
Where are the weapons?


Crawford was responsible for leading the crowd to safety, Hurley led the team to transport weapons, and Ignatius led his men to resist the pirates.


Ignatius had prepared in advance by building air-raid shelters and bunkers, originally meant to withstand natural disasters, but now they came in handy against the pirates.


"The firepower from the other side is too strong. It seems those bastards are planning to completely take over the y base tonight," reported someone from the front lines.


The intense gunfire continued unabated, illuminating the night with flashes of fire, and people kept falling, sending shivers down everyone's spine.


"Where are the weapons? Why haven't they been brought over yet?" Ignatius's face darkened.


Just as he spoke, Hurley arrived with a group of people carrying over a dozen boxes of weapons. "I've inspected these. They're all good to use."


"Even the uninspected ones, bring them over. We can't afford to be choosy now. The enemy sent ten times more men than the previous times, repeatedly pressing us. Let's repel them first, then we can sort things out later." Ignatius instructed someone to bring over bullets and explosives.


As Hurley was about to leave with his sniper rifle, Ignatius grabbed him. "Where do you think you're going?"


The danger outside was no joke; they were barely holding on.


"I'm going to take out their leader. Cut off the head of the snake first." This wasn't sustainable. They would end up mutually destroying each other if they continued like this.


Hurley finished speaking and left with his gun.


Ignatius couldn't stop him; he could only let him go.




After waiting for ten minutes, the Allen family heard pirates passing by outside again.


This time, it was a squad of about twenty pirates coming to search.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


"There are people inside. Smash the door open."


Several pirates immediately rushed forward to kick the door, while those hiding inside trembled in fear.


It's over, they thought. They're going to be found out."Boom!" This door wasn't as sturdy and was eventually kicked down.


The yard was filled with people huddling together, fearfully watching the figures outside.


"Bring out the supplies, and we'll spare your lives," the lead captain grinned sinisterly.


Whether this was true or not, those who still wanted to live took out whatever they had from their pockets. "I... I only have these compressed biscuits, nothing else."


Seeing this meager offering, the captain's face darkened. "Bah."


"Bang!" A gunshot rang out, and the person fell to the ground instantly.


"Ah!" The faces of the crowd turned pale as they took several steps back, the person at the front trying to squeeze backward, but there was no way to retreat.


"Not obedient, this is what happens," the captain showed a twisted, sinister smile, making an exaggerated gesture. "Dead-dead land, understand?"


"Captain," a pirate walked in from outside and whispered something to him.


The sinister smile on the captain's face disappeared instantly, replaced by a look of anger. He gestured for the others to follow him. "Come with me."


The people in the yard breathed a sigh of relief when they saw them leave. At that moment, someone disdainfully shouted, "You actually wet yourself..."


"Where did they go?"


A few brave souls cautiously approached the door, peeking outside.


They saw that the squad of pirates had arrived outside the Allen family's door.


Alice heard the commotion outside but remained calm as she took a bite of her apple. No rush, she thought. She'll finish this apple before dealing with them.


"Go and open the door," the captain's voice suppressed his anger.


Two pirates immediately walked over, and the moment they touched the door, electricity surged through their bodies.


Before they could even scream for help, their bodies convulsed, and the next moment, they collapsed to the ground, twitching."Be careful, this door is electrified."


"This trick again? Wasn't the power station in the base destroyed? How do they have electricity?" the captain angrily demanded.


The others couldn't come up with an answer either, so they stood silently with their heads bowed.


"Fire, open the door."


Five men immediately raised their guns and unleashed a barrage of bullets at the door.


In the end, the door couldn't withstand the firepower, and it was blasted open. A pirate brought over a large rock and smashed it down forcefully.The door was completely opened, and the electric fence was damaged.


As the people outside were about to enter, gunshots rang out in the yard, and all the men at the front fell down.


The ones behind managed to dodge in time. The captain's pants were torn open by a bullet, narrowly missing his leg.


The gunfire abruptly ceased.


"You two, go in and check," the captain commanded two men.


Though fearful, they couldn't disobey orders. They hugged the wall as they walked in, stealing a glance inside before quickly retreating.


As the gunshots didn't resume, they gained a bit more courage. Just as they were about to cautiously enter, a woman's voice came from above, "If you have the guts, come in. I'm getting impatient watching."


The group was startled, and just as the captain was about to shoot, gunfire erupted behind him.


The next moment, the captain was dead.


The others panicked and ran for their lives. Atticus and Blanche rushed out and fired at them.


The squad was completely dealt with.


The people hiding in other yards heard the silence outside and cautiously came out to take a look, only to find all the pirates dead.


They looked up to the Allen family, but considering their personalities, no one dared to disturb them.


Alice ignored their admiration. She fought the R countrymen for revenge, not to save them. "She went to check the electric fence and found several wires had been cut. 'The electric fence is temporarily out of order.'


"Anyway, we have weapons. Not afraid," Alexander said, looking at the broken door. "It's a shame about the door."Without a big gate, they would be easily spied upon, so they needed to find a way to replace it.


"I'll go ahead and take a look. You all be careful," Alice said, hearing gunfire from the other side and deciding to investigate.


"Alright, you watch yourself, and if the enemy is too numerous, don't engage directly," Atticus reminded.


Alice nodded and turned to leave.As she walked out of the alley, she saw pirates continuously coming down from the mountains behind.


Alice's ears twitched, sensing someone approaching her.She quickly turned around, aiming her gun at the person. "It's me," Hurley immediately said.


Alice looked at him with some surprise. "What are you doing here?"


"I noticed the fighting up ahead, and seeing their reinforcements kept coming, I wanted to find out where they were coming from. Then I saw you," Hurley quickly explained.


"No time to talk. We need to disrupt their reinforcements quickly, or we won't finish the fight up ahead," Alice said, seeing the pirates still heading towards the base. She raised her gun. "Let's make it a competition, see who can take down more. Let's be honest, no cheating."


"Sure," Hurley agreed readily.


The two then split up, feeling somewhat awkward.


Alice found a sheltered spot and set up her machine gun.


Hurley hid in a corner, raising his sniper rifle and firing the first shot of the competition.


As one person fell, the pirates immediately became alert. Before they could react, the sound of machine gun fire followed.


Alice counted as she fired, the machine gun sweeping down swathes of enemies. Hurley was most likely going to lose.

Next chapter