
Celestial awakening

"Power without control is useless," Alex said casually as he approached me. "You need to know yourself and what you can and can't do."

"I..." I stuttered as I tried to speak. My head is really foggy. "How did you do that?"

"Your soul..." Alex blinked and closed the distance between us. He grabbed my shoulder. "You were someone else before your rebirth as Alex Wilson, then you died again before awakening your true power and once again reborn as Peter Parker. You awakened your memories later, huh? Ah! That fucker Sims... Tsk. That slippery bastard."

This guy figured out everything within seconds.

"You know Sims," I asked.

"Yeah. That slippery bastard tried to kill me and ran away afterward. Anyway, I'm running tight on time, so..." Alex let out a massive wave of energy clearing out the darkness around me.

My head cleared as the bloodlust and the urge to kill and control everything... All those bad thoughts disappeared instantly. Dang! What the heck was I thinking?

"I once had one of these episodes. So, I can imagine how you are feeling," Alex said as he stepped back.

I clenched my fists, trying to summon that intense energy back. But this time, it flowed naturally through my body before coating my fist in a pale blue energy.

"I've cleaned your celestial power. You won't have any trouble like before anymore. And you won't be able to use magic or chi anymore like you usually do for a while. You have to tame this new power, or you can just discard magic and Chi and only focus on this celestial power," Alex explained.

"Dang! I don't have that much time. Without my magic and chi, I won't be able to stop the new threats coming for Earth and I need to learn reality manipulation magic to fix a timeline. This is really bad," I said with a grim expression.

New power comes with new risks. Magic and Chi were easy to master, but this is the celestial power we are talking about here. I've no idea how fast I can train and master this new power. Most importantly, I've no idea what this power can even do. I've read in comics about Celestials reshaping reality and destroying universes and doing some crazy shit, but time... I don't have time to start everything from zero.

"That's where you are wrong. You can use celestial power to create things with their own rules and apply them to this present world. For example, a room where time flows faster than this reality. Pretty cool, right?" Alex said with a smirk.

I was stunned by what he said. I can make a room where time flows faster than this reality, so if I enter that room, I can spend a whole month in that room, while just a few hours would have passed in the real world. It's like a time chamber from DBz.

"So, what are you waiting for? I'm sure you can figure it out. It's not much different from how you use magic or chi. But it requires focus way too much focus. Good luck," Alex said as he stepped back. "I'm gonna leave now. If you somehow manage to survive... No, I'm sure you will survive... I'll invite you to join Mortal Kombat. Till then... Take care."

Alex's body began to fade away

"Wait!" I called out. "Mortal Kombat is real?"

"Yup! You'll find out soon enough much more than just Mortal Kombat. The merge is yet to occur in this timeline. Sooner or later, this reality will also merge with the other verses. You have to be prepared for that day. Keep an eye out for the rise of superhumans... Not mutants but superhumans. Regular human awakening superpower. That would be the sign of the merge," Alex said as he gave me one last look before disappearing completely.

"Damn! Mortal Kombat is fucking real and other verses... Just hope it isn't Berserk or Attack on Titan or shitty worlds like those... Those are fucked up worlds," I muttered.

I opened my eyes and found myself surrounded by a bunch of sorcerers. The Ancient One, Wanda, Dr. Strange, Wong, and all the masters of Kamar-Taj were there. Oh, I feel groggy as if I'm drunk.

"How are you feeling?" The Ancient One asked.

"I think I'm good," I said as I sat up on the floor. I looked around and saw a chunk of the room was missing. "Did I go berserk?"

"It's nothing we can't fix," Strange said with a shrug.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Just a few hours," Wong replied.

"Ah! I see," I stood up and felt the celestial power. My body was glowing brightly with a pale blue hue. It was stable unlike before. This feels good.

"What the hell is this power?" Wanda asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"This is the Mystical Energy," I said as I felt like I was drawing power from something, an endless ocean of energy. Then there was this other power. It was very faint. If I wasn't concentrating on it, I would have missed it completely. The color of my energy changed to bright green. Life... I can feel every living organism around me, including those that aren't visible to normal eyes. "This is probably the Life Force Energy."

Wait! There are more... I tapped into the next source and my body began to glow with a yellow hue, just like Captain Marvel.

"This is Cosmic energy," I said as I stared at the yellow hue around my arms.

There were a couple of more power sources, but let's not get ahead of myself here. Let's go one at a time, then I'll think about fusion.

"This is amazing!" The Ancient One said as she stepped forward. "I've never seen something like this before."

"Neither have I," Strange said as he stood beside the Ancient One.

"No wonder, the Great Weaver chose him," The Ancient One said.

I turned to her. "Well, it seems I can't use magic or chi at the moment. So, do you know someone who can help me master these cosmic energies?"

"Captain Marvel is your best bet. I'll contact her today. Till then, try not to destroy anything, please," Dr. Strange said before leaving.

After the conversation with the Ancient One and Dr. Strange, I took a deep breath and focused on the raw energy surging through me. The cosmic energy hummed beneath my skin, making me feel like I could burst out of my own body if I wasn't careful. But Alex's words echoed in my mind: power without control is useless. That much was true. I wasn't going to let this power control me. I'd tame it, just like I did with magic and chi.

[A Week Later – Kree Warship, Training Room]

"Not bad, Parker," Captain Marvel—Carol Danvers—said with a smirk, watching as I launched another blast of cosmic energy at the training drones. The yellow energy arced from my fists, vaporizing the dummies in a burst of light.

I had to admit, I felt pretty damn good. I'd spent the last week with Carol on her warship, where she put me through the wringer. From day one, she'd pushed me to my limits, forcing me to master the basics of controlling cosmic energy. Carol was tough—borderline brutal—but she was also a good teacher. Even she was surprised by how quickly I picked up the techniques.

"You've got a talent for this," she said, hovering beside me. Her binary form was pulsing with cosmic energy, like a mini sun in the training room. "You've grown fast, Peter. Faster than anyone I've ever seen."

"Thanks, I guess?" I wiped the sweat from my brow. Even though the cosmic energy coursing through me gave me enhanced stamina, Carol didn't let up. She had me practicing day and night. I was exhausted but determined.

"Not just your powers," she continued, crossing her arms. "You're learning how to tap into different types of energy as if it's second nature. That's not normal, even for someone like me."

I nodded, still trying to process everything I was learning. The cosmic energy felt like the most accessible of my new powers, but the life force energy was more elusive, and the celestial energy still intimidated me. Carol had told me that harnessing cosmic energy was one thing, but if I wanted to manipulate time or space, I'd need to unlock deeper levels of control.

"You ready for the next step?" Carol asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I squared my shoulders and nodded. "Yeah, let's do this."

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