
Ning's past?!

*tap* *tap* Ling Xin walked down the long stairs after exiting the Royal Palace "Where did Mr.Tian go?"

As she made her way down the stairs, a sense of confusion enveloped her until she laid eyes on Zhao Tian, who stood at the bottom waiting for her. "Mr. Tian," she called out, quickening her pace to approach him. 

Zhao Tian glanced at her and smiled "Ling Xin."

As Ling Xin approached him, she asked "What happened, Mr.Tian, you suddenly left the hall?"

Zhao Tian shrugged "It's because the Sect Master of the Frozen Peak Sect gave me weird looks, so I had to leave."

Eh? Ling Xin couldn't help but chuckle "Well, Sec Master Xia Feng is always like that... haha. Since you are handsome, she must have been captivated by you."

As they continued their leisurely stroll through the stairs, Zhao Tian, his curiosity piqued, asked "That woman, Xia Feng. I remember seeing her during the Ancient Ruins expedition."

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