
Chapter 222: Poison That Kills, Also Can Be Medicine

"Morning, Tatsuma. No missions today?" Within the Senju Clan's territory, Tatsuma, relieved of his duties, was training when he heard a clear and gentle voice, tinged with the characteristic hoarseness of adolescence. Tatsuma turned to see Minato smiling and greeting him:

"Minato, taking a break today?"

Minato shook his head, saying, "Inuzuka Gaku and Akimichi Doto, our seniors, are about to be promoted. Our Chunin team is disbanding. I was just planning to take some time off to train properly."

"You're not going to apply for promotion? Even if Jonin isn't possible, Special Jonin should be fine, right?" Upon hearing Tatsuma's question, Minato smiled and replied, "There's no need. You're still a Chunin now, aren't you? Besides, after becoming a Jonin, you'd have even less time for training while on standby with the Jonin team."

"I haven't updated my record, so I'm not suitable for promotion," Tatsuma shrugged. Since joining ANBU, his Konoha Ninja records had been sealed, only to be updated upon retirement from ANBU for other Ninja duties.

Tatsuma didn't press Minato further, acknowledging the truth in his situation. Both of them were in their growth spurt, and being on constant standby in the Jonin team would indeed hinder their development.

Minato chuckled, "Then let's both not promote. If our Ninja ranks differ, it'll be much harder for us to team up."

Upon hearing this, Tatsuma raised an eyebrow, looking at Minato's smile, and understood. He said with the same sentiment, "I look forward to teaming up with you again."

Minato and Tatsuma had been friends for many years, understanding each other well. Though it wasn't explicitly stated, Tatsuma grasped the meaning behind Minato's words.

Minato had also received an invitation from ANBU. Tatsuma wasn't surprised by this development; Minato had undoubtedly qualified for ANBU. Perhaps three years ago, he had been close but not quite there. Now, Minato's combat prowess could rival that of some Jonin.

Considering his age and displayed ninja abilities, Tatsuma found it odd that ANBU hadn't recruited Minato sooner. While the original series didn't explicitly mention Minato joining ANBU, the theatrical version hinted at Minato being an ANBU member. During his appearance in the movie "The Lost Tower", he wore ANBU attire.

Tatsuma began to contemplate whether he should request a transfer if Minato indeed joined ANBU. As for the Wood Release experiment, it was likely to end unexpectedly. As Orochimaru's assistant, Tatsuma would likely return to his original unit after the project's closure.

Hiruzen wouldn't likely assign him to Konoha Hospital as a doctor; there was a high probability he would be recalled to ANBU. Tatsuma's previous role in ANBU was as a Hokage Guard.

However, in that case, the probability of teaming up with Minato would be extremely low. After all, the Hokage's office wasn't spacious, barely accommodating one person covertly; adding another would make it cramped.

If Tatsuma chose to transfer to the regular team, the chances of partnering with Minato would increase significantly. The question was how to apply for a transfer.

There had been some recent unpleasant incidents between Tatsuma and Hiruzen. If Tatsuma immediately applied for a transfer, it would inevitably make Hiruzen suspicious.

Tatsuma couldn't directly tell Hiruzen that he wanted to team up with Minato, hence the request for a transfer. After all, while ANBU identities weren't exactly secrets to many ninjas, protocol was protocol. If Tatsuma knew about Minato's recent entry into ANBU and openly hinted at it, it would endanger Minato.

Therefore, Tatsuma could only subtly hint at his intentions to Hiruzen, depending on the situation at hand. Thinking too much ahead wouldn't be of much use.

Gathering his scattered thoughts, Tatsuma smiled and said, "It's been a while since we had a real combat practice, hasn't it? With your talent, you might have surpassed me by now. How about we have a match to find out?"

Minato nodded, but glanced around and said, "It's not convenient here. It might disturb Grandma Mito."

"Yeah, I know a few secluded places in the village," Tatsuma replied.

The research institute for the Wood Release experiment wasn't located in the center of the village but rather in the mountains behind Hokage Rock. Over the past two years, commuting to and from work there, Tatsuma had become familiar with some primitive areas.

Upon hearing this, Minato smiled and said, "Then lead the way."

"Let's go!" Tatsuma's words fell, and he disappeared on the spot. Minato swiftly followed suit. In the study of the house, Mito watched them leave through the window with a smile.

The large scroll on the desk had reached its end, but it seemed unfinished.

After withdrawing her gaze, Mito rubbed her forehead and murmured, "Tatsuma, with your talent, perhaps you can do it. I thought I could give you a gift, only to realize it's a burden."

At noon, Tatsuma and Minato returned. Both of their clothes showed some damage. As for the outcome of their match, one could easily distinguish Tatsuma's smile from Minato's regretful expression.

Walking home, the two conversed. Tatsuma sighed, "It seems I haven't been paying enough attention to the affairs of the ninja world lately. So much has happened."

Minato had just recounted to Tatsuma the frequent attacks on Konoha ninjas over the past two years. Many squads on missions outside had gone missing, some sending distress signals before disappearing.

