
Pregnant Harem

Michelle's eyes went wide with shock. "W-What?" she stammered, her hand instinctively moving to her stomach. "That's..." She shook her head, but I could see the worry creeping into her face. Her eyes darted around the room, trying to process what I'd just told her.

I took a step closer, carefully placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm serious, Michelle. I felt it—there's a new life inside you." My voice was soft, but there was a gravity to my words. This wasn't a joke, and she needed to understand that.

Her breathing quickened as she backed away, pacing around the room with one hand clutching her stomach. Then she stopped and walked toward me and grabbed my collars, "You gonna marry me, right? You're not gonna abandon me and leave me with a child, right? If you are thinking of other things then forget it. I'm keeping the child. Do you understand that, Parker?" she asked very quickly. It was clear that she was kinda baffled by the shocking news, but that wasn't going to stop her from pressing the issue.

"Yes! I'm going to marry you and..." I cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes. "Calm down and take deep breaths."

"Ok. Alright," She took a couple of deep breaths before letting out a sigh. "This is really happening, isn't it?"

I nodded as I pulled her into my arms. "This is really happening," I said, stroking her hair.

"You aren't angry, are you?" she asked.

"Of course not! I'm happy," I said.

"Really? Are you sure? Mhmmm~" Before she could speak any more I kissed her on the lips.

"I am very sure," I said as we broke our kiss.

"Hahaha! Phew! I don't know how to react, right now. My head feels fuzzy and... and... You know what? I don't even know what I'm supposed to feel right now. Hahah... Oh, Parker, What's happening to me?" She hugged me again and buried her head in my chest.

Huh?! I could sense Maddie and May outside the door, waiting. They must have heard our conversation.

"Alright, the door's open. C'mon in," I said.

And just like I expected, both the girls entered the room and closed the door behind them.

"So, she's pregnant," Maddie walked to Michelle and hugged her daughter, kissing her forehead. "Me too..." She mumbled in a low voice, but loud enough for everyone to hear in the room.

"Eehh!" Michelle, May, and I exclaimed.

"I got myself tested earlier today and found out that I'm pregnant too. I wanted to surprise you," Maddie said while looking at me.

"Wait! I was going to surprise him with the good news of my pregnancy," May added.

"You are pregnant too?!" Michelle exclaimed.

"Yeah..." May smiled sheepishly.

Holy Shit! Three pregnant women, and here I am, not having a clue as to what to do next. Wait! What about Gwen and MJ? Or Sue? Are they pregnant too?! Fuck! This is going to be one hell of a mess. I need some time alone to clear my head. This is big, really big. I was slowly slipping out of the room, before someone grabbed me by my neck.

"Going somewhere, Parker?" Michelle asked, her gaze was cold.

"I was just..."

"Don't you think you have a responsibility?" She asked.

"Yeah... Yes! I do have a responsibility," I answered.

"You agree, huh?! So, why were you trying to escape from this room?" She asked again.

"I just wanted to take a breather," I replied as I turned back with an awkward smile. My left eye was twitching, and I was sweating like a pig. "And you know, maybe check on MJ, Gwen and Sue. You never know, one of them might be pregnant too. Hehehe..." I forced out a laugh, but everyone in the room glared daggers at me.

Ah! Shit! I mean, I wasn't trying to run away. I just wanted to take a breather and clear my head. That's all, and maybe check on the girls, you know, just to make sure that they aren't pregnant. Yeah! That's it.

"Ah, c'mon, girls. I'm really happy and shocked at the same time. I mean, it isn't every day I get to hear that I knocked up three girls, or maybe more than three. So, I just want to make sure and... Well... You know what? Let me just take a breather, clear my head a little and I'll come back, and we'll talk, alright?" I asked, giving them a sheepish grin.

Michelle, Maddie, and May rolled their eyes and sighed before letting me go. I opened a portal to a random roof and jumped in, before closing it.

The moment the portal closed, I just stood there in a daze... God knows for how long I'd stood there, thinking about my next course of action. There are so many questions swirling inside my head, and no matter how much I think, I just can't come to any conclusion.

