
Chapter Eighty-six: Destinations mapped out.

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~~~Third Person, Fifth Moon, 277 AC~~~

~~~Hidden Sea, Essos~~~

The Hidden Sea at this point was blood red, along with waves of over ten meters due to the strong hurricane winds that whipped the area without contemplation or consideration.

On the surface of the Hidden Sea, many parts of the Winged Men were floating, feathers, whole wings uprooted, legs, arms, or even torsos without legs and only arms attached to them. The amount of bodies in the water was such that every time a wave formed and reached the beach, it dragged thousands of bodies with it and piled them up on the shore.

However, the storm that Azrael had summoned did not seem to diminish, on the contrary, it became stronger and more intense, throwing hundreds of liters of water every second, it was as if a dam had collapsed, causing a second deluge.

Isabella, standing on top of her father's castle, watched in the gathering darkness of the storm as distant lightning flashes fell relentlessly and struck flying black dots in the sky, which she assumed to be the army of the city of the Winged Men.

It was as if nature was on her side. She couldn't help but snort at the thought. No, that was not due to nature, that was due to Azrael, she did not know why that intuition, she just felt it.

At that precise moment, a huge dark column originated above what she guessed was Endoxes, she wasn't sure if it was him, but it looked too big a figure in the air to be a wyvern. The dark plume soon spread everywhere, creating another flurry of deaths, judging by how many black dots could be seen falling from the sky.

However, a wave of extreme cold reached her, and looking around, she managed to see how the wave continued to advance with no sign of stopping, the cold wave made her shiver, while a feeling of fleeting pain and numbness throughout her body caused her.

Not even when that strange haunting sound as if of a thousand sounds of people before they died was played over and over again, she gave that feeling. And then, in a sharp tone full of anger, pain, and worry, Endoxes roared.

If the wave of cold that ran through her body earlier made her feel sick, the wave of destruction created by Endoxes' roars alone made her cover her ears tightly, with the pain in her ears and head being immense, threatening to break her head if the roar continued.

Rising from her fetal position without knowing how it came to that in the first place, Isabella struggled to her feet with a green-faced countenance, fighting nausea and disorientation.

At that precise moment, whether it was the dizziness she felt or the cloudiness in her eyes from still feeling the echoes in her mind of Endoxes' roars, she thought she saw the dragon crash headfirst into the red water of the Hidden Sea.

She covered her mouth with her hand in shock, believing for a moment that some weapon had managed to bring it down and end its life, was the roar its last goodbye perhaps? She didn't know, "A scope, get me a damn scope now!" She screamed, she hadn't needed to before, but now because of what her weak eyes thought they saw, she knew she had to be sure what was going on.

Moments later, a servant ran up to her and handed her a spyglass, which Isabella snatched from his hands without a word of thanks, her eyes static in the distance where the place where Endoxes had fallen was stirring.

Resting her right eye on the contraption, she could see through the close-up as the figure of Endoxes wallowed among the waters, his purple tail occasionally rising above the tide, while his head remained beneath the waves.

"Hua" Isabella let out a small sigh, which she didn't know she was holding back, as she watched Endoxes float out and flap vigorously, propelling his massive body up and out of the blood-stained water, at the same time noticing how he carried something with him in his paw.

"Azrael?" murmured Isabella with a full look, her eyes clouding over from tears in her eyes. Running her palm over her face, she noticed the tears, something that surprised her, she didn't understand why she felt that way, as if her heart was being squeezed, accompanied by a lump in her throat that formed and took on more strength every second more.

Why does it hurt? How do I get it out? Various thoughts were going through Isabella's mind at every moment, not understanding why suddenly she was starting to act like this, it was as if something higher was influencing her behavior, and that it was responsible for her current state.

"You are in love daughter, I didn't see it before, but there it is," Isabella heard her father's voice next to her, causing her to wipe the tears from her eyes quickly and try, and fail miserably, to show a serene and disinterested face in what was happening.

"I don't know what you're talking about Father," laughing, Isabella answered Menrico without hesitation, not knowing why he was saying that at this moment, "Maybe you don't see it, but the proof that you feel attraction for that man is clear, whether you like him, are interested in him or he has simply eclipsed your beautiful and valuable heart without knowing it is one of the causes. But you must accept it, because if you deny it to yourself and hide it, you will end up suffering in the end yourself." Menrico was not fooled by Isabella, continuing to guide her to decide her feelings.

"He is good, I know, I'm not saying he hasn't killed many, but I know they all deserved it, I've seen the way he takes care of his people, how he feeds them, how he honors them, values them, and because of this his people love him, protect him and are even determined in giving their lives for him, I'm not lying when I say I would like to feel that," Isabella said, turning for the first time her eyes from the battlefield in the Hidden Sea to look at her father, who was looking at her with love and affection.

"And you can have it, you are worthy of that and much more, be sure of it, but keep in mind that if you want to reach it, you will have to fight for it, fight for it, conquer it as he has conquered, as I conquered your mother, be strong and fight for what you want, and believe me there will be no goal you will not reach," Menrico commented with a hard and serious look, looking at his daughter with delicacy in his eyes, but rough to convey the fact that he meant what he said.

Isabella looked at the floor for a few moments, a time Menrico did not pause, leaving her to decide on her own and let her be the one to choose. "I will," Isabella assured, raising her gaze and meeting her father's eyes, and he, saw in her that strength and grit that Kinvara conveyed when she managed to achieve something she plotted.


The moment was interrupted as the figure of Endoxes arrived, followed by the wyverns riding witches and the thousands of Enderman he had summoned before suffering his attack, as for the Wither, he was still in the air, watching from the sky and slaying that Winged Man or stray eagle of combat he saw, being the last thing seen of him was that he flew towards the city of the Winged Men, most likely to destroy it.

In Carcosa, Endoxes landed, gently dropping Azrael from his foreleg, which Valka and the other witches quickly picked up, as they ran towards the castle in search of a room where to place Azrael, who was still unconscious and wounded.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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