Upon decryption, their distress signals indicated they were under attack by unidentified ninjas, but no further details were available.

If it were isolated incidents, the village might have dismissed them as the work of rogue ninjas driven by bounties. However, this time it wasn't isolated, and the methods seemed coordinated.

This had drawn the village's attention. For Tatsuma, who worked at the research institute, this was all new.

Minato nodded and said, "Recently, the village seems to have discovered some clues. When I went with Senpais Gaku and Doto to submit their promotion application to the Jonin team, many Jonin Senpais were discussing this matter."

"Looks like our operation this time isn't exactly classified," a somewhat rugged voice spoke out at that moment. Tatsuma was puzzled; after all, it was rare to hear unfamiliar voices within the Senju Clan's territory.

Following protocol, he inquired with a hint of confusion, "Kunugi Mokume-sama, and this..."

Beside Kunugi Mokume stood another Konoha ninja, likely a Jonin, who raised a hand casually. "Just call me Kemuri," he said.

"Kemuri-sama, may I ask what brings you both to the Senju Clan's territory?" Tatsuma greeted politely, then asked. Unconsciously, he had adopted the mannerisms of the host in addressing visitors.

Kunugi Mokume gestured towards the direction of Mito's house and said, "It's about the mission you two were discussing. We need a medical ninja, so we've sent for Tsunade."

At these words, Tatsuma furrowed his brow slightly, memories surfacing in his mind, including images of Dan Kato's death.

Kunugi Mokume ruffled Tatsuma's hair and reassured him, "Don't worry. Even though your sensei hasn't been on missions for a long time, her strength is unquestionable."

Clearly misunderstanding, Kunugi Mokume didn't press further, and Tatsuma didn't explain—it was too complicated to explain.

At that moment, Tsunade and Dan Kato approached from nearby. Tsunade, rarely seen in ninja attire which seemed a bit tight, and Dan Kato greeted them with smiles.

"Tatsuma, Minato, it's been a while," Dan Kato greeted them. Tatsuma and Minato returned the greeting. Tsunade then said to them, "During my absence, make sure to visit Grandma Mito often."

"Yeah, we will," both nodded simultaneously. Without current missions, Tatsuma subtly hinted that he would teach Minato some ANBU assessment techniques and skills relevant to their work.

Therefore, for the next period, Minato would train with Tatsuma at the Senju Clan's territory. Their practical training couldn't be too frequent due to the potential disturbances it might cause.

The usual training and technical training wouldn't pose a risk to the Senju Clan's territory.

Tsunade nodded, addressing Kunugi Mokume and the others, "Let's go! No, wait a moment."

Tsunade patted her waist and then with a look of distress said, "I forgot to bring my ninja tool pouch."

Upon hearing this, Dan Kato said, "It's okay, we'll wait for you."

However, Tsunade shook her head and looked at Tatsuma, saying, "Tatsuma, can I borrow your ninja tool pouch?"

Tatsuma was about to mention that their ninja tools were different, but then he thought of something and directly took off his own ninja tool pouches, handing them to his sensei. He said, "Sensei, don't be too impulsive. You said medical ninjas shouldn't rush ahead of the team."

"Unless it's someone with the Strength of a Hundred Technique and, I'm the one who knows the Strength of a Hundred Technique!"

Tsunade didn't catch Tatsuma's implication at all. She took the ninja tool pouch, opened it, glanced at the distinctive kunai and the markings on it. She furrowed her brow slightly but didn't inquire further.

She rarely used kunai and shuriken. After glancing at the other ninja tool pouch containing medical instruments and sealing scrolls, she strapped them directly around her waist and legs, saying:

"I'm off. Let Grandma know I won't be home for dinner these few days."

"Okay," Tatsuma nodded, watching them depart.

A few days later, in heavy rain within the forest, Tsunade, with grief evident, continuously used Medical Ninjutsu on Dan Kato, who was showing signs of life slipping away. She cried out in desperation:

"Stop! Why won't the bleeding stop? Stop!"

Beside her, Kunugi Mokume observed Dan Kato's nearly vanished kidney and severe damage to other internal organs and muscles. He knew that injuries like these were beyond even Tsunade's capabilities. He said to Tsunade:

"Tsunade, stop. He's already gone."

"No! There's still hope! There has to be!"

Tsunade persisted stubbornly, and Kunugi Mokume's face darkened as he was about to wake up the increasingly erratic Tsunade. Suddenly, a voice nearby interrupted them.

"There is still hope."

Kunugi Mokume, Tsunade, and the silently vigilant Kemuri turned to see Tatsuma, who shouldn't have been there. Despite the pouring rain, Tatsuma's clothes weren't even soaked through.

"How can he be saved?!" Tsunade couldn't wait and asked urgently, though she dared not lift her hands that were using Medical Ninjutsu on what was now a lifeless body.

Tatsuma produced a scroll and said, "He can be brought back, but he will lose his most powerful technique. Sensei, should we?"

"Save him!"


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