
Medical Sciences

"A burst of white light enveloped Captain Praxas and Neil, depositing them amidst an array of teleporter pads. They found themselves in what could only be described as a bustling hospital, meticulously prepared for any conceivable challenge.

"Is this a sick bay or a general hospital?" inquired Anzyl as they surveyed the surroundings.

"Kind of both," Neil elucidated. "With a crew of 5000, even 2% with mundane injuries like scrapes or sprains amounts to 100 patients. Sick bay accommodates 200 beds."

Anzyl shook his head in awe. "The sheer size of this ship continues to boggle my mind. Let's move on; who's in charge here?"

A nurse greeted them with a smile, her voice resonating through the intercom, "Captain on deck." Turning to them, she continued, "Hello Captain and Commander, you must be looking for Two of Three." They nodded in confirmation. Over the intercom, she summoned, "Two of Three to the front desk; the captain is looking for you."

In a flash of white, a Borg drone materialized on the pad. Tall, bald, with pale skin and metallic implants, Two of Three exuded a blend of humanity and cybernetics. "Greetings, Captain and Commander. I'm Two of Three of the Borg Cooperative," he warmly smiled.

"You're remarkably personable for a Borg drone," Anzyl noted in surprise.

"Thanks to Seven of Nine's guidance and treatment, Borg Cooperative members, myself included, reclaimed much of our past selves," Two of Three explained. "I remember my individuality and time in the Collective, thanks to being an El Aurian with centuries of life before assimilation. With these implants, I don't see myself stopping anytime soon." Glancing at the captain's spots, he added, "You may be a joined Trill captain, but I'm almost three times your age!"

"Fascinating. So, what brings you here?" Anzyl inquired.

"Serving as chief medical officer on a ship where hundreds of species interact is a unique opportunity," Two of Three replied. "I can instantly download entire species' biological and physiological data in seconds, making me the logical choice for handling the diverse crew's medical needs."

"Can you really do that?" Neil questioned skeptically.

"Tell me, Commander, how would you treat bat'leth lacerations on an adult Medusan?" Two of Three challenged.

"Dermal regenerator?" Neil guessed hesitantly.

"Wrong. Medusans are non-corporeal beings; a bat'leth wouldn't affect them, but your Dermal Regenerator theory would scramble them a bit. You'd need eye shields to avoid going mad from light particles bombarding your hippocampus. Do I make my point, Commander?" Two of Three smiled.

"Clear as day, Doctor," Anzyl chuckled. "Or do I call you doctor?"

"I lack an official medical degree or rank, but I'm the best medical professional here. Call me Two of Three. I don't really remember my El Aurian name, I was assimilated for hundreds of years." he replied, showing visual discomfort on the topic.

"T it is," Anzyl agreed. With a nod, Two of Three teleported away.

"That was impressive," Anzyl remarked.

"And humbling," Neil rubbed his bald head. "Shall we head to the science labs on levels 33 or 35?"

"Yes, and I believe Tey'un mentioned Cetacean Observations is nearby. Let's start there."

Neil nodded, and they stepped onto the pad, saying, "Cetacean Observations." In a flash of white, they vanished.

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe. with a slight crossover to Avatar the way of Water.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry, and Avatar: The Way of Water created by James Cameron.

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