

[Bang!] The door broke open...

"Hands up your head if you want to survive!"


Before they could realize what was going on, countless red tendrils shot out of Liz's chest, piercing through them instantly with a blood-curdling howl.

Splat! Those tendrils splattered their bodies, painting the entire room in their blood.

Taken by surprise the others opened fire at Liz.

"Wait! NOOO!" Liz raised her arms and to her surprise red tendrils coiled around her arms, blocking the bullets. She felt every single one of the bullets striking her but didn't feel any pain.

"So, you gonna fight? Or just stand there for them to call for reinforcement?" The red symbiote emerged from her chest, taking on a humanoid shape before her face. Its giant red head with long white eyes, plus those added pointy teeth, made him look quite horrifying.

"What in the hell are you?" Liz freaked out looking at the creature sticking out of her chest.

"Just use my power and kill them, then you will know, everything will become clear... Now, decide," The organic red head tilted its head as the gunfight with the shooters intensified. It's webby and stringy body was pulsating. One of them shot a grenade toward Liz, and it exploded right before her, but the red organic shield before her was protecting her completely.

"Kill them?! No! I've done nothing wrong. It's you... You bitch. They are after you, aren't they?" Liz quickly understood the situation. For someone with no enmity with any gangs or anyone for that matter, the only reason these people are attacking is because of this red sticky thing in her.

"Roughly speaking, yes. But now that I've saved you from death, you owe me big time. Or, I can always find some other person to bond with, but if I leave right now, they are gonna blast you off regardless. You either die or comply... Decide quickly."

"Fine! Whatever, just don't kill them," Liz gritted her teeth and agreed to whatever this red symbiote offered.

"Ahhh! Pacifist, how boring..." The symbiote retreated into her body.

"Alright, brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride," it chuckled as Liz's body began to change.

"W-what?" Liz was startled as she saw her body changing shape rapidly. Her clothes ripped apart as she grew taller and leaner. Red tendrils began to erupt out, covering her entire body in a protective organic armor. There were white linings all over her red body and her blond hair turned red and white, waving as if her hair was alive.

Her face turned into a mouthpiece with razor-sharp teeth, and her eyes turned white, glaring at the shooters outside the room. She could see clearly through the smoke and the dust as if she were looking through a pair of high-tech goggles.

"Time to go wild."


The symbiote roared and charged out of the room. The shooters were waiting outside, fully armed, ready to wipe her out. Liz's fists transformed into claws as she began to rip apart their weapons and an arm or two, just keeping them barely alive.

"Who the hell are these people?" Liz asked as the symbiote controlled her body.

"All Life Foundation. Bastards' been messing around with things they shouldn't have, and now here we are," The symbiote replied as it smashed through the wall, and jumped down through the third floor.

"Life Foundation? You mean, those guys who sent a spaceship to Mars?" Liz felt the wind brushing past her face as they fell from the third floor. She thought she would die but surprisingly enough, when her feet touched the ground, a massive shockwave erupted beneath her feet, shattering the concrete, but not hurting her even a bit.


"So, what do they want with you?" Liz began to run out of the building, but to her surprise, other people were fighting around the area. There were men in black suits who were the Shield agents and the private army of All Life Foundation, probably hired mercenaries, engaged in a massive fight.

Everyone was shocked to see the sudden arrival of the symbiote. The Shield agents were ordered not to engage with the symbiote by Fury, but that wasn't the case for the private army. They began to open fire at Liz.

"They want my body back, so they could use me for experiments, but sorry, ain't nobody gonna mess with this piece of art."

"What?!" Liz was confused.

"Don't worry about it. Just run away," The symbiote chuckled. "I'm Misery by the way. Nice to meet you, host!"

"I can't say the same thing..." Liz stopped instead of running away.

"What are you doing? Run!"

"Let's lend those Shield agents a helping hand. Besides, running away won't solve anything, will it?" Liz looked ahead, and dozens of bullets were coming her way.

"Oh? Full of surprises, aren't you?"

"Just tell me what to do," Liz took a deep breath, bracing herself for whatever was coming. "Just don't kill them."

"Gladly!" Misery controlled her body and shot out dozens of red tendrils from her arms, catching six mercenaries. The tendrils coiled around their necks, choking them to death.

"N-no, stop!" Liz screamed internally.

"You are the one who wanted to help them."

"Don't kill them!" Liz fought back the symbiote's influence and released the tendrils, "Remove this mask for a moment."


"Just do it!"

Misery did as told, and Liz's face returned to normal, shocking everyone. The mercenaries who were engaged in a gunfight froze.

"You guys are shield agents, right?" She shouted as loud as she could. "I'll lend you a hand. Just don't shoot at me."

She didn't wait for their reply and shot tendrils out again, piercing through the mercenaries' arms, and destroying all of their weapons. Then she turned into the symbiote mode and charged at the mercenaries like a red rocket, knocking them down with her bare hands.

[Baaam!] [Baaamm!] Two RPG missiles shot out from the other building, aiming directly at Liz. She punched them to smithereens as massive explosions shook the entire street.

"You still want to let them live?" Misery asked as she jumped on the mercenaries, incapacitating them with her tendrils.

"Yes, I do."

"Suit yourself..."

[Rumble!] [Rumble!] A familiar figure was running toward Liz. She saw her many times on TV. That's Rhino charging straight at her.

"I wonder if your body will still regenerate after I smash you up over and over again," Rhino growled and rammed straight at Liz.

"Bring it on, asshole! I'll send you back to jail," Liz met the attack head-on with a hard punch.


Rhino's horn hit Liz's fist. Shockwaves erupted upon impact as red tendrils began to coil around the armor Rhino was wearing. He was surprised but quickly increased the boosters, trying to push her back, but in front of a symbiote, a mere armor like that was supposed to be a joke.

Liz's tendrils destroyed his boosters, leaving Rhino defenseless. Her tendrils ripped apart the armor. She grabbed the guy by the neck and threw him onto the ground.

"Caught ya, bastard!" She grinned, showing her shark teeth.

"Y-you bitch!" Rhino struggled, but Liz's grip was too strong.

"Call me whatever you want, but you are going to jail."

"We'll see about that..." Rhino pressed the button on the ball he was holding all this time. "For now, you are going to sleep."

Instantly, a boom of sonic waves erupted from the ball, stunning Liz. Her grip loosened as Rhino stood up and kicked her away. The symbiote began to scream and screech as the organic armor was undone, and Liz's body returned to normal. Liz also felt a piercing pain as she closed her ears and crouched down on the ground.

The shield agents rushed in, but a helicopter arrived above Liz, firing bullets down at agents, preventing them from getting close.

"Hurry up! Iron Man is on the way," Rhino yelled from below as he grabbed the ball and Liz, and threw her over his shoulder.

A ladder dropped down from the helicopter and Rhino climbed up along with Liz.

"Mission accomplished. Let's go..."

The pilot nodded and pushed the throttle to full speed, but something was pulling them back, "We are being pulled back. What's going on?"

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Rhino opened the door and saw the helicopter wrapped up in a cocoon of webs. Spider-Man was swinging toward the helicopter.

"Damn you!" Rhino yelled in rage as he grabbed a gun and took Liz as hostage. He pressed the gun against Liz's head.

"Get away, or she dies."


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Next, Ch: 139: Iron Man vs Symbiote Spidey

Ch: 140: Superior Iron Man

Ch: 141: Tony's visions

Ch: 142: Tony's regrets

In the next few chs, you will get what I have planned for the next volume.

Xcalibur_Xccreators' thoughts
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