


"Don't worry about the enforcement. Just give me the warrant to arrest the entire Ivior sect", I told him.

"Are you sure you want to make the entire Ivior sect your enemy?" Iras asked me.

"They are already my enemy whether I arrest them or not", I replied to him.

"There is no guarantee we can keep Conjurer Ivior for long in our courts. He has the best lawyers and many judges working for him. He would be out as soon as he gets to the court", Iras told me.

"That is fine. We will convict him in another court as long as you keep him occupied for a few days", I told Iras.

"What other court?" he asked me.

"The court of public opinion", I replied to him.


"I will kill that bastard Oriese", Conjurer Ivior screamed as he walked out from the Disciplinary Court of the Conjurer Court of Drachia.

"That is the least of our trouble now", another conjurer replied to him.

"What can be worse than being played by that bastard fool?" Ivior asked his advisor.

"Conjurer Kavien is arrested", the conjurer replied to him.

"Kavien? For what crime?" Ivior asked him.

"Kavien was arrested for the theft of magic ingredients from the Materials Vault", the conjurer told Ivior.

"Didn't I tell him to be careful since the last time?" Ivior asked.

"He is very careful, but he was discovered in a special operation. The court has proof of him taking materials out of the Material Vault and caught him selling the materials", the conjurer replied to Ivior.

"I was only inside the court for three days and so much happened?" Ivior asked.

"There is more, you are all in the news recently", the advisor told him.

"Why? I didn't expect that. The Supreme Conjurer election is not yet due", Ivior said to his advisor.

"You'll have to see them for yourself", the advisor told Ivior as he showed him the Herald Times.

"Ivior's Sect steals from the Materials Vault"

"Many accomplices from the Ivior Sect arrested."

"Ivior Sect blackmails the people of Tarah city."

"Ivior Sect runs an extortion bracket in the city."

"Master Conjurer Ivior is investigated for crimes against humanity."

"Master Conjurer Ivior currently arrested for molesting an eighty year old janitor"

"Master Conjurer Ivior is a cross dresser."

"Lies, lies, lies", Ivior screamed out in anger.

"More of our men are being investigated and arrested even as we speak", the advisor told Conjurer Ivior.

"What happened in the three days I am absent? How am I to run for a Supreme Conjurer with all these lies running around?" Ivior asked angrily.

"Perhaps you should consider withdrawing for the next Supreme Conjurer election. Even the Supreme Conjurers read the Herald Times and they are quite concerned about the revelations in the newspaper", the advisor told Conjurer Ivior.

"Damn that bastard Oriese", Conjurer Ivior screamed out loud.


"Hey Oriese, how did you get so much dirt on that dirty Ivior?" Eless asked me.

"We have been secretly investigating Ivior and his sect ever since he attacked me in the Forbidden Grounds. There will be a showdown eventually between us, so we made preparations before that", I told her.

Ever since Ivior targeted me with conjurers in the Forbidden Grounds, I realized that he would not stop opposing me without a fight between us.

So, I got the Temple of Solomon thieves to tail the Ivior sect's key persons. It didn't take long before we collected plenty of evidence of the Ivior sect's wrongdoings.

Of particular note was the theft of the ingredients inside the Materials Vault. 

I discovered the theft earlier and reported it to Iras, but he only managed to catch the goons, the masterminds went scotch free. From my spies' reports, it seemed the Ivior sect was behind the theft and the key man was Kavien.

Before the fight with Ivior, Iras already secretly investigated Kavien. He already obtained evidence of him stealing from the Materials Vault. The only thing lacking was catching him in the act of selling the stolen materials.

"Did you plan to use Ivior's temporary incarceration in the court to execute your plans?"Anitor asked me.

"Well, his absence will help my plans go smoother", I replied to him.

"How did you arrest Kavien selling the stolen materials in the act? The timing is so perfect", Illiwyn asked me.

"Iras already have Kavien traced and tracked. We were only waiting for him to sell the materials to arrest him. Once we arrested Ivior, I quickly asked our traders to buy from him and we caught him in the trade", I replied to her.

"What about all the other cartoons and news in the Herald Times? Is Ivior really a cross-dresser who molested an eighty year old janitor?" Iviar asked me.

"Those news, we imagined it to give our series on Ivior sect more spice. Frankly, nobody is interested in the conjurers stealing from the vault, but they are more interested to know about Ivior's fashion preference", I replied to them when they all laughed.

"With your series on Ivior being run continuously, he will no longer be qualified to run for the Supreme Conjurer election coming soon, whether the crimes on his sect sticks or not", Iras said to us.

"Ivior and his sect are already judged by the court of public opinion", I replied to him.

"Your newspaper managed to take down a Master Conjurer with the largest sect in the Conjurer Court", Eless said to me.

"If I am the King, I will be wary of your newspaper and ban it immediately", Iviar told me.

"Don't worry, we got that part covered. The King actually likes to read our newspaper", I replied to him.

"About your father, Orol, we confirm that he is being taken by the Mithridocus family in Eloora City", Iras said to me.

After the meeting with Ivior, I later found out that Orol never went to the meeting. He was taken by another group of people who came from the Mithridocus family.

"The Mithridocus family? Aren't they being wanted by the Church of All-seeing?" Illiwyn asked us.

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