

[Peter's first person POV]


It would seem someone cleaned the place and arranged the gadgets accordingly. Everything is there and looks quite alright. I checked the Chameleon's belt and it's out of charge. The Spiderbots and laser wrist guns were also out of charge. I took my encrypted phone and plugged in the charger.

Then I opened the closet and found my old spidey suits. Ah! Good old classic suits. Well, not that I'm going to jump and swing around any time soon. Let Spidey remain dead for a few more months.

[Beep!] [Beep!]

Huh?! My eyes went toward my phone that I just put on charge. That sound is an SOS signal from my spiderbugs. Let's see... I opened the phone and checked the screen. The tracker is working just fine, and the location is Brooklyn. Who could it be? Other than Frank, I doubt anyone has those spiderbugs...

I quickly checked the basement for the prototype bugs that I made, but never used on the field. Nope. Two bugs were missing. The only one who has access to this place is the girls. Now, if I were to guess, then, either Frank or one of my girls are in danger. But I doubt Frank would activate a bug because he doesn't know that I'm still alive, so it doesn't make any sense for him to activate it.

So, I quickly checked on May, MJ, and Michelle. They were sleeping in their rooms. Which means, Gwen! I opened a portal to her room, but it was empty. I can hear police cars outside the house.

What the hell happened to you, Gwen?

I wanted to wait and gather more information from her dad, but I didn't want to wait. I used the portal to go back to the basement. I quickly grabbed my suit, wore it, and opened a portal on top of a building in Brooklyn.

It was late at night, so the city was asleep and the streets were empty. I tracked the signal to a construction site. I webbed onto a nearby tree and looked around. There were large sign boards of Octavius Industries and lots of construction and demolition machinery all around the area. At first glance, there is nothing suspicious going around this place. Those usual regular guards were guarding the private property. But those guards, there is something off about them. They aren't that alert and are basically doing a crappy job.

Well, whatever it is, I'm going in.

It's just had to be Otto. And if I'm not wrong, then he already experimented on himself and became Doctor Octopus. But I have no idea why the hell this bastard took Gwen and brought her here. Whatever it is, or whoever it is, I'm going to kill them brutally if they touch one strand of my blonde angel's hair.

I sneakily entered the building through a ventilation shaft on the rooftop. The whole place is covered in pipes, and water tanks that give some shady and suspicious vibes to this building. The floors seem to be newly constructed, so the pipes and ventilation shaft were clean. I crawled up to the upper floor, following the signal to its final location.

There's light coming from the front. I slowly crawled forward and peeked through the metal grills. Holy shit, Doc Ock!! And the other one is... Wait! That big head and that body... It's Hammerhead, one of Fisk's goons. What are these two freaks doing together? Did they form a villain gang or something? Last time I heard, the street gangs almost destroyed each other through internal war. Did he change sides or are they just working together? Whichever it is, neither of them is gonna walk out of here today.

The doc is working on his new tentacles as for Hammerhead, he is just sitting near the door with his usual gruffy mug.

My eyes fell on Gwen. She was strapped in some kind of oval tube machine with multiple drills and death traps. Just wait a little bit. I'm gonna get you out of there. But the thing is I can't act recklessly like before. That incident with Norman taught me enough to not jump into the fray without proper preparation.

But... I got magic.

I carefully opened a portal inside that tube and teleported Gwen out of that trap to Baxter Building. Nice and clean. All the training with the portal didn't go to waste.

[Booom!] The entrance door flew open. Smoke and dust filled the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound of shotgun shells rang out through the hall. Doc Ock covered himself with his mechanical arms and stopped the shots. But Hammerhead just charged his way through the smoke, crashing into something with a loud, metallic 'Clang!'

Who the hell barged into like that with guns blazing?

That's when I noticed him...

Frank emerged from the smoke in his armor with guns blazing and attacked those two.

W-Why would he put himself in such a dangerous situation with these lunatics? This guy must have followed the Spiderbug's signal and barged in as soon as the signal disappeared. In Baxter Building, the spiderbug transmission won't work due to their security measures. So, he must have thought something bad had happened.

Well, classic Frank style.

But, my dear Frank, you won't be able to take care of these lunatics all alone with just your guns and armor.

Hammerhead, who crashed into a piller, quickly recovered and shooked his head, "Who the fuck are you? Nevermind." He charged at Frank. Every step he took caused an earthquake-like tremor in the building.

Doc Ock quickly grabbed his new arms and began to crawl to the upper floor. His tentacles broke through the ceiling, causing chunks of debris to fall down.

Okay, time for an intervention!


[3rd Person POV]

Spiderman smashed through the vent and jumped out, webbing onto Hammerhead's face, he pulled close, landing an uppercut into his jaws. Hammerhead's body flew up in the air, but Spiderman didn't give him time to recover. He took out his stingers and stabbed Hammerhead's chest, slamming him down on the floor with a loud crash.

Hammerhead didn't even scream and tried to grab Spiderman, but Frank used his shotgun to blast Hammerhead's fists like a freaking watermelon. Spiderman pulled out his right stinger and jammed it into Hammerhead's throat, pushing in the corrosive toxins into his body. Then using both of his stingers, he severed out Hammerhead's head with a swift flick and splattering blood onto the floor.

Hammerhead's body shook violently as corrosive toxin devoured his body, reducing him into a gooey puddle. Spiderman retracted his stingers and turned toward Frank.

Frank, who was living each day in guilt for not being able to save Spiderman, was stunned to see Spidey standing right before his eyes, alive.

"Spidey! You are alive?" Frank took off his helmet. "Are you for real?"

"Yeah. Things happened after that explosion. I survived, but I was out for eight months... Took a while to get back on my feet. But we can catch up later," Spiderman looked at the hole in the ceiling, "Right now, we got a bigger problem to deal with. So, what do you say? Just like old times?" He extended his arm toward Frank.

Frank nodded, grabbing Spidey's hands tightly, "Old times, buddy! Alright, let's do this! But you owe me a proper explanation and a crate of beer."



[Doc Ock's lab. Top floor.]

"Damn, those useless trash. Can't even stop two idiots," The doc grumbled to himself as he saw Spiderman who was supposed to be dead, slicing off Hammerhead's head, "How is he still alive? This doesn't make any sense. No time to think.." He quickly strapped himself to the machine where his old arms would receive new upgrades. The nanites will increase the length of his arms to give him more firepower, agility, and flexibility, plus some added hidden weapons.

A burst of static electricity shot through his nerves as nanites began to fuse with his old arms.

[Zing!] A portal appeared in the room.

Spiderman and Frank jumped out of it.

"You are too late, Spiderman," Doc Ock shouted. He stood up, flexing his new arms, "See? Those old arms are gone. These new arms made with nanotechnology will amplify my powers, allowing me to achieve greater heights." He pointed at the door, "Go back to whatever ditch you dug yourself up from, Spiderman. Get the hell out of my way and go play with some ants. Because I have better things to do than kill a pesky little insect like you."

"You see Spiders are not insects but arachnids, a class of arthropods. So that makes us pretty different than insects. At least they don't make science puns. But let's move on and get into a real battle instead of lame science talk," Spiderman smirked.


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Next, Ch: 124: Spidey vs Doc Ock

Ch: 125: Wolves

Ch: 126: Nasty Sue

Ch: 127: NanoWeave Suit V1

Ch: 128: Intruder


Next chapter