
Chap 1: First day in crazy universe

[Cadmus, July 4.]

Today was a good day for the young Robin, well it was supposed to be that way, everything was going fine he and Batman just dealt with Mr.Freeze and he was going to be an official member of the league, well that's what he thought anyway until Speedy stormed his way out of the Oh so grand Justice Hall after explaining that the HQ is actually out in space and Batman kept it a secret from him. Of course he would he's Batman after all. Aghhh

That's why they are now in Cadmus to grasp the opportunity to prove themselves as capable and trustworthy, just a simple little mission nothing complicated, peace of cake would Robin say, he lost count on how many times he did those with Batman after the latter ingrained the training in his brain and body to the point it became an instinct. Ah good times thought Robin. Now why would he thinks so despite what happened earlier today and figuring out how his Mentor and father figure didn't really trust him?

Well Robin couldn't exactly put his hands on where or when did everything go wrong in this self appointed mission.

Everything went as normal as it gets in those situations, saving some people getting rid of the fire and hacking the system everything normal, until it wasn't anymore.

Like discovering a massive facility hidden underground with it own source of electricity generated by genetic man-made army, fighting against them and a probably a brainwashed hero called Guardian. Finding what can be a potential Superman son cloned out of his dna, fighting again, losing then getting caught, it can't get any worse now can it? Well from today onward Robin will learn how to keep his mouth shut.

But in the end like it always supposed to happen they were able to escape with the help of their new allie and future teammate Superboy, defeat the mad scientist turned monster and finally they were able to see the moon.

While all of that was happening with the soon to be young justice, someone else was witnessing all of that from deep down in a forgotten and hidden floor, hearing the noises and feeling all the mental fluctuation with the first beat of his heart and the sound of the breaking glass from his supposed cage he finally opened his eyes.

*smack*crunch* "It's Time" *crack*scraash*

------------------*glass breaking *-------------------

"Hooh. Man it's good to be alive. I feel more than alive actually i feel really good, no stiff shoulders no neck hurting, feet standing straight. I feel like running a marathon! Around the Moon!! And all these feelings and sensation, it's dark here but i can still see and feel my vision getting better and more accurate, i can hear all the noises and explosions upstairs, must be the young kids doing", 'hmm... hoo i can see through walls and i can hear them more clearly now, they are fighting against the sick doc, i forgot his name well it's been a while since i watched the show and he's not that important anyway but he's still a scientist of Cadmus and maybe has some good information for me let's see.'

'Yep Telepathy for the win. Well he's still in there but drunk on power and beside the science stuff he doesn't really know much about 'the Light' well figures. Robin really needs some mental protection tho, what if anyone got Bruce*caugh* i mean Batman secret identity and the Batcave location.

But he's good at hacking, always wanted to learn that can't wait to learn more later.

He's actually enjoying trolling his friends by suddenly appearing and disappearing out of nowhere what a 'Dick' right.

Wally is not bad at chemistry, like he just replicated The Flash accident with couple of school and pharmacy chemicals and boom low budget speedster. But his brain is indeed faster than the normal, have to give him that anyone else would have struggled but i already adapted so point for me. But like how can a 14-15 years old do those stuff is everyone in this multiverse so smart or what, i definitely couldn't do it before and the technology they're using, hmm... i never was the bookworm smart stuff but i really want to get my hands on some knowledge here.

Atlantis seems nice, i should make a trip there for sightseeing and stuff as well, that's one for the list of places i should visit, already have the language for it. Their magic is, i don't know weird? Interesting? Well it's Atlantian privilege only so no need to dwell on it. And Superboy, well he'll need anger management therapy that's for sure.'

That's that now let's stretch this new body of mine shall we.

*crack* "Hmm.. i should control my body better, don't want to destroy everything with a touch now.

Haha destroy everything with a touch, man it's cool to be strong. Well let's not get ahead of ourselves now i am strong but not that much yet, good that this suit store sun radiation and keeps feeding me.

They do have some style you gotta give them that they opted for a manhunter black suit with a superman touch. Well let's get out of here."

*booooom*" Hahah i believe i can flyy"

While the soon to be young justice were still fighting and trying to escape our MC was getting busy adjusting to his body, flying around on some discoveries while keeping away from any eyes, ears and minds nearby not that was that hard, and he is not afraid from someone seeing him but that will just be troublesome besides it's better to be careful. The light will know about him eventually, actually after today they will definitly know. 'I bet they will be happy and think a better tool than Superboy arrived, they will believe i am under their control still, and their plans will move more smoothly with my help. hehe wait till i flip the tables and make you my tools, i'm sure that's will be funny.'

'I remember that they have more secret rooms or caves here and there and they are hiding the original Red Arrow somewhere here too, i think he still call himself speedy right? Red Arrow came later i believe, well with how many clones of him they did it's kinda confusing i remember there's an older version clone of him too but don't remember how or when they found him. Let's see if i can save the poor fellow first then think about all the others. Should i do something about the genomorphs? Meh i will nudge the League a little and let them deal with that.'

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"Why let them tell us what to do it's simple get on board or get out of the way" i heard Superboy saying well guess that my cue.

While Batman and those of the League who didn't leave yet were having a stare down match with the young ones the ground suddenly started to vibrate and the stone and ruble started to move, the gathered members started getting tense but ready to any suprise attack, suddenly they heard the voice of a man.

"Let the Kids have some slack they did good in my opinion way better then you at least."

"And you are?" Said Batman muscles tense and ready to take action any second without moving his eyes from the newly emerging flying figure slowly getting down from the sky holding an unconscious man wearing a golden helmet/head piece and in the other one a pod weighting at least couple hundreds of Kgs with one hand like it's nothing.

