


"We are asked by the Savior to find you, Great Warlock of the Dark", I told Warlock of Delirium on speakers.

"How do you know who I am?" Warlock asked me.

"I told you already, we came to look for you and we found you. You are the Warlock of Delirium, aren't you?" I asked him on the speakers.

"The Savior? She was gone during the last Battle of Armageddon. You are lying", Warlock told us while suspecting.

"The Revelations are in motion again that is why the Savior has returned in a new incarnation", I told Warlock.

The Warlock was confused by what I told him and was undecided about whether to believe me.

"You'll need to make him convince you are from the Savior", Rinna suggested to me.

"Savior? Isn't that Eirot? That is easy we can tell him all about her", Cassandra suggested to us.

"The Savior he worships is not Eirot", I replied to her.

"Then who is the Warlock worshipping?" Chash asked.

"The Savior to him is the False Prophet, the Demon Queen", Meera told us her answer.

"We are not lying to you Great Warlock", I said to Warlock on the speakers of the ship.

"You must show me proof that you came from the Savior otherwise I will not believe you. I will kill you", Warlock told me.

"Damn, where can we get proof that we came with the order of the Demon Queen?" Melroy asked us.

"We have no proof. We have nothing to do with the Demon Queen", Chash said to us.

"We need to give him something that belongs to the Demon Queen or False Prophet before he will believe us", Rinna told us.

"But we have nothing from the Demon Queen", Cassandra told us.

"We need to think of something quick. The day is approaching soon and if we are stuck here wasting time with the Warlock, we would not reach Castle Delirium", Chash told us.

All of us were at a loss about how to prove ourselves as envoys from the Savior.

Then I thought of something.

I exited our ship to approach Warlock before telling him, "I have proof from the great Savior".

"Really, what proof do you have you are with the Savior?" Warlock asked me.

Suddenly, I brought out the skull of a large demon and showed it to Warlock. The skull belonged to an Archdemon that we killed in Hell, and I stored it in my magical storage.

"Isn't this the skull from an Archdemon? How can this proof you came from the Savior? The Archdemons are the minions of the Savior," Warlock asked me suspiciously and was about to raise his spell again.

"The Savior kills these demon heads for fun and gives their heads to her most loyal subjects as trophies. This Archdemon head is the trophy that I received from the Savior", I explained to Warlock.

The Warlock thought about the matter for a while before he understood.

"That seems like something the Savior will do, rewarding the faithful", Warlock told me, finally acknowledging my status as the envoy from the Savior.

"Now that we have found you, Great Warlock of the Dark, you must accompany us to Castle Delirium to obtain the Heart of the Dark Angel", I said to him.

"The Heart of the Dark Angel is in the castle?" Warlock asked me.

"Yes," I replied to him.

"But I am not allowed to go anywhere near the Castle of Delirium. Delirium will not allow me", Warlock told me.

"That is the reason you have not found the Heart of the Dark Angel after searching for so long, it is in the place you have never been to, Castle Delirium", I told Warlock.

"That is so true. No wonder Delirium prevents me from going into his castle", Warlock lamented to me before adding, "What are we going to do now?"

I pretended to think about the matter for awhile before I suggested to him, "We will go to Castle Delirium first and search the Heart of the Dark Angel. We will bring it to you once we find it there".

Warlock thought about it for a while again before he cautioned, "Are you sure you will keep your promise and give me the Heart of the Dark Angel?"

"Of course, we have no use for the Divine Heart. Mortals cannot use the divine Heart without getting themselves killed", I replied to him.

"That is true. Only the Dark Angel or his Incarnates can obtain and integrate the Dark Angel's Immortal Heart", Warlock said to me.

"Alright, I should make a move now before the light comes out", I told Warlock and returned to our ship leaving the Warlock behind.

The Warlock of Delirium didn't stop our ship this time and allowed us to pass.


"How did you get the Warlock to let us pass?" Melroy asked me.

"I proved to him that I am the Savior's envoy who came to help him recover the Heart of the Dark Angel", I replied to them.

"With the bloody skull? How can that be?" Ratatouille asked me.

"Well, it's a guess. We have nothing from the Savior that could prove our identity, so I gave the Warlock an Archdemon's skull. Villains like the Demon Queen usually parade their enemy's skull in their chambers as trophies and sometimes even the skulls of their minions", I told them.

"How can the skull be a proof of your allegiance to the Demon Queen?" Chash asked.

"If Villains will value demon's skulls as trophies, it is likely they will become appreciated by their minions. Naturally, gifting such a trophy to a subordinate is not unreasonable", I told them.

"And he believes that?" Ratatouille asked me.

"Like I said before, he's stupid", I replied to him.

"What if you guess wrongly and he doesn't believe you?" Melroy asked me.

"Well, then we fight", I replied to him.

"Another thing. How do you know the Warlock wants the Heart of the Dark Angel and also how did you know he is barred from entering Delirium Castle?" Melroy asked me.

Next chapter