
Questioning Reality

"Damn! Missed him." The sniper shouted.

"Hello! Listen I missed that guy, he was way too fast even in the traffic. But I have noted the number plate of the car he was driving. I sent that to you." The sniper said to Mr. Meticulous.

"What? How can you leave it like that? Just go and get the car's owner." He replied.

"Hey! don't shout at me I am not your servant. My task was to shoot the doctor which I have already completed after someone saw him or not. It's not my part to work on, you should have been careful from the start." said the sniper. He is the kind of person who will not move even an inch if not paid for the specific work.

"My part is over and I am leaving now. Bye." saying this he hung up the call.

"Okay fine I will get someone else." Mr. Meticulous shouted.

"Why is he so annoying?" He added. Mr. Meticul...

"Don't call me that, I have a freaking name." He shouted again, Wait a minute... you can hear me?

"Yes, absolutely." Mr. Meticulous replied, "I told you I have a name." He shouted again, And no you don't have a name, I never gave you one.

"Are you my parent? Why would you give me my name?" He asked, Because I am the author, you idiot.

"Whatever, I don't give a damn about that. You distracted me all this time just leave from here, I have to catch that shadow otherwise my boss will kill me." Mr. Meticulous is scared....."This is the last time I am saying I have a name, don't call me Meticulous and let me do my work." He warned. Okay fine I will leave, characters these days don't respect their own authors. Such a sad life I have.

Anyway let's see what Sana is up to

"Sana, you look so weak, are you alright?" Asked her neighbour.

"Yes, I feel a little dizzy because of the medicines every now and then. But it's alright....."

"Sana! Where are you?" She was interrupted by her mom's worried voice.

"I think I have to go, see you later. Bye."

"Sure." replied the neighbour.

"Mom, I am back." Said Sana as soon as she entered the house.

"Where were you? I told you to rest and not go anywhere alone." Sana's mom was scolding her.

"Relax, mom, I was just talking to our neighbour. I didn't even go outside the boundary wall." She tried to explain to her mother.

"See I told you everything is fine. Now don't be like this to brighten up your mood." said her father.

"Yes mom, everything is alright." Sana assured her.

"Yeah! But don't go anywhere without telling me from the next time." said her mom.

"Definitely mom." replied Sana. Then they had the delicious cake and had a great conversation about various topics. Sana felt safe but still she missed Ash. She now has this silhouette of Ash in her mind of someone who would have been an amazing person if he was real.

'Can't I go back to sleep to meet him and tell him everything happening here?' She was wondering why this has to be real and her dream has to be imaginary.

'Is it possible that this may be a dream and that may be reality? But it is too real to be considered imaginary.' She was questioning and then answering also. She knew everything which is why she felt sad from time to time. Thinking all this brought tears to her eyes. By the tip of her fingers she wiped her tears across her face gently and went to sleep in hope of being in the same dream again.

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