Super strength, speed and flying ability silently remarked Batman in his head already putting things together and expecting were this is going with. He could already hear kid flash and the Flash saying something like 'another one!' and 'now what'.

While Batman and the League are watching and analyzing the new figure he was also watching them closly getting a little bit excited in his head. Who would not after all.

Male, age between 25-30 little similarities with the superman clone standing near but not too much to the point they would seems related same right blue eye but green on the left, hair lighter shade of brown not blond but not brown either wearing the same suit as the Super boy but in black with extra red lines oddly enough like J'onn suit style summarized Batman showing why he's called the best detective.

Looking at the 'friendly' crowd gathering down there, watching them watching and trying to analyze me i couldn't help but fly down extra slowly for some dramatic effect and compare them to my memories of the show.

They are real. I can see the blood flowing inside them hear their heart beating and the slow but steady breathing. So that's it heh, let's see where life gonna take me from now on and what kinda of suprises it's gonna throw at me.

"You probably already know but i am kinda like him or more accuratly he's kinda like me since i am older"

"I see" Batman slowly said while looking from afar at the pod of the original Roy harper and the unconsciess guarduian who happen to be the older clone without moving an inch then he looked back at me in the eyes trying to intimidate me to get some answers or an explanation without asking.

Heh like i will give him the satisfaction of doing that. So while the air kept getting tense and our staring match continued someone couldnt get it anymore and started asking the questions already.

"Ah come on i can't take it anymore who's that and what's inside the pod? And where did you come from exactly?" said the Flash unable to hold anymore, everything is already too slow for him so standing there and not doing anything feels like the time stopped and the Speed-force is urging him to move not even caring about Batman scrutinizing eyes that he still can't get used to.

"Hmm... well you already met him i believe" i said looking at the young teens "Should have brought him with you by the way. As for this well they are actually related and important to you " i said holding the pod up for all of them to see what's inside, immediately everyone's eyes shot open aside from Batman and couple stoic characters but the most hit by the sight is the Young boys and of course green Arrow who's almost trembling and his breath started hitching.

"You were leaving without doing more on site investigation and forgot the matter about the new race being enslaved under your nose living down there which is kinda irresponsible in my opinion."

Immediately after hearing this even Batman eyes shook a little but he hid it very fast and professionally without anyone noticing beside me that is but i can see him clenching his fists and hear his teeth rattling already putting one plus one together.

But everyone woke up from the schock hearing Green Arrow low voice gradually going up sayin" how?no, why? Why is speedy there and where's his arm? How did he get there?" He started shouting almost shrieking while slowly walking forward until Batman put his hand on his shoulder still giving me the look.

Having enough of the drama for today i smashed Guardian's a.k.a older Speedy's helmet and let everyone see his face figuring what is happening and said looking at Batman while pointing at the pod "he's the original and the one you have is the clone this one too, i believe you get the rest"

Batman nodded slightly scrutinizing his eyes more almost shutting them close and started doing some calls while the rest are trying to calm Arrow down meanwhile i walked to the young team and started talking to them.

"Hey kids you did great down there, could be better but it's enough for a first time" i said with little smile.

"Ehrm thanks i guess?" said Kid flash not knowing what to say exactly while Robin still alert tried to imitate Batman scrutinizing eyes and failed then he asked "how do you know it's our first time?" while Aqualad kept silently observing in the background also vigilant like everyone else, actually all eyes are still on me no one is letting their guard down beside the still shocked Green Arrow even Batman is keeping an eye out while doing something else gonna respect the guy, so i answered without minding "i didn't, you just told me but i know it's his first time nice to meet you by the way Kr" Robin looked slightly dejected trying to see if Batman heard him to avoid getting the disappointed look.

Superboy just growled at me in anger slightly loud saying "don't call me that"

"Hmm... what do you want me to call you then?" He looked at me slightly taken aback from how calm and smoothly i am talking never changing my expressions from beginning till now and said "just call me Superboy"

"Hm, well like i said nice to meet you Superboy i didn't think about a name for myself yet so I'll tell you when i settle on one"

Hmm...should i make my family name Doomsday? too obvious isn't, and it's too edgy for my taste, Doom? nah i don't want to be like those wanna be who take some character's name and starting acting like them, i'll just think about it later.

We continued talking bit more, more like Wally being too enthusiastic and asking questions and Robin trying to discover anything about me like the good sidekick he is, Superboy and Aqualad were silent but i noticed the hints of anger from Superboy it's either because Superman left without acknowledging him or because i showed more strength than him whatever it is maybe I'll talk to him later maybe not we'll see.

After a while Batman came to take us away while other members are staying or waiting for reinforcement. He ofcourse tried to get any and all information he can get from me without too much success, i mean he will know eventually i am just having fun messing with him. I am not that afraid of him having all my secret but you can never be so careful around him the man paranoia is abnormal.

So i did indulge a bit nothing too much about me just being a failed experiment, locked on a forgotten floor he didn't know about, how i just woke up from all the explosion and stuff, took a toor around the facility and 'accidentally' found the place Speedy was in and from the information installed in me i knew who he was and found some data about him and Guardian stuff like that. The only reason i indulged so much is because i didn't want him to bring Wonder Woman lasso and use it for 'Interrogation' not that it will work but i just don't want to give them the idea that I'm going to be obedient and he has the authority to order me around thinking i am some kind of pushover like the kids or something like that and i think he got the message and didn't take it too far.

And that's how my first day in this world went by, i will say i made a first good impression and got to test myself a bit.

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