


Luckily for Eirot, she escaped these mean bastards and was probably kicking their asses with her demon army.


The Apostles who sat on their golden coaches whipped the naked deviants with their whips and lashes for the fun of it and the more they whipped the greater their pleasure. 

The deviants screamed in agony while the Apostles became ecstatic and cried in pleasure.

"What kind of sick people are these?" Illiwyn asked us but we had no answer.

"I heard they whipped them until they faint. Then they pour water to wake them up before whipping them again", Anitor added to the conversation.

"It's the Wrath of the Apostles", Iras told us who was seemingly disgusted with these self-proclaimed holy men.

Soon we reached the Monastery of Elis Gate, and we were ushered into a great hall with a large banquet table. All kinds of food were served here, and they were served in plenty.

"Well, it's all gluttony here", Ratatouille said to me.

Many overweight Apostles laid around the tables as the servants served them food. They don't even need to lift a finger because they were fed by the servants.

The Apostles at the table disregarded us as they enjoyed their banquet with many naked slaves serving them the best wine and fruits and meat. 

Although the Anti-Saints were reviled by the Apostles for their seven deadly sins, the Apostles were actually no better than the deadly sins.

Lying in the middle of the large banquet table was an unusually tall man on an enormously large throne.

"Hail the High Apostle Bannon"

"Hail the High Apostle Bannon"

"Hail the High Apostle Bannon"

The slaves kneeled and praised the High Apostle as he continued to feast and played with his slaves. Bannon was the leader of the High Apostles and the Apostles, and he was the ruler of this monastery.

"What the Hell is this place?" Illiwyn asked out loudly in disgust,

"It's the Monastery of Elis", Conjurer Iras told her.

"The Monastery of the Seven Deadly Sins is more appropriate", I said to them.

"Greed, Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth, Lust, Envy and Pride. They have it all here. After the fall of the Temple of the Deadly Sins this became the new temple", Ratatouille told us in disgust.

None of us liked to be here with the Apostles but we had a task and that was to claim the Chalice of Blessing. 

"What are we waiting for Iras? I can't stand staying here for another day", Illiwyn asked Iras.

"Just a few more days, the Demons will attack again to demand the release of the slaves and deviants. The Apostles will defeat rescue High Apostle Haroth and our mission is completed", Iras told us.

"Why will the Apostles be so concerned about an individual Apostle?" I asked him.

"High Apostle Haroth is the special partner of Bannon", Iras said to us.

"Really? What kind of partner?" Eless asked us the obvious.

"I've nothing against brotherly love", I said to them.

"What should we do now?" Anitor asked Iras.

"Well, we make sure the Apostles get Haroth back alive. That is our mission isn't it", he told us.

"So that's the only condition?" I asked him.

"Yes, that's the only condition", he told me.

"What if the Apostles don't get Haroth back or he's killed in battle?" Eless asked Iras.

"Then we will not get the Chalice of Blessings", he replied to us.

"This is a fool's errand if you ask me", I replied to them.


The Monastery of Elis Gate was situated in a desert that was made from the finest golden sands. The sands were made partly from gold dust literally.

On the next day, the armies of demons came again to the Monastery of Elis, demanding an exchange of the deviant maidservants in Elis for the captured High Apostle Haroth.

From afar, the sky was covered with blinding brilliance as the gold dust from the desert was swept into the air from the heavy demons who scraped the sands as they marched.

The demon army was numerous and powerful.

They were also energized by their leader, a woman who rode on a large Bullhound, flanked by a tight leather clad woman who floated in the air besides her.

"Who's that beautiful woman?" Iviar asked us while pointing at the Demon Queen.

"The Savior", I replied to him.

"Judging from her appearance and the way the Demons deferred to her she must be their Queen, the Savior and the Goddess of the Demons", Iras told us.

"Release all of our people in exchange for your damned Eunuch Haroth", one of the Demonlords shouted to the Apostles.

"This Demonlord is Brathnok, their general", I told them.

"You do know a lot about these demons", Illiwyn said to me.

"That's good. We need the knowledge when dealing with them", Iras said to us.

"Never the High Apostles will not comply with the demands of you, filthy bitches", High Apostle Bannon shouted to the demons.

"Then it shall be war", Lord Brathnok shouted at the Apostles as they blew a Horn while thousands of Demons charged toward the monastery of Elis.

"Holy Light of Purification"

Suddenly the Apostles cast a conjuration as light poured out before the charging demons from the sky that covered them with protective light. 

But the light wasn't meant to protect the demons. They were meant to take their lives.

The Demons who rushed to Elis felt the heat from the light as their skin and armor burned under the holy beams. Demons were born from curse magic and the Apostle's light could purify curses.

"Should we help the Apostles?" Illiwyn asked Iras.

"We came to assist the Apostles. Fighting with the demons is not our main mission. We will stay on the sidelines and conjure our shields to protect the backline, that's all", Iras replied to her.

"Actually, we came here for the Chalice of Blessings", Illiwyn corrected him.

Suddenly the Demons stopped advancing because they couldn't withstand the Apostles' purification magic.

Next chapter