
First day at Beacon

Jaune Arc was used to being stared at.

He was used to it.

But damn it.

It still got annoying.

Everyone on the airship was staring at him. Why? Well when you're an 8ft tall, super muscular, tattooed, leather armored guy with a great shield and a large great sword at your side... Yeah you gain a bit of attention.

He was always different from his family.

His father was a similar build but only 7.5 ft tall. His mother was a nice 6ft 8inches. His sister's all ranged from a basic 6ft to 6ft 6 inches. But only he has every reached the limit of 8ft.

He was a huge male specimen. And a powerful at that. During his training at home between his seals he was given in the tattoos that his grandparent's forged onto his body. The hunting training from his family members. To his sisters giving him household tips and tricks along with female persuasion advice.

Hey they all wanted nicecs and nephews to spoil!

And the parents weren't complaining about grandchildren either.

Jaune had his entrance exam into Beacon to worry about.

He had read the campus map over and over again but didn't worry about losing his way. His armor was well oiled and shines in the light. It was a thicker leather padded armor with metal studs across its surface. A nice leather paldron that went from his left shoulder to his elbow. then further connected to his left forearm guard through a leather elbow pad.

His right arm was covered from his hand to elbow by a thick combat fingerless leather gauntlet. His right bicep and shoulder were bare. But his chest was covered in a nice leather breastplate. That was so tight it showed everything! His eight pack abs. His rioped side abs. His thick arm and leg muscles.

And his leather combat trousers hid nothing of the muscles there either. He had armored thick leather boots with shin and knee guards. His leather combat skirt was basically a furred hide from a powerful bear creature he took down at age 15. He used it ever since as part of his armor and as part of a trophy.

He was proud to say that he was a force to be reckoned with. However there was one problem.

He hadn't activated any of his semblance!

The tattoo as stated by his grandparents would grow and cover more of his body and become more intricate as it grew in strength. But as far as he could tell. He had unlocked only two of the ten levels.

And it was shown by an ability. A stat screen.

Not a normal one. Just one that tells him basic information about himself.

All it told him... Was his skills and a basic description of his abilities so far unlocked.

He looks through and finds it to be saying,

Jaune Arc.


Str: 80

Agi: 40

End: 65

Mentality: 75


Second tier soul seal:

Basic Regeneration: enhanced natural healing. Heals twice as fast as others.

Tougher bones: your bones are twice as hard as normal people.

Tough muscles: your muscles are twice as strong as normal people.

Jaune sighed as he looked through the stats. It didn't give him a lot to go off of. But hey. He at least knew he seemed to gain some stats through training and through every unlocking of the soul seal. The first unlocked gave him 5 to each stat. The second gave him 10 to each stat. Based on that growth he has 20 on the way for the third seal.

If only he could unlock it.

The first seal came with his first training session.

The second came when he saved his sisters.

The third though... He had no idea how to do. It seemed like it needed something special to trigger it but he had no idea how to find out.

He slumped against the window behind his seat as he took stock of his travel pack and suitcase beside him as he also made sure his sword and shield were secure on them.

However as he raises back up from checking he notices two girls are suddenly in front of him and both are pretty.

He blushes slightly at the black and red haired one who looks like a Gothic red riding hood. And the other who looks like a bombshell blonde motorist. Her lilac eyes glancing all over his body as he flexed unconsciously at their stares to look more intimidating.

In the end. Unknown to Jaune. He ended up looking more appetizing to the blonde.

He clears his throat and asks, "Can I help you?"

The shorter girl eeps and then stutters out, "M-m-my name is Ru-Ruby R-Rose! Good t-to meet y-you!"

She holds out a nervous and fidgeting hand for a handshake.

Jaune chuckles and grips her hand gently in a friendly shake as well as he shakes it up and down and notes how her hand seems to all but disappear into the palm of his large, muscular, and tanned skin hand.

She eeps again with a hard blush at feeling the roughness of his hands and the heat coming off of them before her sister introduced herself as Yang Xiao Long and as Ruby's sister.

Jaune raises an eyebrow and looks between both of them with an unsaid question. Yang grins and says, "Different moms. Two marriages. Long story with more detail another time."

Jaune nods and introduces himself as, "Jaune Arc! Last Son of the Arc Barbarian clan! Son of Montegue and Juniper Arc!"

Both sister cover their ears as Jaune all but yells that part out from habit. He notices them holding their ears and many other passengers are holding their ears or looking at him in annoyance.

He goes and apologized which some people wave to say they heard and others move further away to avoid another ear bleeding.

He sighs a bit and sits down. Only to look up into some sparkling blue eyes and orange hair of another girl.

He gasps and stands up quickly making the hyper girl look up in awe at him before he is bombarded with questions, "Hi I'm Nora! Nice to meet you Jaune Arc! I was wondering how much can you lift? How much can you eat? How many Grimm can you take at a time?! What is your heaviest bench press?! Canyoueatalotofpancakces?! Doyoulikepancakes?! whataboutforothermeals?! Arethesetoomanypancakerelatedquestionsforyou?!"

He barely catches that last one before guffawing at her. Causing all three girls to look at him in curiosity.

He answers her questions and then their looks, "I can lift about 500 pounds. I eat about 4-7 hamburgers with fries in one sitting for comparison. Fought off about 50-70 Grimm at my largest record.my heaviest bench press is about 750. Yes I can eat a lot of pancakes. Yes I love them. Sometimes for dinner or lunch. No they are just enough pancake related questions. And I have 7 sisters. This feels like when they got hyped up on caffeine by accident. Thankfully you don't have their large weapons."

She oohs in understanding and goes, "Understood! Looking forward to being at Beacon with you Jaune!"

He chuckles as Yang and Ruby watch her skip off to hug a boy who was near a window and talking with another boy who was red haired and dressed in silver with some sort of dust wheel on his back.

Jaune goes to talk with Yang and Ruby more but the PA announced they are landing at Beacon.

He grabs his pack and head soff with them it the exit to make more small talk and learns Ruby got moved two grades up.

He whistles at that impressive news and says he is proud to know such a talented young girl. She blushes hard as Yang gets a smirk. Then heads off with her friends leaving Ruby with her first friend at Beacon.

Ruby humphs and stomps her foot at that but Jaune chuckles and says, "C'mon you've got me with you! I know the way. Let's go!"

Ruby nods excitedly and goes to rush ahead of them towards the tower but as she turns to look back at Jaune to ask something she misses the cart full of luggage suddenly appearing in front of her.

She topples over to the scream of, "You dolt!"

And Jaune yelling out, "Ruby!"

Right before an explosion rings out from her crash site.

Next chapter