


The screams of Medusa echoed through the air as the serpents on her crown hissed, freezing the Spider Queen's spawn in their tracks, in fear.

In the midst of the chaos, the cobra on Rinna's right unleashed a legion of serpents from the depths of its opened hood. These spectral creatures surged forward, sinking their venomous fangs into the spiderlings, turning them to stone.

Deprived of her minions, the Spider Queen Anansi attempted to flee, only to be met with the lethal strike of Rinna's fanged serpent. With a savage bite, the serpent on Rinna's left tore into the spider to rend her apart.

As Anansi's lifeblood ebbed away, a solitary blue spiderling skittered from the shadows, carrying her essence. In the crevices of ruins, it disappeared, a whisper of hope for Anansi's resurrection under the right circumstances.


The three Bloodfiends were weaker than the Darklord but they were extremely resilient. Despite our relentless attacks, they were not defeated.

"We can't kill these damn Bloodfiends", Chash complained to us.

"My chains won't restrain this one for very long", Ratatouille added.

"This monster regenerates as soon as my exploding shards struck her", Meera complained.

"I'm out of idea here too", Cassandra added.

"Do something useful, the Demon Queen is here. Don't waste your time", Ratatouille reminded me.

"There is actually something I want to try", I replied to him with a smile.


Out of nowhere, a sinuous chain materialized in the heavens, its purpose clear- to ensnare its prey.

At its terminus, a bell-like apparition materialized, its form distinct from any other. Unlike traditional bells, it didn't sway gently from side to side to ring a melody. Instead, it spun with ferocious velocity, its intent clear as it hunted its quarry.

Within its swirling depths lay razor-sharp blades, spinning in opposition to the bell's rotation.

It didn't take long for the spinning bell to find its mark- a grotesque monstrosity crafted from the foulest, most corrupted blood.

Without hesitation, the chain seized its target.

Expanding to a size capable of engulfing the Bloodfiend's head, the spinning bell descended with precision. In a single, swift motion, it crushed and devoured the creature's crown.

The sky erupted into a torrent of crimson as the Bloodfiend's head was obliterated and mingled within the enchanted bell, its rotary blades shredding and blending the vile essence within.

As the rain of blood cascaded upon the city of Maher, the spinning bell and chain continued their relentless search for their next victim.

"Behold the Guillotine of the Sky"


[Before the journey to Maher city]

"Freeloader, I've crafted the templar constellation that you wanted", Sara told me irritated as she threw me a scroll which contained a constellation map.

"Thanks", I replied to her as I browsed through the constellation.

Immediately, I learned to conjure from the constellation map and to my surprise the result was quite like how I imagined it.

Sara by chance obtained the essence of magic from the Temple of Magic in the west forests of Tarah city. Sara doesn't cast magic like the templars of this world by practice and constellation channeling.

Instead, Sara learned the programming language of magic in this world by studying the Temple of Magic. So, Sara does not need to rely on templar skills developed through generations by talented templars, she could program her own templar magic.

Sara just programmed for me a magic that I requested.

I summoned a large bell that was pulled by a long magical chain. Inside the summoned bell there was a set of spinning blades. Anything that got caught inside the bell would be rendered and minced.

"What is this strange skill that you just learned?" Cassandra asked me with curiosity.

"Throw me a large melon", I asked her.

"We have huge melons here in this city", Ratatouille told us with a grin.

Cassandra threw an abnormally large melon that weighed a hundred kilograms into the air.

With a swift swing, I threw the chain linked bell over the large melon. As expected, the melon was crushed by the blades inside the bell, and its contents sprayed over our yard in a shower of melon scraps.

"Wow this is a good skill to spray seeds in the farm", Ratatouille told us.

"I wonder how it will work in battle", Chash wondered and asked.

"The strength of this conjuration skill is limited but once I augment the skill with the divine artifacts that I took from the three Lord Knights of the Order of the Cross, the skill might be unbeatable", I told them excitedly.

"If it is so easy to create invincible skills there will be no weak templars", Sara told me.

"This method only works for me. I learned it from the Ayen god of Prolis. Prolis magic is the greatest magic known", I explained to them.

"Buh", Sara replied to me.

The Ayen God Hanuman taught me a method to empower my templar skills with the sacred magic of my bones. The secret ingredient was to reinforce my magic with powerful artifacts.

I've enhanced my templar skills with this method, and I plan to do it again for my new skill.

I conjured my bone realm in my mind as I began empowering the newest templar skill that Sara designed for me. I visualized the templar constellation in my mind as I sent the three artifacts that I obtained from the three Lord knights of Order into my bone realm, to be melded into the magic that empowered my skill.

I tried for a very long time.

In the end, I failed in integrating the three divine artifacts into my skill.

"This is strange. I designed a templar skill that should work with the three artifacts but none of them are compatible to my new templar skill", I complained to them.

"What skill are you trying to create?" Rinna asked me.

"I'm trying to create a divine skill using the divine artifacts I obtained from the Tomb of Order", I replied to her.

"I told you already, it is not so simple to create divine skills. Waste of my time designing the useless templar skill for you", Sara complained to me.

"The skill is good for opening melons", Ratatouille said and laughed with Chash.

Next chapter