
PWA 30 Father's Story [Rewrite]

Anyway, we continue our journey with faster pace, fighting another three to six Spearows around a dozen times before finally we reached our destination before the sun hits its zenith.

Jelly Bean Town, here we are!

I along with Kotonoha immediately visit the Pokémon Center to have our Pokémons checked up and healed.

-200 pokedollars from our wallet.

I also took my time to call Professor Oak via PokeGear phone call menu to tell him that we have arrived on the Jelly Bean Town and is currently waiting for our Pokémons to get full heal treatment in Pokémon Center.

To which Professor Oak, who at that time are still eating a slice of Pizza with Krabby meat toppings as his lunch asked me to wait for a while as he will call his Aide who are currently staying at Jelly Bean Town's Pokémon Research Facility which is conveniently loctaed near the Pokémon Center to give me his package.

After I ended the call with him, I called my Mother at home to tell her that I have arrived at Jelly Bean Town today.

I heard my Mother's voice who is happily answered my phone after it took quite a lot of time.

Well, I guess Mom is still so busy tending to the house and preparing lunch for herself, Father and Medichamp.

She remarks on how happy she is hearing her own son calling the home while the phone then suddenly she make a loud gasp and there is the sound of something falling on a soft surface.

Are you okay, Mother? Is your cooking okay?

And then my phone calls is picked up by my Father.

After I asked him, he says that my Mother is now busy cooking the rice.

(Author: Anyone get that metaphor? 😏🌾🍚)

My father also make a lot of humping sound while he is on the phone.

Is he still exercising? Wow, so diligent.

Am I calling at the wrong time, Father? If so, I will call back again later.

After I am saying something like that, this lucky father of mine who have succeeded in impregnating my mother more than 18 years ago just said it is okay as there is no time like the present and then proceed to tell me a little bit about the story of his adventure back in his younger days while we are on the phone.

Father...., Don't you have anything better to do, like helping Mom cooking the rice to feed your family's mouth, maybe?

Good thing that the phone calls via PokeGear is free in this PokeWack World just like in the games.

Anyway, this lucky Daddy of mine who managed to score a beautiful MILF like Mother told me how he used to get lost and live on the wild for almost a week (at that time, PokeGear is still not invented, and people journeying on their adventure must consult a traditional map drawn on paper with the help of a compass to get the right direction on their journey).

Father then accidentally met Mother who lives on Jelly Bean Town at the time when she is still a maiden.

The two then quickly fall in love as they met in the middle of the forest.

My father who have saved my mother from a wild Raticate which are followed by a horde of six Rattatas in seen like a white knight in shining armor by my Mother.

At this point, I wanted to retort that surely it is his Meditite who is doing most of the fight.

But then I remembered that Father used to train his martial arts and yoga with his Meditite, and then after I hit 5, he and the Meditite which have evolved to Medichamp also trained me in their yoga and martial arts.

Currently now I can use Fighting type moves such as Arm Thrust, Brick Break, Karate Chop, Low Sweep, Low Kick, Jump Kick, Focus Punch, Counter, Revenge, Rolling Kick, and of course, the Wake Up Slap that they have always used to wake me up if I am still asleep on sunrise.

Continuing on.... After my Mother is saved by Father, she then takes him home and introduce him to the family.

At that time the outdated tradition where a family always seek out to marry their girls as fast as possible after they have their first menstruation are still going strong in the old generation of PokeWack World.

After one and another "anime style sukebe accident", together with the consent and coaxing of both families from neighbouring town, My Mother who is already in love with her saviour my Father quickly married him after just 3 days getting along together.

And thus my Father's Pokémon Journey ended in only 10 days (7 days on getting lost in between Klepon Town to Jelly Bean Town and 3 more days on having sweet sugary lucky sukebe style anime riajuu live with dating my Mother) before he go back to his hometown in Klepon Town while bringing back my Mother as his Wife.

After married to my Mom, he immediately settled down and forget about his own journey and his dream of gathering the nine badges and defeating the Big Five to become the New Pokémon Champion.

He opened up a Yoga Studio instead and also teaches some Pokémon Martial Arts for a living.

Then he make a cute, gender ambiguous baby with my Mom (which is me) and the three people and one Pokémon live happily ever after.

The End.

So much side story for such a single phone call.....

By the Way, I can clearly hear the sound that feels like a bed creaking, you know?

I look out towards the window and see that the sun is still high as it have reach its zenith in the middle of the day.

Don't tell me that both of you are still on the bed when the sun is already going up so high in the sky and only wake up now that I have called home and thus Mom is cooking rice and Dad have his daily exercise only just now.

I take it back saying those two, especially Father as being diligent earlier.

Are you two becoming lazy and sleep all day long after I am not in the house anymore?

(Author: Or maybe they are that eager to get another baby in place of you at home, Jovanna.... 😏 To the point that the bed is still creaking in the middle of the day, even when you are making a phone call to your parents.)


[ ] Author's Note [ ]

For those who are still innocent, "Cooking Rice" is a term for a certain sacred and secret activity where the white seed of the man that is symbolised by the white grains of rice is being cooked up in a woman's "pot".



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Thank you very much for all the good people who have supported me so far!

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