car and gathered by its front, where the salty breeze greeted them. Lucian leaned against the hood, his hands in his sweater pockets, while Percy turned to face the ocean, silhouetted by the fading light. "I'll be back…" Percy said, his voice firm yet uncertain, as he strode forward, stepping into the water until he was fully submerged, disappearing beneath the waves.

Nico, eyes wide with curiosity, turned to Lucian. "So... when can we do the things you do? Like moving through shadows and all that?"

Lucian chuckled. "You already can, in a way. But if you want, I can help you find where your ability's power is centered. It'll make it easier for you to tap into it."

"Yes, please!" Nico and Bianca chorused, excitement flickering in their eyes.

Stepping closer, Lucian placed a hand on each of their midsections, his touch gentle yet firm. "This might feel weird… and, fair warning, it's going to hurt."

Before they could respond, a pulling, twisting sensation shot through Nico and Bianca's stomachs. They doubled over, clutching their torsos as if a knot were tightening within, drawing something unseen from deep inside them. They gritted their teeth, the discomfort slowly fading.

"That feeling," Lucian explained, his voice steady, "is what it's like to access your abilities. Normally, it's less painful and more… well, unnatural."

He stopped abruptly, a chill running down his spine, as if an icy hand had brushed the back of his neck. He shivered involuntarily and glanced around, seeing the others react in the same way, holding their arms against the sudden cold. Lucian's gaze landed on Bianca, eyes wide with a mix of disbelief.

"What?" Bianca asked, looking around at the others, who were giving her similar looks of astonishment.

"There's no f—" Lucian caught himself, glancing at Nico and muttering, "flipping way. You actually have that ability. I call… uh, bull. BS!"

Annabeth smirked at his struggle. "Having a hard time, Lucian?"

"I'm dying over here," he muttered back, leaning slightly toward her with an exaggerated groan.

"What ability?" Bianca asked, her brow furrowing as she looked between them.

Lucian cleared his throat, choosing his words carefully. "Apart from the usual powers like shadow manipulation, fear inducement, spirit communication, and bone summoning that most children of Hades have, there's one ability—extremely rare—that even I struggle to use… the Aspect of Coldness. It's something I barely touch on myself because… well, I'm kind of terrible at it. I'm honestly jealous," he admitted, a hint of exasperation slipping through. "Talk about unfair."

Thalia scoffed, crossing her arms. "I don't want to hear that from you, Mr. Walking Cheat Code."

Bianca's eyes widened in awe as she examined her hands, almost expecting to feel the power coursing through them. "Really?" she murmured, more to herself than anyone else.

Nico looked at her, equally impressed. "Wow, Bianca. That's amazing…"

She puffed her chest with pride, basking in her little brother's admiration.

Nico, now hopeful, raised his hand. "What about me? Do I have that ability?"

"We all kind of do, in a way," Lucian said thoughtfully. "But for Bianca, it's… different. It comes naturally. Think of it like this: we all share similar powers, but some abilities will just feel more instinctive for certain people."

Before Nico could ask more, the sound of moving water caught their attention. Percy emerged from the sea, his expression pensive, holding three glistening orbs in his hands. The group turned toward him, anticipation thick in the air.

"So, I met the water spirit—the one I encountered by the river last time," Percy began, his voice steady. "She said she serves in my dad's court. Apparently, gods aren't supposed to show favoritism toward their kids, only… influence. She also knows about our journey to the Underworld. She gave me these orbs and told me that if we ever need help, to smash one by our feet. And… that's about it."

By the time Percy finished, the sun had dipped below the horizon, blanketing the beach in the deep blues of early night. Their only source of light came from the car's headlights, casting long shadows across the sand.

Percy turned to Lucian, his expression serious. "It's time… We need to go to the Underworld."

Lucian sighed, rolling his eyes slightly. "You don't have to say it so ominously." He opened the driver's side door. "Alright, everyone, hop in."

The group piled back into the car, the earlier excitement tempered with a tinge of unease. Bianca, sitting beside Nico, fidgeted with her hands, her eyes distant.

