

Felicia was running as fast as possible to get away from the building and didn't pay attention to the things going on behind her. Her main focus is to escape that area and lay low for a while. She got what she came for, so their business is done. Now, if they die or live, it's none of her matter. But that voice in her head... That voice... It was so familiar.

"There she is, don't let her escape!" The thugs from below began to shoot at her. She could dodge and evade them most of the time. A couple of bullets grazed past her stomach and arms, but one bullet struck her right thigh and one in her right shoulder blade, as she jumped from the roof and was about to grapple onto the next building. Her concentration on the hook shots faltered when the bullet hit her leg, making her lose control of the swinging rope and was going to fall. "Damn it!"

Luckily, a shot of webbing caught her right in the middle before she could crash onto the next building. But that web was strong enough to pin her down to the wall.

"Argg!" She tried to rip apart the web using her super strength, but a couple of more web shots restrained her in place.

She could see the thugs on the ground gathered around her, aiming their guns at her. But before they could realize what was happening, a yellow portal appeared behind them and two web bombs shot out. Both of the bombs exploded in mid-air, sending yellow electric shockwaves in all directions along with a barrage of sticky webs. Every thug that was in a five-meter radius was immediately thrown backward as they lost consciousness and were encased within the web.

Spiderman jumped out of that portal.

"Yo! Can you believe it? We are meeting again in less than 24 hrs. Such a small world, huh?" Spiderman webbed onto the wall and stuck beside Black Cat. He could hear police sirens nearing their location, "Want a lift?"

Black Cat frowned, "Trying to turn me in, are you?"

Spiderman raised his hands while saying, "Trying to help you. If not for my warning, you might still be trapped in that falling building." He pointed toward the six-story tall construction building that The Thing crashed through. Black Cat also remembered the voice in her mind.

"That voice in my head, yours I assume?" She narrowed her eyes as she glared at Spiderman.

"Guilty as charged," He shrugged nonchalantly, before saying, "Police will be here in no time and you're wounded. Need help or not? Your call." He noticed that the flesh wounds had already healed up, and the bullets in her body didn't pierce that deep and he could actually see the bullet on her thigh. "Super healing. Interesting." He used his magic to pull out the bullets and throw them on the ground. Her wounds instantly healed.

"Well, it would seem I didn't need your help," She retorted as the sound of approaching sirens became closer. "What now? I'm at your complete mercy, Mr. Spidey," she sighed and wondered who it was under that mask as she glanced sideways at the red-masked hero.

"I doubt that. You have already cut through my web and freed your hands," He replied sarcastically.

"Whatever," She cut through his web and freed herself, jumping over to the other building. Her claws pierced through the concrete of the wall as she looked toward Spiderman, "Why did you help me?" She asked, confused, still looking at him questioningly.

He shrugged, "Because I want to recruit you to my team."

"A team?" She asked, looking amused at the answer.

"Yeah. Why waste your ability to commit crimes when you can do something better? Still stuck with your daddy complex, trying to prove you are better than him?" Spiderman's words earned him a scowl from Felicia, and he noticed that. He webbed over to her and gently placed his hands on her cheek. "Just accept it. You are not like him, you are just trying too hard to copy his actions."

"You know nothing about me," She looked the other way but didn't run away.

"I know enough, the reason you are trying to get close to Kingpin's men... That baldy is the one to kidnap you and your dad and use his knowledge to create a new SSS," Spidey stood up on the wall and looked at her, "He tested it on you, didn't he?"

"Well, someone did his homework. And what makes you think I'd walk straight into the lion's den of my own free will?" She laughed mockingly.

"To finish the job of course. Killing Kingpin and removing the threat once and for all. Who knows when he will target you again? And I'm pretty sure you heard the rumors of Kingpin being gravely injured and all. So, you took the chance. That USB stick you gave Wesley, if my guess isn't wrong, you've put a bug in it to find his real location, right?" Spiderman answered smugly.

Felicia stiffened for a bit, but didn't say anything, not confirming nor denying his statement.

"Black Cat, you don't have to do this job alone," Spidey stopped walking on the wall and looked at her, "I'll help you get to Kingpin. You can do whatever you want with him for all I care. But after that, you either join me or live your life as a blond chatterbox." He took out a phone from his suit and gave it to her, then webbed away from the area as soon as the police cars began to surround the area.

Felicia used her grappler to grapple onto the next building and ran away to a certain distance. Then she dropped into an alley and transformed back into her blond self. She took off her black suit, revealing her regular dress underneath. Then she threw it into the dumpster and disappeared within the crowd that formed due to the sudden explosion in the nearby construction site.



Back at the construction site...

The Thing punched the guards around him, hard enough to break their bones, but they were still alive. Frank took the ground floor and for the first time in his life, he was forced to just disable the threats, not kill them. As for Wanda, she rounded up the ones hiding among the civilians. Everything was wrapped up within ten minutes or so.

All the criminals were rounded up near the gate and the cops quickly arrested them.

Spiderman webbed down before them.

The crowd, reporters, cops...everyone was shocked to see Spiderman standing before their eyes. The hero who was supposed to be dead is back after a year.


"Here, Spiderman, may I ask you a question?"

"Over here, Mr. Spiderman..."

"He's alive!"

"I knew it! I told you all, he's alive. A little explosion ain't enough to take down our hero."

Everyone rushed toward him. The cops were trying their hard to maintain the barricade.

"Oh, boy," Spiderman scratched his head with a smile under his mask. He webbed a microphone from a reporter's hand and jumped up on top of the wall, "Sorry, everyone. Took a while to heal up. I was in a coma, so couldn't let you all know, but as you can see, I'm still alive. And just like my bro said, a little explosion isn't enough to keep this friendly neighborhood hero away from our beloved city." He announced as the crowd cheered and his words were recorded and broadcast on the news.

Spiderman continued to pull the crowd's attention toward him, gaining massive popularity again.

Watching the scene from afar, Frank and Wanda were watching.

"There he goes bragging," Wanda whispered.

"I believe there's nothing called bad publicity." Frank shrugged.



[Daily Bugle]

Jonah felt kinda bad when he learned that Spiderman died in an explosion while trying to stop the mass murderer Green Goblin. He even put his pride aside and posted a very special article titled 'Bravest Hero In New York.'. Which made the whole city proud of him.

But his headache grew even bigger as the sales of Daily Bugle went down and continued to fall even lower and lower, while the circulation of Daily Globe and some local newspapers started to skyrocket. Without Spiderman, Jonah began to contemplate changing the direction of his newspaper. But things didn't go as planned as it was already too late. He tried to find faults in other heroes, but that too didn't work out in his favor.

Just when things were looking bleak and he finally decided to close Daily Bugle down...

His office door flew open...

Liz Allan entered his room and turned on the TV, "Look, who's back from dead."

She decided to become a photographer and freelancer and works for Daily Bugle from time to time, helping out old Jonah at her father's request.

Jonah watched the TV as Spiderman's live interview was being shown. He watched the news without speaking a word. As soon as the interview was over, he jumped up from his chair, "I knew it! That bug was hiding somewhere, plotting his next crime. I knew it. Spiderman is a menace. He blew up that entire building, destroying the hard work of poor workers, and now trying to be a hero. Liz, I need new photos of Spiderman. The front page should be, Menace back from his grave..."


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Next, Ch: 133: Sue likes roleplay

Ch: 134: Sue- Lust & Love

Ch: 135: First time with Sue

Ch: 136: Interlude- 3 sides

Ch: 137: The Red One


Next chapter