
108- Snake Pit.

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~~~Third Person, Eighth Moon, 277 AC~~~

~~~Casterly Rock, Westerland~~~

The round of introductions began with modest, short greetings from the Paramount lords, who did not hesitate to start fawning discreetly at Azrael and Valka once they felt comfortable enough with Endoxes' presence several feet behind them.

"Your Grace, it is very touching to know that the gift I sent you through Varys, affected you," Azrael greeted Queen Rhaella, gone were the days when she looked frail, weak, and limp, now though she still showed an age close to thirty, though she looked older due to miscarriages, unborn pregnancies and the years of stress and burden that the Iron Throne imposed.

That now did not show, her gaze was full of insight in her violet eyes, her pale skin was radiant and smooth, and she showed a hint of ruggedness behind her bearing.

"In that you have my eternal thanks, Your Majesty, the... The potion you provided helped me greatly." Rhaella could not have been happier, thanks to the potion she had been able to enjoy more time with her son Viserys, be more attentive to her husband, and attend to the affairs of the realm that fell to her as the queen, something she had previously been unable to do in full due to her health, something that had thankfully changed.

"I'm sure they must be tired, I don't know how long a dragon ride from The Slave Bay can take..." Lord Tywin interrupted cordially and set about wanting to offer hospitality, but Valka wouldn't let him finish. "The Golden One."

"I beg your pardon?" Tywin asked in confusion, to which Valka generously advised, "The Slave Bay no longer exists, it is now named the Golden One, there are no slaves on Xandar."

"Oh, well, I didn't know that, but my offer still stands, if I may show you what will be your quarters for the next few days, and offer you bread and salt." A servant approached with a silver tray, holding a small plate of dry bread and a bowl of salt soaked in water as if on cue.

Azrael happily took a piece of bread and broke it in two, gave half to Valka and together they soaked their parts in the salt, then ingested them.

"What are those things?"

"It looks like a mammoth!"

A murmur between shouts soon ensued as the mounts that Valka and Azrael would use to get from the Dothraki camp to Casterly Rock arrived.

Hellboy, the red, huge horned beast that had been given to Azrael by Micaela after their first expedition to Sothoryos caught the eye, his strange body, his huge horns, the rhinoceros tale on his nose, his lion-like fur, and the spiked mace at the end of his thick tail shocked the crowd.

Many had never seen Essos animals before, and upon seeing Hellboy, they were more than surprised, as for Valka, her mount was similar to Hellboy in matters of size, but did not have many striking physical features, though the Xandarians knew that the beast Valka was about to ride was far more dangerous than Azrael's.

The devastator that was brought to Valka kept a muzzle made of Netherite steel, to protect the integrity of people who might approach the beast recklessly, and thus prevent it from tearing them apart, although there was nothing to do if the devastator decided to lunge as it stretched its neck.

Without further ado, both Valka and Azrael climbed onto their mounts, with the Blood Riders mounted on their warhorses that looked like chihuahuas next to a bull terrier. The witches for their part decided to get on Xandarian goats since these were not reluctant to be near them as in the case of horses or camels.

Thus, they all began the ride to Casterly Rock, with Aerys being reluctant to move away from Endoxes, who remained lying in the center of the camp, apparently he had taken that place as his abode.

"My Majesties, I have personally taken charge of your care, I chose the most dignified room for you and I have a whole retinue of servants at your disposal, anything you need, ask me," Janna struck up a small conversation with Azrael and Valka as they rode along, although she was having a hard time because she was keeping her horse steady. The animal didn't like being around Hellboy.

"Thank you for everything Lady Janna, I'm sure we will enjoy your attention" Valka replied smiling, appreciating Janna's effort to attend to them, "did my siblings or my parents come?" Lady Janna asked a bit emotionally, hoping at least one of her relatives would come to the wedding.

"I'm afraid not my dear" Azrael replied in a low and careful tone, "your parents are advanced in age, their minds are not what they once were, Lucios is busy dealing with a few things on Qarth, and Gallio is running Xandar in my absence, at the same time he is arranging preparations for your wedding on Xandar. As well as ours."

"Oh, my congratulations, Your Majesty, I am very happy for you, and for the happiness you will gain from this union." Lady Janna's eyes practically sparkled when she found out, and that was because one thing they shared in their deepest being, was their love for Xandar... And for their monarch, who represented Xandar as a whole.



When everyone arrived at Casterly Rock, from Paramount lords, petty lords, the royal family, the Kingsguard, and soldiers of House Lannister who kept order. Many servants were already waiting in the great courtyard that overlooked the Lion's Mouth. The huge and vast tunnel was the only entrance to the Rock.

Pages, grooms, butlers, cupbearers, jesters, and countless servants were waiting with jugs of wine, or in the case of the pages and grooms, they helped to control the lords' horses and then began to take them to the stables.

The first confrontation between two different cultures occurred when a group of grooms approached Valka's ravager in an attempt to take him to the 'stables' as well, which did not end well when the great beast let out a thunderous moo and struck one of the poor boys with one of his horns.

The boy, who was no more than thirteen years old, fell to the ground with a hole in his chest where the ravager's horn had skewered him, and the only thing that kept him from being pierced was that he was still two meters away from the ravager, which caused that even when the beast stretched his neck, it failed to wound him mortally, but if he was not treated quickly, he would die.

The event shocked the surrounding people, and even the Royal Guard drew their swords to protect the Royal Family in case the beast complied.

Azrael upon seeing this immediately took a leather whip that hung from Hellboy's saddle, and wielding it masterfully, whipped the great beast right between its head and back, causing the beast to let out a moo of bewilderment but calming down at the same time.

Dismounting from Hellboy, Azrael strolled to where the boy had fallen to the stone floor, still on the ground because no one had approached him for fear of the two huge beasts with murderous horns.

Azrael just walked over to the boy, and without even bending down or showing empathy, he sprinkled a regeneration potion on top of the boy, as if he was sprinkling a beer on the ground due to some drunkenness.

Without staying any more seconds to watch his work, he turned to where Valka was and helped her dismount from her devastator, and signaling to Essino and Zirqo, he indicated to them that it was all right, at the same time as the two Blood Riders each took the reins of the two beasts and began riding back to camp, where they would leave the beasts in their prearranged cages and return moments later.

Back in the large courtyard, the boy was finally lifted off the ground, as he was still unconscious, but he no longer had the ugly wound on his chest, only the pool of blood on the ground.

They all had seen what had happened, from the terrible accident, and the ugly death wound, to the subsequent use of a potion by Azrael to save the boy, and many already had greedy eyes or hidden plans, a Pandora's box had been opened in front of them, and they were determined to take what was inside it, for themselves.

Regardless of the danger that this would mean for them since they had momentarily forgotten the presence of the huge dragon lying several meters away.

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Marcia_05creators' thoughts
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