

The suit in its simple form turns into two bracelets. When needed a simple voice command activates the suit in its original form. It's the same with the retract. A voice command like 'Sheathe', will force the suit to flow back into its bracelet form.

That's not it. Sue even gave me advanced glasses like the one Tony wears that'll scan the surroundings and keep me updated with the surroundings, the maps, data of the enemies, and such. The glasses also contain some nanites that transform into an emergency suit called 'M2 armor'. The nanites create a mask and the rest spreads across the rest of my body forming a very thin cover around the body, but it isn't as strong as the main armor and is one for emergencies.

I put on the bracelets and the glasses.

"Suit mode on," I commanded.

Immediately, the nanites rushed out of the bracelets, encasing my entire body in red and blue. It took exactly eight seconds to fully cover my body. Man, this feels comfy. I did some flips and stretches. The suit feels like I'm wearing a normal set of clothes. I jumped up to the ceiling and stood upside down.

Sue was watching me with a smile on her face.

"So, how is it?"

"I love it!" I exclaimed as I checked my surroundings through the visor. Sue kept it as simple as possible while packing everything she could. As I looked at my arms, multiple images popped up in a holographic format around my arms, showing me the number of options available to me. There are multiple web shooter configurations, lethal and non-lethal configurations, and so on.

This is awesome. This suit is freaking awesome! I can't wait to use it! But the main problem is I can wear it everywhere. I need to reverse-engineer this piece and remove all the trackers and bugs that she had installed to keep an eye on me. I don't know if she did it, but there's nothing wrong with being cautious.

Anyway, I won't have to use my organic web with these web shooters with self-making webs.

I checked the screen. The visor was reading my eye moments with perfection and showing me the things I was looking at. Ah! There you are, metal legs activate.

A second later the four metal legs unfolded themselves from the sides of my back. There are options to add four more legs and these legs can either be lethal or non-lethal weapons. I crawled around the ceiling and walls with these legs and it's kinda fun.

I jumped off the ceiling and landed on the floor. Then I deactivated the suit.

"By the way, I didn't see the power option on the visor," I said to Sue who was standing near the table where my bracelets and glasses were.

"Oh, that," Sue glanced at me while she leaned on the table, "There isn't any."

"What do you-?! Wait, no way," I blinked in shock. Just how much did she spend on this freaking suit.

"Yep. The suit doesn't need charging as it automatically generates energy from surrounding kinetic energy, heat, and other forms of energy. It can run on it and it also has a self-repair mode, which takes time to repair," She said as she sat on the desk and crossed her legs. "So, what do you think?" Sue asked as she watched me study the suit.

"Why go this far?" I asked her as I walked toward Sue and stood in front of her. "It's a freaking masterpiece. I'm sure the money spent on this suit could buy an island and I'm not talking about a small island, but an actual Island, a couple of them to be exact."

"You're right. But you're worth it," Sue smiled, "You have no idea how many people you have saved. How many lives you've changed, for the better, I should add. And with this suit and your new power, I'm sure you'll be able to reach greater heights. The world is a dangerous place, and you know that better than anyone, and I have a feeling that your battle has just begun."

"Humm..." I touched her knees, opened her legs, and went closer to her. I pulled her closer, grabbing her butt cheeks, "Why do I get the feeling that you are trying to put me in your debt? Wait! You are older than me, we are in a hidden relationship and spending money on a young guy like me... Are you perhaps trying to be my sugar mommy?"

Sue grabbed my throat and looked at me with narrowed eyes. I can literally tell what she's thinking right now.

"What if I am?" She smirked.

"Then what can I do for my sugar mommy for giving me such an awesome gift?" I asked her, tightening my grip on her butt cheeks.

"Well," Sue leaned close to my ear and whispered, "You can start by taking your sugar mommy out for lunch..." She glanced at her wristwatch, "Let's see. 2 PM. Sharp. In the garage." She pecked me on my lips and pushed me away.

I smiled at her. "That I can do."

Next, we tested the suit a bit more and did some re-adjustment for my fingers and stingers.

"By the way, can you tell me a bit about Anna Miller? She works in the Robotics section and has a twin sister," I asked her.

"Anna Miller, huh? Give me a sec," Sue opened her laptop and ran her name through the system. After a few moments, she spoke, "Are you sure her name's Anna Miller?"

"Yeah, saw her ID when I met her in the elevator today. She got out on floor 32," I replied. I have a bad feeling about this. Sue's expression just shifted.

"There is no one by that name in the database. Here check the security footage," She showed me the footage of when I was in the elevator this morning. There was no one beside me?! What the actual fuck? She continued, "The software that runs the system glitched for a second... There..." It was floor 32 when that fake Anna got out, but she's not in the footage. "It was something small that we fixed instantly."

"Then who the heck was she? And how did she fool the entire security system?"

"I don't know, Peter," Sue closed the laptop and stood up. "Floor 32 is indeed the robotics department..."

"Sue, are there any robots that might be lethal on that floor?" I asked her. Man, something smells really fishy. That bitch... I knew something was wrong with her the moment I met her. Twin sister my ass. I might have busted her ass somewhere before.

"Fuck!" She ran toward the door, "C'mon, Peter. If she got tech that advanced to blind us, there's no telling what she might do on a floor filled with robots and deadly weapons."

"Sue, call everyone in the Robotics Department and evacuate the..." Before I could finish...


The entire building shook violently. The ground rumbled as the explosion reached us. I heard the people's screams and shouts.

"Shit!" Sue rushed to the door while I activated my suit



[3rd person POV]

A few hours earlier...

Anna Miller's smile vanished and was replaced with a sly smirk after the elevator door closed. She quickly made her way to the security room.

"Ma'am, may I help you?" The middle-aged half-bald guard in front of the security room asked her.

She already got info on this chump. The guy went through a rough divorce. His wife fucked him over pretty badly in the court. The reason for the divorce is that he likes to spend his time in a stripper club rather than with his wife and has an affair with a prostitute. In public, he behaves like a good man, but in his private life, he is a perv.

"Oh, my. I would be glad if you could help me somewhere private," She put on a fake sad expression while grabbing his hand. The guard looked at her with a confused expression. "You see. I just found out that my boyfriend has been cheating on me with someone in this company. So, please... You think you can help me expose him? Pretty please. I'll make it worth your while," She said as with a pouty face.

"What! That son of a bitch. Cheating on such a beautiful lady. Don't you worry, Ma'am. I'll help you," The guard exclaimed.

"Oh, thank you so much, kind sir," She said with a fake teary expression.

"Heheh..." The guard scratched his bald patchy head as he opened the door to the security room and let her enter. "So, who's the guy?"

Inside the security room, there were twenty guards and a few men behind the screen.

[Sizzzleee!] "Huh?!" The guard turned back after hearing a sizzling sound. Almost instantly, he blacked out and fell on the floor along with the rest of the people in the room. An invisible, odorless knockout gas was released that took less than ten seconds to spread out.

Anna Miller took off her coat revealing a skintight, black suit and her face changed along with her hair. Her height also increased. Her hair turned platinum blonde. She stretched her arms and cracked her fingers.

"Now, shall we begin...?"

[Felicia Hardy (Earth-92131)]


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⭐Read 18 advance Chapters⭐

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Next, Ch: 129: Black Cat

Ch: 130: Fake data & threat around Wanda 

Ch: 131: it's Clobberin' Time

Ch: 132: Menace is back from the grave


Next chapter