After I had taken a breather, I suited up and began to swing around the city.

Ok. A war is coming and my girls are pregnant which isn't a good thing. Knull, Galactus, Thanos, and Morlun... Those are some of the biggest threats in the Universe, and I'm going to have to face them sooner or later. And now, the girls are pregnant and I'm going to have to take care of them. I need to get stronger to protect them. But to think that three of them were pregnant at the same time...

"Ah! Fuck! It's hard to concentrate on anything."

I landed on the tower, just beside the mall. I could sense Wanda's magic from here. Gwen and Cyber Gwen were with her. I spread out my chi, creating a large string that went straight for Gwen. I need to check if she's pregnant or not. And... A new life signature... Oh! Ok. She's pregnant. Now I have to check on MJ and Sue.

I opened a portal to Sue. She was taking a bath in her mansion. I didn't disturb her or anything, just sent my chi to her and... Oh, why am I not surprised? Another new life signature.

Now, let's check on MJ. I opened a portal to her shooting set, well, not exactly into the set, but on top of a nearby building. She was standing in front of the camera and giving an interview about her upcoming movie.

I sent out my chi like before...

Oh, wow! She's pregnant too.

Michelle, Maddie, May, Gwen, MJ and Sue... That makes six pregnant girls. SIX...

This is big... Very big... I'm going to have to take care of them. I can't just ignore this. I mean, I was eventually aiming for this, but this is too fast. I sat down on the roof's ledge with a sigh. I'm feeling calm now, knowing the complete situation. A big family, huh?! Well, what could be better than a big and happy family, right? All I need to do now is kill all the enemies and keep them safe.

I stretched my arms up and let out a yawn. Time to go back and meet the girls.

[Back to Spa]

As I walked into the spa, I noticed that everyone was working as usual. So, for the moment, I put that threesome plan on hold and just sat in the lobby, patiently. Till... Closing time... It was 5 PM.

One by one all the workers and employees left, leaving May, Maddie, and Michelle in the lobby. May closed the front door and then three of them walked towards me.

"So, you ready to talk now?" May asked, crossing her arms under her busts.

"Yeah... Well, MJ, Gwen, and Sue are also pregnant," I told them the truth.

"What?!" The girls exclaimed.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that they are. I mean, they haven't told me about it or anything, but I could sense their pregnancy. You know, chi and stuff, right?"

"Really? Well, considering how active you are, I'm not surprised," May said, with a sly smirk.

"So... What are we going to do next?" Michelle asked, walking over and taking a seat beside me on the couch.

"I'm gonna buy a big island and build a big mansion. That's what I'm gonna do," I answered, giving them a grin. "And then we are gonna live there like a happy family. Well, maybe I'll also buy a big mansion around here too... Holidays on the island and working days and school on the land."

"Just like that?" Maddie asked, walking over and sitting on my other side.

"Yeah, I love you all and I'm gonna take care of you all," I replied.

"I didn't expect this... I really didn't," Maddie said with a sigh. "I thought I was going to be alone in this. You know, our age difference and all, I thought you'd be angry after hearing the news."

"Hey, I thought I made it clear already that I'm not gonna leave you behind. You are mine and I'm gonna take care of you all. You understand that, right?" I asked, turning to look at each of them.

They nodded in response.

"Alright, good. Let's become a big and happy family, alright?"

"Yeah~" They smiled.

"So, you gonna talk with MJ, Gwen and Sue?" Michelle said with a smirk.

"Yeah. I think I will do that tonight. It's better that way, right?" I said.

"Yup! I mean, the sooner the better," May agreed.

"Now then, why don't we give our man a nice massage he deserves?" Michelle asked the other two women.

"Sounds like a great idea," Maddie agreed.

"Yeah, I think he could use some relaxation," May said, nodding her head.

"Huh?!" I could feel a drop of sweat forming on my forehead.

"Don't worry, honey. We'll give you a very relaxing massage, one that you'll enjoy a lot," Maddie said, pulling my face and kissing me on my lips.

And just like that, I made six girls pregnant...

I'm never going to forget this day.

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