

At 3 PM - In The Restaurant

Reina: Phew! I'm so tired today...

She said and sat on the chair.

Sara: Yeah, I love shopping but it's so tiring...

Reina: I should have hired an interior designer to do this, but the space is not too big and I wanted to do it myself.

Sara: Don't worry, I will help you set everything.

Reina: Thank you, Sara. Your help meant a lot to me; I would have never done this alone.

Sara: It's alright. I enjoyed it too. Surprisingly, you are a very easygoing person; I didn't feel like I met you for the first time this morning. Usually, people don't like me. When Mr. Knight asked me to help you, I couldn't refuse him as he is like a father figure to me. But my mind was in a mess; I thought, what if you also hate me?

Sara expressed her thoughts, drawing circles with her finger on the table.

Reina: Why don't people like you?

Reina got confused.

Sara: People find me ugly because of my glasses and pimple face. They avoid my company as much as they can. The one person I love also left because I am less attractive.

Sara finished her sentence.

Reina: How old are you, Sara?

Sara: 20. why ask?

Reina smiled at her.

"I just want to know. But let me give you some lifetime advice. Think about it, and then if you feel good, apply it in your life," Reina continued. "First, don't judge yourself because of what people say about you. Accept yourself as you are, respect yourself, and then love yourself first. When you don't even love yourself, how can you expect people love you? If you don't respect yourself, nobody respects you. You should know your self-worth. Take care of yourself first."

Reina took a deep breath. "What makes people beautiful is not their face or body but a pure heart, good character, and a healthy mind that passes no judgment on anyone."

Sara: "You are right, but it's hard when my own family says that I am not good enough." A tear slipped from her left eye.

Reina: "I know it's difficult, but do it yourself. And as for love, when you learn to love yourself, the one who is destined for you will come."

Reina gave her a tissue.

Sara: "Thank you. I will surely do it. You are so mature at such a young age."

Sara said, her eyes filled with admiration.

Reina: "I don't think so. I am just like anyone my age."

Reina said with a sad smile.

Sara: "No, you are way too mature and calm for your age."

Reina: "Sometimes life makes you go through hell, and then all these things like beauty, makeup, fashion, and people become unnecessary."

Sara realized Reina's low mood and didn't ask further.

Sara: "It's time to order something; I am very hungry."

Reina: "Yeah, right."

Soon the food was served, and they both started eating.

After a few minutes, Reina felt like someone was watching her. She looked up and saw Xavier and a young man sitting at the table in front of her.

Xavier was staring at her with emotionless eyes.

Reina turned her eyes to her plate and started eating.

"I didn't want to see his face anytime soon, but what a beautiful luck," Reina thought sarcastically.

After they finished eating, the waiter came with the bill. Reina paid the bill, and they both stood up to go.

Sara walked toward the door, and Reina followed her when someone grabbed Reina's hand.

She turned around to see who was holding her hand, but she was surprised to see the face of the person in front of her.

Reina: "Xavier Knight."

Sara: Hello, Bro.

She greeted Xavier because they were family friends.

Reina: Let go of my hand. Why are you holding my hand?

He ignored her and said hello to Sara.

Xavier: Thank you, Sara, for helping her. I'm going home, so I'll drop her off.

Sara: It's okay. You are busy. I will drop her.

Reina struggled to release her hand from his, "Yes. I don't want to go with you."

After she said that, Xavier's eyes turned dark. His grip on her hand became tight.

Xavier: Sara, you have to go far to drop her home. I'll drop her off as I am going home too.

He said with cold eyes.

Sara: Alright. Nice to meet you, Reina. I will see you tomorrow. Bye.

Reina: Thank you for your help, Sara.

She said, forcing her hand out of his grip and hugging Sara, causing Xavier to clench his fist in anger.

After Sara left, Reina's anger reached her heights. She never got as angry as she was now.

She ignored him and went out of the restaurant, waiting for the taxi when Xavier came.

Xavier: Let's go.

He said to Reina, who was not looking at him.

Reina said nothing.

Xavier: Don't make me angry, Reina. Let's go home.

He tried to hold her hand again when she dodged him.

Reina: What do you think of yourself? Don't talk to me in that tone again, and I am not going with you.

Reina controlled her anger and said.

Xavier: Either you sit into my car on your own, or I will do it myself. Choose.

Xavier said in a determined voice.

Reina felt utterly helpless. She knew that arguing with him only fueled the fire, so she moved forward, opened his car door, and sat.

Xavier looked at her tightly clenched fist, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Little Angry bird." He was shocked at what he just said.

Hi, beauties,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I didn't get any comments on the story, I don't know if you people like it or not

That's sad.

Anyway, Bye

icyy_queencreators' thoughts
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