
Touching History

"Captain's Log Stardate 87792.8

The Nexus is back at the Sol System and is currently docked at the Utopia Planitia Shipyards for mandatory computer updates, shipwide maintenance, and minor repairs.

The entire ship, with the exception of the Cetacean crew, must vacate the ship during the repairs and maintenance. They can go wherever they want, but they can't stay aboard.

This gives the crew and me time for some much-needed R & R. While those from Earth and the Sol System have the opportunity to go home and see their families, those of us whose families are light-years away have some time to play tourist.

I have no clue where I'm going to spend my time while I'm here. After six lifetimes, and four of them acquainted with Earth, there's really not much I haven't seen as a tourist.

After I pack my stuff for the weekend, I'll be heading to the departure shuttle in docking Bay 1 for the short trip back to Earth to... do... whatever for the weekend. I guess I have a weekend to find out though. Right?"

Captain Praxas was in his civilian clothes, holding a duffle bag as he took his seat in the runabout shuttle with half a dozen officers from the Nexus. Among them were Tey'un and Keten.

"Hi, Captain!" Keten waved while sitting next to Tey'un, from his seat across from the Captain.

"Good day, gentlemen," Captain Praxas nodded with a genuine smile. "Have you two decided where you will be spending the weekend?"

Keten nodded. "Tey'un told me there's a starship museum with all sorts of famous retired starships in orbit just above Earth." He patted his knees, incredibly excited. "We're going to the USS Voyager!!" He nearly shouted with excitement. "I haven't been back to Voyager since the day I ended my first life." He began to explain, "Yes, I read up on all that happened to her and the crew in as many logs and watched as many holo-novels as I could," he paused with glistening eyes, "but I've never been aboard again!"

Tey'un spoke up, engrossed in a data pad, "And I wanted to see these bio-neural gel packs. From what I have read, they are the closest thing to home's Bond."

Captain Praxas nodded slowly with an approving grin. "That sounds like quite the place to visit," he paused, tilting his head deep in thought, "and a tourist spot I have never been to yet. Would you two mind if I joined you?"

Keten's eyes lit up. "I would LOVE to show you around Voyager, Captain!"

With four bright orbs of light, glittering white specs, and the classic hum of a Starfleet transporter, Anzyl, Keten, and Tey'un finished their transport aboard the USS Voyager.

With wide eager eyes, Keten looked upon the transporter pad of his old ship.

"I can't believe we are finally back here!!" Keten shook his hands in utter nostalgic ecstasy.

Tey'un was unamused, "Why did it take that long to finish transport?"

Anzyl chuckled. "Tey'un, that's because we've been spoiled by our Tzenkethi transporters. These are Starfleet transporters."

Keten looked around in nostalgic wonder. "They still are the same old ones that I remember too." His face calmed with a surreal sense of being back aboard his first, and last, Starfleet posting, "USS Voyager, NCC-74656, Intrepid-class."

"Welcome aboard the USS Voyager," a Starfleet museum guide gladly welcomed them at the entrance of the transporter room. "Please take a portable holo-emitter and a Mark 1 ETH, who will escort you around the ship." She gleefully welcomed them aboard with open guiding hands.

(ETH: Emergency Tour Guide Hologram, a version of the MK 1 EMH "The Doctor" that has been programmed as a Tour Guide)

Keten grinned from ear to ear. "No need for a guide! I know this ship like the back of my hand!" he grinned with his purple and pink skin.

Anzyl and Tey'un meandered slowly with open and mesmerized eyes... Well, Anzyl was mesmerized; Tey'un was engrossed in his data pad, ignoring everything as they walked.

All the while, Keten played the role of an eager tour guide, regaling first-hand accounts of every display and exhibit they passed.

On Deck 7, he told the story of Neelix's homemade cheese that got the ship "sick" and nearly destroyed the whole vessel.

Anzyl tilted his head, intrigued. "The plaque says you can order a sample in the mess hall. I'll try it if you guys will."

Tey'un looked at the whitish yellow globule of dairy on display with dismay, "Pass."

Keten shook his head. "Been there. Done that. Hard pass."

On Deck 8, Keten told the story of the Tak Takian macro virus, a virus that grew to the size of a small cat and flew around like a drone, buzzing like one too.

"Yup, the inoculation for that virus is now standard issue," Anzyl looked in disgust at the husk of the three-pronged flying organism on display. "You all had to have it before you came aboard, and probably got it before you left Starfleet Academy."

Then, in the hydroponics bay, they approached an exhibit featuring a special pink orchid flower in a lit up display case.

"Symbiogenetic Orchid," Anzyl stated, reading the plaque, his head tilting in confusion. "Looks like a typical orchid to me." Then the warning caught his attention, "Warning: Do not transport with other organics. Solo transport only."

"Ah, yes," Keten sighed as the trio gazed at the seemingly harmless pink flower on display.

"That's…" Anzyl pondered aloud, "quite the warning message for a flower."

"Sure is, Captain," Keten explained. "Transport with that flower and you'll be Tuvixed."

"Tuvixed?" The captain replied.

"Yeah," Keten shied away slightly. "Let me tell you about Tuvix..."

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry.

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