"So… how exactly do we get to the Underworld?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Though eager to meet her father, a hint of anxiety colored her tone.

"Since I'm technically bringing uninvited, living guests, we'll have to go through the main entrance," Lucian explained, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. He offered them a reassuring smile in the rearview mirror. "Don't worry. You'll see when we get there."

With that, they pulled away from the beach, merging onto the empty road that led to their fateful destination.

It was nearly midnight when Lucian and the others arrived at a building with a large, neon-lit sign that read: DOA Recording Studio. The building looked mundane enough from the outside.

Bianca shot Lucian a deadpan look, crossing her arms. "Are… are you serious?"

Grover shifted nervously, glancing between Lucian and the sign. "This is really the entrance to the Underworld?"

Clarisse groaned, too exhausted to care. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with."

They all stepped through the glass doors into the lobby, with Lucian leading the way to the security guard's desk. The lobby was sleek and modern, all polished marble and chrome. Sitting atop a raised podium was the guard, tall and elegant, with deep chocolate-colored skin, bleached-blonde hair cut military-style, and tortoiseshell shades hiding his eyes. He wore a crisp silk suit that matched his hair, a black rose pinned to his lapel just beneath a silver name tag that read "Charon."

"Charon! My man!" Lucian greeted him, raising his hand for a dab up. "Still pulling the long hours, I see!"

Charon looked up, lowering his shades just enough to eye Lucian over the frames. "Oi, young prince, mate—what'd we say about disturbing me during my shift?" His British accent was as sharp as his suit, every word crisp and laced with dry humor.

Lucian grinned and slipped into an exaggerated British accent. "Ah, but surely I'm not interrupting your late-night biscuits-and-crumpets break, am I?"

Charon huffed, but there was a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Nice to see you're still a cheeky prick."

"And it's nice to see you still have no respect for your superiors," Lucian teased back, barely hiding his smirk.

The others exchanged glances, bewildered by the oddly friendly banter. Annabeth and Thalia, however, seemed entertained, small smiles tugging at their lips.

Charon finally straightened, resting his hands on the desk. "So, what can I do for you, young prince? Let me guess—this'll cost me a nice stack of drachmas, eh?"

Lucian raised an eyebrow, feigning insult. "Come on, I got you that raise. That should set me up for life. Can't you help a guy out?"

"Not that it isn't appreciated, mate, but that's old news," Charon shot back, rubbing his fingers together in the universal symbol for cash. "We live in the present, and I have taxes to think about. Besides, they're alive—as alive as the Queen of England. Taking the living across costs a bit extra, I'm afraid."

Lucian chuckled and leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Or, I could just tell my dad that you're keeping him from meeting his other kids. You know he's been anxiously waiting. Who knows? Might even consider firing you for your… greed."

Charon paused, blinking as he finally took a closer look at Nico and Bianca. His eyes widened in recognition. "Bloody hell, mate! Lead with that next time, would you? Are you trying to get me killed?"

Lucian leaned back, arms crossed smugly. "So, do we still have to pay?"

Charon sighed in exasperation but waved a hand dismissively. "It's on the house, you bloody extortionist. But you owe me a good word with Lord Hades. No one says no to a second raise, yeah? Now, come along, little godlings." He slid off his desk and began leading them down a hallway, the polished floors beneath their feet giving way to an ominous, shadow-filled passageway.

As they followed Charon, the atmosphere changed, growing colder and heavier with each step. The sounds of the lobby faded, replaced by the distant echoes of whispers and soft wails that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once.

They reached a door marked "EMPLOYEES ONLY," and Charon unlocked it with a dramatic flair. Beyond it was a narrow passage that led down to the murky banks of the River Styx. An ancient ferry waited in the gloom.

Charon gestured them toward the ferry. "All aboard, little godlings," he said, sounding half-resigned, half-amused. "Mind your step, and watch out for the occasional soul or two floating by—bit grabby, those ones." He gave Lucian a knowing look. "And remember, young prince… you owe me."

Lucian smirked but gave a nod of gratitude. "Wouldn't have it any other way."


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